Welcome to the 10th lesson about verbs in Tajik. We will first learn about the present tense, followed by the past tense, and future tense. We will also analyze some grammar rules, and finally practice how to ask for direction in Tajik.
Verbs are used to express an action (I swim) or a state of being (I am). The present tense in Tajik conveys a situation or event in the present time. Here are some examples:
Present Tense - Tajik - Pronunciation |
I speak English ман англисиро медонам [man anhlisiro miedonam] |
you speak French ту фаронсавиро медони [tuju faronsaviro miedoni] |
he speaks German ӯ олмониро медонад [ū olmoniro miedonad] |
she speaks Italian ӯ итолиёвиро медонад [ū itolijeviro miedonad] |
we speak Arabic мо арабиро медонем [mo arabiro miedoniem] |
they speak Chinese онҳо чиниро медонанд [onҳo činiro miedonand] |
The past tense in Tajik conveys a situation or event in the past time. Here are some examples:
Past Tense - Tajik - Pronunciation |
I visited France ман дар Фаронса зиндагонӣ мекунам [man dar Faronsa zindahonī miekunam] |
you visited Italy ту ба Италия рафта буди [tuju ba Italija raftach budzi] |
he visited Morocco ӯ ба Морокко рафта буд [ū ba Morokko raftach bud] |
she visited China ӯ ба Чин рафта буд [ū ba Čyn raftach bud] |
we visited Mexico мо ба Мексико рафта будем [mo ba Mieksika raftach budziem] |
they visited Kenya онҳо ба Кения рафта буданд [onҳo ba Kienija raftach budand] |
The future tense in Tajik conveys a situation or event which is anticipated to happen in the future. Here are some examples:
Future Tense - Tajik - Pronunciation |
I will drink milk ман шир менӯшам [man šyr mienūšam] |
you will drink coffee ту қаҳва менӯши [tuju k'aҳva mienūši] |
he will drink tea ӯ чой менӯшад [ū čoj mienūšad] |
she will drink water ӯ об менӯшад [ū ab mienūšad] |
we will drink apple juice мо шарбати себ менӯшем [mo šarbati sieb mienūšjem] |
they will drink tea онҳо чой менӯшанд [onҳo čoj mienūšand] |
Now let's take a break and refresh our vocabulary by learning the body parts.
ear![]() гўш [hŭš] |
eye![]() чашм [čašm] |
mouth![]() даҳон [daҳon] |
nose![]() бинӣ [binī] |
hair![]() мўй [mŭj] |
face![]() рўй [rŭj] |
head![]() сар [SAR] |
heart![]() дил [dil] |
hand![]() бозу [bozu] |
fingers![]() ангуштон [anhušton] |
leg![]() пой [spiavaj] |
feet![]() кафи пой [kafi spiavaj] |
Imagine yourself in some Tajik speaking country. The following travel phrases are highly important and can help you avoid misunderstanding. Try to memorize them and practice!
English - Tajik - Pronunciation |
Can you help me? шумо ба ман ёрӣ расонида метавонед? [šumo ba man jerī rasonida mietavonied?] |
Can I help you? лаббай? [labbaj?] |
Where is the airport? фурудгоҳ дар кучост? [furudhoҳ dar kučost?] |
Go straight рост равед [rost ravied] |
Then баъд [baʺd] |
Turn left дасти чап гардед [Dasci čap hardied] |
Turn right дасти рост гардед [Dasci rost hardied] |
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Inspirational Quote: Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Goethe |