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Tajik Phrases

Welcome to our seventh lesson about popular Tajik phrases. This page will include greetings, questions, emergency and survival expressions, asking for direction, language practice, introducing yourself, holiday wishes, and finally some travel phrases.

Holiday Wishes - Tajik - Pronunciation
Happy birthday Таваллудатон муборак [Tavalludaton muborak]
Happy new year Соли наватон муборак [Soli navaton muborak]
Merry Christmas Рӯзи мавлуди Исо муборак [Rūzi mavludi ISO muborak]
Good luck Барори кор [Barori kor]
Congratulations Муборак шавад [Muborak šavad]

Travel Phrases - Tajik - Pronunciation
I have a reservation (hotel) Ман ҷой банд карда будам [Man ҷoj band kard budam]
Do you have rooms available? Шумо ҳуҷраҳои холӣ доред? [Šumo ҳuҷraҳoi cholī doried?]
I would like a non-smoking room Ба ман ҳуҷраи барои сигор намекашидагиҳо диҳед [Ba man ҳuҷrai Baro Sihor namiekašidahiҳo diҳjed]
What is the charge per night? Бароя як шаб чанд пул? [Baro jak šab čand pul?]
Is this seat taken? Ин ҷои холист? [Jan ҷoi cholist?]
I'm vegetarian Ман гӯштхӯр нестам [Man hūštchūr niesci]
Waiter Пешхизмат [Piešchizmat]
How much is this? Ин чанд пул меистад? [Jan čand pul mieistad?]
This is very expensive Ин хеле қимат аст [Jan chielie k'imat astra]

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about the phrases in Tajik. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. The next lesson is below.

Inspirational Quote: Every artist was first an amateur. R. W. Emerson

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