Welcome to the third Tajik lesson about nouns. This time we will first learn about fruits and vegetables, followed by grammar rules, then food items, finally a conversation in Tajik to help you practice your daily phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.
potatoes![]() картошкаҳо [kartoškaҳo] |
tomatoes![]() помидорҳо [pomidorҳo] |
onions![]() пиёзҳо [pijezҳo] |
carrots![]() сабзиҳо [sabziҳo] |
fruits![]() меваҳо [mievaҳo] |
apples![]() себҳо [siebҳo] |
bananas![]() бананҳо [bananҳo] |
oranges![]() афлесунҳо [afliesunҳo] |
In general nouns refer to a person, an object, or abstract ideas. For example: a fast runner the noun is [runner] because it refers to a person. The examples below use nouns in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.
Grammar + Rules - Tajik + Pronunciation |
do you have milk? [verb + noun] Шумо шир доред? [Šumo šyr doried?] |
I have milk and coffee [preposition + noun] Ман шир ва қаҳва дорам [Man šyr va k'aҳva doram] |
he has three apples [number + plural noun] У се себ дорад [U sioje sieb Dorada] |
she only has one apple [number + singular noun] У танҳо як себ дорад [U tanҳo jak sieb Dorada] |
we live in a small house [adjective + noun] Мо дар хонаи хурд зиндагонӣ мекунем [Mo dar chonai churd zindahonī miekuniem] |
I like our breakfast [pronoun + noun] Ноништаи мо ба ман маҳқул аст [Noništai mo ba man maҳk'ul astra] |
The following are nouns of food items that you might be interested in learning and memorizing.
bread![]() нон [non] |
milk![]() шир [šyr] |
butter![]() равғани маска [ravġani maska] |
cheese![]() панир [planuje] |
coffee![]() қаҳва [k'aҳva] |
sandwich![]() бутерброд [buterbrod] |
meat![]() гўшт [hŭšt] |
chicken![]() мурғ [murġ] |
fish![]() моҳӣ [moҳī] |
breakfast![]() ноништа [noništa] |
lunch![]() хӯроки пешин [chūroki piešin] |
dinner![]() хўроки шом [chŭroki šom] |
Now we finally reach the fun part, the practice of the daily conversations. These phrases are used to get to know new people, and break the ice.
English - Tajik - Pronunciation |
Do you speak (English/ Tajik)? Шумо забони англисиро/тоҷикиро медонед? [Šumo zaboni anhlisiro / toҷikiro miedonied?] |
Just a little Камтар [Kamtar] |
I like Tajik Ба ман забони тоҷикӣ маҳқул аст [Ba man zaboni Bielaruskaja maҳk'ul astra] |
Can I practice with you? Бо шумо каме сӯҳбат кунам мумкин? [Bo šumo kamieru sūҳbat kunam mumkin?] |
How old are you? Синнусоли шумо чанд аст? [Sinnusoli šumo čand astra?] |
I'm thirty three years old Ман сию се сола ҳастам [Man hetuju voś Sola ҳastam] |
It was nice talking to you Бо сӯҳбат бо шумо хушҳол шудам [Bo sūҳbat bo šumo chušҳol šudam] |
I hope you enjoyed this lesson about the nouns in Tajik. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. Now check the next lesson below.
Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on. |