Welcome to the second Tajik lesson about adjectives. This time we will first learn about colors, followed by grammar rules, then weather expressions, finally a conversation in Tajik to help you practice your daily phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.
black![]() сиёҳ [sijeҳ] |
grey![]() хокистарранг [chokistarranh] |
white![]() сафед [safied] |
blue![]() кабуд [kabud] |
green![]() сабз [sabz] |
yellow![]() зард [zard] |
red![]() сурх [surch] |
brown![]() қаҳваранг [k'aҳvaranh] |
In general adjectives are words which describe or modify another person or object in a given sentence. For example: a beautiful flower the adjective is [beautiful] because it describes the noun [flower]. The following examples use adjectives in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.
Grammar Rules - Tajik + Pronunciation |
my house is white [noun + adjective] Хонаи ман сафед аст [Chonai man safied astra] |
your country is big [noun + adjective] Давлати шумо калон аст [Davlati šumo Kalon astra] |
new books are expensive [plural + adjective] Китобҳои нав гарон мебошанд [Kitobҳoi nav Haron miebošand] |
we are happy here [pronoun + verb + adjective] Мо дар инҷо шод ҳастем [Mo dar inҷo šod ҳastiem] |
she has three small dogs [adjective + plural] Ӯ се саги майда дорад [Ū sioje sahi Majda Dorada] |
this language is very easy [adverb + adjective] Ин забон хеле осон аст [Jan zabon chielie oson astra] |
I have a small green house [adjective + adjective] Ман хонаи майдаи сабз дорам [Man chonai majdan sabz doram] |
We're not done yet! The following is a list of more adjectives for you, often used when referring to weather conditions. I think it would be wise to memorize them.
cold![]() хунук [chunuk] |
hot![]() гарм [Harmi] |
cloudy![]() абрнок [abrnok] |
rainy![]() борон меборад [baron mieborad] |
snowy![]() барф меборад [barf mieborad] |
sunny![]() гармӣ [harmī] |
windy![]() шамол [šamol] |
warm![]() [] |
Now we finally reach the most exciting part, the practice of the daily expressions used in almost every conversation. I recommend memorizing these phrases, because you will need them for sure.
English - Tajik - Pronunciation |
hi Салом [Salam] |
how are you? Чӣ ҳол доред? [Čī ҳol doried?] |
I'm good, thank you Хуб, ташаккур [Chub, tašakkur] |
and you? Шумо чӣ? [Šumo čī?] |
what is your name? Номи шумо чист? [Naminalie šumo čysty?] |
my name is Maya Номи ман Майя [Naminalie man Majia] |
nice to meet you Аз шиносои бо шумо шодам [Az šinosoi bo šumo šodam] |
I hope you enjoyed this lesson about adjectives in Tajik. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. The next lesson is below.
Inspirational Quote: Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier |