Welcome to the fourth Mongolian lesson about the plural. This time we will learn about the singular form and what it looks like in the plural, followed by grammar rules, finally a list of emergency phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.
book![]() ном [nom] |
books![]() номнууд [nomnuud] |
car![]() машин [mashin] |
cars![]() машинууд [mashinuud] |
tree![]() мод [mod] |
trees![]() моднууд [modnuud] |
flower![]() цэцэг [kheekheeg] |
flowers![]() цэцэгс [kheekheegs] |
The plural is the form which refers to more than one object or person. For example: I speak two languages the plural here is [languages] because it refers to more than one [language]. The examples below use plurals in different ways and places to demonstrate how they look wehn converted from their singular form.
Grammar + Rules - Mongolian + Pronunciation |
I speak one language [singular form] би нэг хэлээр ярьдаг [bi kheeg kheekhekheer yarʹdag] |
we speak three languages [plural noun] бид гурван хэлээр ярьдаг [bid gurvan kheekhekheer yarʹdag] |
he visits many countries [adverb + plural noun] тэр эрэгтэй олон улсуудад аялдаг [kheer ekheegkheeĭ olon ulsuudad ayaldag] |
they are happy now [plural pronoun] тэд одоо баяртай байна [kheed odoo bayartaĭ baĭna] |
she has five red shoes [adjective + plural noun] тэр эмэгтэй таван улаан гуталтай [kheer ekheegkheeĭ tavan ulaan gutaltaĭ] |
I want a sandwich without onions [preposition + plural noun] би сонгиногүй сэндвич авмаар байна [bi songinogүĭ kheendvich avmaar baĭna] |
The following is a list of examples showing both the singular and plural form. This demonstrates how the plural is used with humans, objects and animals.
woman![]() эмэгтэй [ekheegkheeĭ] |
women![]() эмэгтэйчүүд [ekheegkheeĭchүүd] |
man![]() эрэгтэй [ekheegkheeĭ] |
men![]() эрэгтэйчүүд [ekheegkheeĭchүүd] |
house![]() байшин [baĭshin] |
houses![]() байшингууд [baĭshinguud] |
cup![]() аяга [ayaga] |
cups![]() аяганууд [ayaganuud] |
cow![]() үнээ [үkhekhee] |
cows![]() үнээнүүд [үkhekheenүүd] |
horse![]() морь [morʹ] |
horses![]() морьд [morʹd] |
Now it's time to practice your Mongolian by looking at these phrases which are related to emergencies. Be prepared when traveling abroad, just in case you need help or by offering help to someone else. I recommend writing these expressions down on a notebook before traveling.
English - Mongolian - Pronunciation |
Help тусламж [tuslamzh] |
Call the ambulance түргэн дуудна уу [tүrgen duudna uu] |
I need a doctor надад эмч хэрэгтэй байна [nadad emch kheekheegkheeĭ baĭna] |
Where is the closest pharmacy? хамгийн ойрхон эмийн сан хаана байгаа вэ? [khamgiĭn oĭrkhon emiĭn san khaana baĭgaa ve?] |
Are you okay? та зугээр үү? [ta zugkheer үү?] |
I am sick би өвдсөн [bi өvdsөn] |
Call the police цагдаа дуудна уу [tsagdaa duudna uu] |
Did you enjoy this lesson about the plural in Mongolian? I hope so, if you have any problem with this lesson contact me with questions you have homepage. You can now check the next lesson below.
Inspirational Quote: The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows. Aristotle |