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If you want to practice what you have learned in Mongolian, then this is your chance. This exam is short but fun. You will be able to see your score after you finish taking the test.
Which one of the following means (hospital)? эмч [emch] эм [em] эмийн сан [emiĭn san] эмнэлэг [emkheekheeg] цагдаа [tsagdaa]Which one of the following means (pencil)? ном [nom] толь бичиг [tolʹ bichig] хуудас [khuudas] харандаа [kharandaa] бичгийн ширээ [bichgiĭn shikhekhee]Which one of the following means (shoes)? бүс [bүs] цамц [tsamts] гутал [gutal] өмд [өmd] малгай [malgaĭ]Which one of the following means (rainy)? хүйтэн [khүĭkheen] халуун [khaluun] цастай [tsastaĭ] нартай [nartaĭ] бороотой [borootoĭ]The word (гал тогоо [gal togoo]) means which of the following: kitchen bedroom house toilet bedThe word (хурдан [khurdan]) means which of the following: always never quickly slowly rarelyThe word (ам [am]) means which of the following: ear eye nose mouth faceThe word (долоо [doloo]) means which of the following: five seven nine three fourHow would you write (why?) хэрхэн? [kheerkheen?] юу? [yuu?] хэн? [kheen?] яагаад? [yaagaad?] хэзээ? [kheezkhee?]