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Armenian Adjectives

Welcome to the second Armenian lesson about adjectives. This time we will first learn about colors, followed by grammar rules, then weather expressions, finally a conversation in Armenian to help you practice your daily phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.

black Audio սև [sev]
grey Audio մոխրագույն [mokhraguyn]
white Audio սպիտակ [spitak]
blue Audio կապույտ [kapuyt]
green Audio կանաչ [kanach’]
yellow Audio դեղին [deghin]
red Audio կարմիր [karmir]
brown Audio դարչնագույն [darch’naguyn]

Adjectives Grammar Rules

In general adjectives are words which describe or modify another person or object in a given sentence. For example: a beautiful flower the adjective is [beautiful] because it describes the noun [flower]. The following examples use adjectives in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.

Grammar Rules - Armenian + Pronunciation
my house is white
[noun + adjective] Իմ տունը սպիտակ է: Audio [Im tuny spitak e]
your country is big
[noun + adjective] Ձեր երկիրը մեծ է: Audio [Dzer yerkiry mets e]
new books are expensive
[plural + adjective] Նոր գրքերը թանկ են: Audio [Nor grk’yery t’ank yen]
we are happy here
[pronoun + verb + adjective] Մենք ուրախ ենք այստեղ: Audio [Menk’ urakh yenk’ aystegh]
she has three small dogs
[adjective + plural] Նա երեք փոքր շնիկ ունի: Audio [Na yerek’ p’vok’r shnik uni]
this language is very easy
[adverb + adjective] Այս լեզուն շատ հեշտ է: Audio [Ays lezun shat hesht e]
I have a small green house
[adjective + adjective] Ես մի փոքր կանաչ տուն ունեմ: Audio [Yes mi p’vok’r kanach’ tun unem]

We're not done yet! The following is a list of more adjectives for you, often used when referring to weather conditions. I think it would be wise to memorize them.

cold Audio ցուրտ [ts’urt]
hot Audio տաք [tak’]
cloudy Audio ամպամած [ampamats]
rainy Audio անձրևոտ [andzrevot]
snowy Audio ձյունոտ [dzyunot]
sunny Audio արևոտ [arevot]
windy Audio քամոտ [k’amot]
warm Audio ջերմ [jerm]

Conversation in Armenian

Now we finally reach the most exciting part, the practice of the daily expressions used in almost every conversation. I recommend memorizing these phrases, because you will need them for sure.

English - Armenian - Pronunciation
hi Բարև [Barev] Audio
how are you? Ինչպես եք? [Inch’pes yek’?] Audio
I'm good, thank you Լավ, շնորհակալ եմ: [Lav, shnorhakal yem] Audio
and you? Դուք ինչպես եք? [Duk’ inch’pes yek’?] Audio
what is your name? Ինչ է Ձեր անունը? [Inch’ e Dzer anuny] Audio
my name is Maya Իմ անունն է Մայա: [Im anunn e Maya] Audio
nice to meet you ՈՒրախ եմ Ձեզ հետ ծանոթանալ: [Urakh yem Dzez het tsanot’anal] Audio

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about adjectives in Armenian. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. The next lesson is below.

Inspirational Quote: Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

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