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Bulgarian Phrases

Welcome to our seventh lesson about popular Bulgarian phrases. This page will include greetings, questions, emergency and survival expressions, asking for direction, language practice, introducing yourself, holiday wishes, and finally some travel phrases.

Holiday Wishes - Bulgarian - Pronunciation
Happy birthday Честит рожден ден! [Chyestit roʐdyen dyen!] Audio
Happy new year Честита нова година! [Chyestita nova guodina!] Audio
Merry Christmas Весела Коледа! [Vyesyela Kolyeda!] Audio
Good luck Успех! [Oospyekh!] Audio
Congratulations Поздравления! [Pozdravlyeniya!] Audio

Travel Phrases - Bulgarian - Pronunciation
I have a reservation (hotel) Имам резервация (за стя) [Imam ryezyervatziya (za stya)] Audio
Do you have rooms available? Имате ли свободни стаи? [Imatye li svobodni stai?] Audio
I would like a non-smoking room Искам стая за непушачи [Iskam staya za nyepooshachi] Audio
What is the charge per night? Каква е цената за нощувка? [Kakva ye tzyenata za noshtoovka?] Audio
Is this seat taken? Това място заето ли е? [Tova myasto zayeto li ye?] Audio
I'm vegetarian Аз съм вегетарианец [Az sʲm vyeguyetarianyetz] Audio
Waiter Келнер! [Kyelnyer!] Audio
How much is this? Колко струва? [Kolko stroova?] Audio
This is very expensive Това е много скъпо [Tova ye mnoguo skʲpo] Audio

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about the phrases in Bulgarian. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. The next lesson is below.

Inspirational Quote: Every artist was first an amateur. R. W. Emerson

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