Welcome to the sixth Assamese lesson about numbers. This time we will learn about cardinal and ordinal numbers, followed by grammar rules, then animal names, finally a conversation in Assamese to help you practice your daily phrases. Click on the sound icon to hear the words.
Cardinal and Ordinal - Assamese - Pronunciation |
one এক [Ēka] |
first প্রথম [Prathama] |
two দুই [Du'i] |
second দ্বিতীয় [Dbitīẏa] |
three তিনি [Tini] |
third তৃতীয় [Tr̥tīẏa] |
four চাৰি [Cārai] |
fourth চতুৰ্থ [Caturtha] |
five পাঁচ [Pām̐ca] |
fifth পঞ্চম [Pañcama] |
six ছয় [Chaẏa] |
sixth ষষ্ঠ [Ṣaṣṭha] |
seven সাত [Sāta] |
seventh সপ্তম [Saptama] |
eight আঠ [Āṭha] |
eighth অষ্টম [Aṣṭama] |
nine ন [Na] |
ninth নৱম [Narama] |
ten দহ [Daha] |
tenth দশম [Daśama] |
eleven এঘাৰ [Ēghāra] |
eleventh একাদশ [Ēkādaśa] |
twelve বাৰ [Bāra] |
twelfth দ্বাদশ [Dbādaśa] |
thirteen তেৰ [Tēra] |
thirteenth ত্ৰয়োদশ [Traẏōdaśa] |
fourteen চৈধ্য [Caidhya] |
once এবাৰ [Ēbāra] |
fifteen পোন্ধৰ [Pōndhara] |
twice দুবাৰ [Dubāra] |
sixteen ষোল্ল [Ṣōlla] |
Monday সোমবাৰ [Sōmabāra] |
seventeen সোতৰ [Sōtara] |
Tuesday মঙলবাৰ [Maṅalabāra] |
eighteen ওঠৰ [Ōṭhara] |
Wednesday বুধবাৰ [Budhabāra] |
nineteen উনৈশ [Unaiśa] |
Thursday বৃহস্পতিবাৰ [Br̥haspatibāra] |
twenty বিশ [Biśa] |
Friday শুক্ৰবাৰ [Śukrabāra] |
seventy one এসত্তৰ [Ēsattara] |
Saturday শনিবাৰ [Śanibāra] |
one hundred এশ [Ēśa] |
Sunday ৰবিবাৰ [Rabibāra] |
Assamese cardinal numbers refer to the counting numbers, because they show quantity. For example: I speak two languages. Ordinal numbers on the other hand tell the order of things and their rank: my first language is Assamese. The examples below use numbers in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.
Grammar + Rules - Assamese + Pronunciation |
I have three dogs [number + noun] মোৰ তিনিটা কুকুৰ আছে। [Mōra tiniṭā kukura āchē.] |
my daughter has two cats [number + noun] মোৰ ছোৱালীজনীৰ দুটা মেকুৰী আছে। [Mōra chōraālījanīra duṭā mēkuraī āchē.] |
she speaks seven languages [verb + number] তেখেতে সাতটা ভাষা কয়। [Tēkhētē sātaṭā bhāṣā kaẏa.] |
my brother has one son [number + singular noun] মোৰ ভাইটিৰ এটা ল'ৰা আছে। [Mōra bhā'iṭira ēṭā la'raā āchē.] |
this is my second lesson [ordinal number + noun] এইটো মোৰ দ্বিতীয় পাঠ। [Ē'iṭō mōra dbitīẏa pāṭha.] |
did you read the third book? [ordinal number + noun] আপুনি তৃতীয় কিতাপখন পঢ়িছেনে? [Āpa tīsarē kitapakhana parhichene haiṁ?] |
We're not done yet! The following is a list of animals.
cow![]() গৰু [Garau] |
goat![]() ছাগলী [Chāgalī] |
donkey![]() গাধ [Gādha] |
horse![]() ঘোঁৰা [Ghōm̐raā] |
dog![]() কুকুৰ [Kukura] |
cat![]() মেকুৰী [Mēkuraī] |
mouse![]() নিগনি [Nigani] |
bird![]() চৰাই [Caraā'i] |
Now we finally reach the last part, the practice of the daily conversations. These phrases are used to get to know new people, and break the ice.
English - Assamese - Pronunciation |
Where are you from? আপুনি ক'ৰ (পৰা আহিছে) ? [Āpuni ka'ra (paraā āhichē)?] |
I'm from the U.S মই আমেৰিকাৰ (পৰা আহিছোঁ)। [Ma'i āmēraikāra (paraā āhichōm̐).] |
I'm American মই আমেৰিকান। [Ma'i āmēraikāna.] |
Where do you live? আপুনি ক'ত থাকে? [Āpuni ka'ta thākē?] |
I live in the U.S মই আমেৰিকাত থাকোঁ। [Ma'i āmēraikāta thākōm̐.] |
What do you do for a living? আপুনি কি কৰে? [Āpuni ki karaē?] |
I'm a student মই এজন ছাত্ৰ (male) | ছাত্ৰী (female)। [Ma'i ējana chātra | chātraī.] |
Did you enjoy this lesson about numbers in Assamese? I hope so, if you have any problem with this lesson contact me with questions you have homepage. You can now check the next lesson below.
Inspirational Quote: Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. William B. Sprague |