Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Uzbek vocabulary. We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Uzbek. For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components.
shirt![]() |
sweater![]() |
jacket![]() |
coat![]() |
socks![]() |
shoes![]() |
trousers![]() |
pajamas![]() |
belt![]() |
underwear![]() |
hat![]() |
skirt![]() |
The following words are related to languages and countries.
Language - Uzbek - Country - Uzbek |
Arabic arab |
Morocco morokko |
Chinese hitoy |
China hitoy |
English ingliz |
England angliya |
French fransuz |
France frantsiya |
German nemis |
Germany olmoniya |
Greek yunoniy |
Greece yunon |
Portuguese portugal |
Portugal portugaliya |
Hindi hindi |
India hindiston |
Italian italian |
Italy italiya |
Japanese yapon |
Japan yaponiya |
Russian rus |
Russia rossiya |
Spanish espan |
Spain espaniya |
Swedish shvet |
Sweden shvetsiya |
The following vocabulary is related to travel and survival.
Travel - Uzbek |
airport tayyoragoh, aeroport |
doctor doktor |
airplane tayyora, samolyot |
medicines dori-darmonlar |
train poezd |
pharmacy dorixona |
taxi taksi |
hospital shifoxona |
bus avtobus |
ambulance tez yordam |
car mashina |
poison zahar, dori |
ticket chipta |
help me menga yordam bering |
hotel mehmonxona |
danger xavf |
reservation buyurtma |
accident halokat |
passport pasport |
police militsiya |
luggage yuk |
headache bosh og'riq |
tourism turizm |
stomach ache qorin og'rig'i |
The following list of words is related to a class environment and the components of a house.
Class - Uzbek |
books kitoblar |
toilet tualet,hojatxona |
pen ruchka |
bed karavot |
dictionary lu'gat |
bedroom yotoqxona |
library kutubxona |
furniture mebel |
desk stol |
house o'y |
student talaba |
kitchen oshxona |
teacher domullo, o'stoz |
plate likop |
chair stul |
refrigerator holodilnik |
paper qog'oz |
room xona |
page bet |
table stol |
pencil qalam |
window deraza, oyna |
question savol |
television televizor |
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Inspirational Quote: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You have to work for it, however. Richard Bach |