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Uzbek Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Uzbek list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow kofe


Milk Arrow sut


Breakfast Arrow nonushta


Lunch Arrow tushlik


Dinner Arrow tushki ovqat


Bread Arrow non


Cheese Arrow pishloq


Chicken Arrow jo'ja


Eggs Arrow tuxumlar


Fish Arrow baliq


Food Arrow ovqat


Fruit Arrow mevalar


Meat Arrow go'sht


Sandwich Arrow sendvich


Sugar Arrow shakar


Tea Arrow choy


Tomatoes Arrow pomidorlar


Vegetables Arrow Sabzovotlar


Water Arrow suv


Belt Arrow kamar


Clothes Arrow kiyimlar


Coat Arrow palto


Dress Arrow ko'ylak


Glasses Arrow Ko'zoynak


Gloves Arrow Qo'lqop


Hat Arrow shlyapa


Jacket Arrow jaket, kurtka


Pants (Trousers) Arrow shim


Ring Arrow Uzuk


Shirt Arrow futbolka, ko'ylak


Shoes Arrow poyafzal


Socks Arrow kalta paypoq


Suit Arrow Kostyum shim


Sweater Arrow sviter


Tie Arrow Galstuk


Umbrella Arrow soyabon


Underwear Arrow ichki kiyim


Wallet Arrow hamyon


Watch Arrow Qo'l soati


Do you like my dress? Arrow Ko'ylagim sizga yoqdimi?


Book Arrow kitob


Books Arrow kitoblar


Chair Arrow stul


Desk Arrow stol


Dictionary Arrow lu'gat


Languages Arrow Tillar


Library Arrow kutubxona


Laptop Arrow noutbuk kompyuter


Page Arrow bet, sahifa


Paper Arrow qog'oz


Pen Arrow ruchka


Question Arrow savol


School Arrow Maktab


Student Arrow talaba


Teacher Arrow o'qituvchi


University Arrow universitet, dorilfunun


I have a question Arrow Savolim bor


What's the name of that book? Arrow Ana u kitobning nomi nima?


Arm Arrow qo'l


Back Arrow orqa


Ear Arrow quloq


Eye Arrow ko'z


Face Arrow yuz


Feet Arrow oyoqlar


Fingers Arrow barmoqlar


Hair Arrow soch


Hand Arrow qo'l


Head Arrow bosh


Heart Arrow yurak


Leg Arrow oyoq


Mouth Arrow og'iz


Neck Arrow bo'yin


Nose Arrow burun


Teeth Arrow tishlar


She has beautiful eyes Arrow Uning ko'zlari chiroyli!


Airplane Arrow tayyora, samolyot


Airport Arrow tayyoragoh, aeroport


Bus Arrow avtobus


Bus station Arrow Avtovokzal/avtostansiya


Car Arrow mashina


Flight Arrow Reys


Help Desk Arrow Yordam olish (berish)stoli


Hotel Arrow mehmonxona


Passport Arrow pasport


Taxi Arrow taksi


Ticket Arrow chipta


Tourism Arrow Turizm


Train (noun) Arrow poezd


Train station Arrow Temir yo'l vokzali


By train Arrow Poezdda/poezd bilan


By car Arrow Moshinada


By bus Arrow Avtobusda


By taxi Arrow Taksida


By airplane Arrow Tayyorada


Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Kredit karta bilan savdo qilasizmi? Kredit kartasi orqali to'lov qabul qilasizmi?


How much will it cost? Arrow Qancha bo'ladi?


I have a reservation Arrow Men band qilib qo'yganman


I'd like to rent a car Arrow Men ijaraga mashina olsam degandim


I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow Men bu erga ish bilan/sayohatga kelganman


Is this seat taken? Arrow Bu yer bo'shmi?


Good luck! Arrow Omad yor bo'lsin!


Happy birthday! Arrow Tug'ilgan kuning bilan!


Happy new year! Arrow Yangi yilingiz bilan!


Merry Christmas! Arrow Rojdestvo bayrami muborak!


Baby Arrow chaqaloq


Boy Arrow o'g'il bola


Brother Arrow aka/uka


Child (female) Arrow qiz bola


Child (male) Arrow o'g'il bola


Cousin (female) Arrow ammavachcha, holavachcha, amakivachcha, tog'avachcha


Cousin (male) Arrow ammavachcha, holavachcha, amakivachcha, tog'avachcha


Daughter Arrow qiz


Father Arrow ota


Girl Arrow qiz


Grandfather Arrow buva/kattadada


Grandmother Arrow buvi


Husband Arrow er


Man Arrow erkak


Mother Arrow ona


People Arrow odamlar/insonlar


Sister Arrow opa/singil


Son Arrow o'g'il


Wife Arrow xotin


Woman Arrow ayol


How old is your sister? Arrow Sizning singlingiz necha yoshda?


What's your brother called? Arrow Akangizning/ukangizning ismi nima?


Actor Arrow aktyor


Actress Arrow aktrissa


Artist Arrow artist/ san'atkor


Businessman Arrow tadbirkor


Doctor Arrow shifokor


Nurse Arrow Hamshira


Policeman Arrow politsiyachi


Singer Arrow qo'shiqchi/ashulachi


Student Arrow talaba


Teacher Arrow domullo, ustoz, o'qituvchi, muallim


Translator Arrow tarjimon


He is a policeman Arrow U politsiya hodimi


I'm an artist Arrow Men artistman.


I'm looking for a job Arrow Men ish izlayapman


Days Arrow Kunlar


Monday Arrow dushanba


Tuesday Arrow seshanba


Wednesday Arrow chorshanba


Thursday Arrow payshanba


Friday Arrow juma


Saturday Arrow shanba


Sunday Arrow yakshanba


January Arrow Yanvar


February Arrow Fevral


March Arrow Mart


April Arrow Aprel


May Arrow May


June Arrow Iyun


July Arrow Iyul


August Arrow Avgust


September Arrow Sentyabr


October Arrow Oktyabr


November Arrow Noyabr


December Arrow Dekabr


Autumn Arrow kuz


Winter Arrow qish


Spring Arrow bahor


Summer Arrow yoz


Time Arrow vaqt


Hour Arrow soat


Minute Arrow daqiqa


Second Arrow ikkinchi


I was born in July Arrow Men iyulda tug'ilganman


I will visit you in August Arrow Men avgustda seni ko'rgani kelaman


Cold Arrow sovuq


Hot Arrow issiq


Rain Arrow yomg'ir


Snow Arrow qor


Spring Arrow bahor


Summer Arrow yoz


Sun Arrow Quyosh


Sunny Arrow quyoshli


Warm Arrow Iliq


Wind Arrow Shamol


Windy Arrow shamolli


Winter Arrow qish


It is raining Arrow Yomg'ir yog'yapti


It is sunny Arrow Quyosh charaqlayapti


It is windy Arrow Shamol esyapti


It's cold Arrow Sovuq


It's hot Arrow Issiq


Bed Arrow karavot


Bedroom Arrow yotoqxona


Computer Arrow kompyuter


Door Arrow eshik


Furniture Arrow mebel


House Arrow uy


Kitchen Arrow oshxona


Refrigerator Arrow holodilnik/sovutgich/muzlatgich


Room Arrow xona


Television Arrow televizor


Toilet Arrow tualet,hojatxona


Window Arrow deraza, oyna


Can you open the window? Arrow Derazani ocha olasizmi?


I need to use the computer Arrow Bu kompyuterni ishlatishim kerak


Arabic Arrow arab tili


Moroccan Arrow Marokashlik


Morocco Arrow Marokash


Chinese (language) Arrow Xitoy tili


Chinese (nationality) Arrow Hitoylik


China Arrow Xitoy


English Arrow ingliz tili


British Arrow Britaniyalik


Britain Arrow Britaniya


American Arrow Amerikalik


America Arrow AQSh


French (language) Arrow fransuz tili


French (nationality) Arrow Fransuz


France Arrow Frantsiya


Italian (language) Arrow italian tili


Italian (nationality) Arrow Italiyalik


Italy Arrow Italiya


Japanese (language) Arrow yapon tili


Japanese (nationality) Arrow Yaponiyalik


Japan Arrow Yaponiya


Russian (language) Arrow rus tili


Russian (nationality) Arrow Rus/O'ris


Russia Arrow Rossiya


Spanish (language) Arrow ispan tili


Spanish (nationality) Arrow Ispan


Spain Arrow Ispaniya


I don't speak Korean Arrow Men Koreyscha gapirmayman


I speak Italian Arrow Men Italiyan tilida gapira olaman


I want to go to Germany Arrow Men Germaniyaga borishni istayman/xohlayman


I was born in Italy Arrow Men Italiyada tug'ilganman


Black Arrow qora


Blue Arrow k'ok, zangori


Brown Arrow jigar rang


Colors Arrow Ranglar


Green Arrow yashil


Orange Arrow zarg'aldoq rangli


Red Arrow qizil


White Arrow oq


Yellow Arrow sariq


I have black hair Arrow Mening sochim qora


Your cat is white Arrow Sening mushuging oq


Far Arrow Uzoq


Here Arrow shu (bu) erda


Left Arrow Chap


Right Arrow O'ng


Near Arrow yonida


Straight Arrow To'g'ri


There Arrow u erda


Can I help you? Arrow Sizga yordamim kerakmi?


Can you help me? Arrow Menga yordam bera olasizmi?


Can you show me? Arrow Menga ko'rsata olasizmi?


Come with me! Arrow Men bilan yuring!


I'm lost Arrow Men adashib qoldim


I'm not from here Arrow Men bu yerlik emasman


Turn left Arrow Chapga qayriling


Turn right Arrow O'ngga qayriling


Can you take less? Arrow Arzonroq bo'ladimi?


Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Kredit karta bilan savdo qilasizmi? Kredit kartasi orqali to'lov qabul qilasizmi?


How much is this? Arrow Bu necha pul?


I'm just looking Arrow Shunchaki qarayapman


Only cash please! Arrow Faqat naqd pul, iltimos!


This is very expensive Arrow Bu juda qimmat


I'm vegetarian Arrow Men vegetarianman


It is very delicious! Arrow Bu juda mazali!


May we have the check please? Arrow Iltimos, hisobni bering


The bill please! Arrow kvitansiyani bersangiz!


Waiter / waitress! Arrow Ofisiant


What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow Nima tavsiya qilasiz?


What's the name of this dish? Arrow Bu taomning nomi nima?


Menu Arrow Menyu


Spoon Arrow qoshiq


No problem! Arrow Muammo yoq, gap yo'q


Accident Arrow halokat


Ambulance Arrow tez yordam


Doctor Arrow shifokor


Headache Arrow bosh og'riq


Heart attack Arrow yurak xuruji


Help me Arrow menga yordam bering


Hospital Arrow shifoxona


Medicines Arrow dori-darmonlar


Pharmacy Arrow dorixona


Poison Arrow zahar, dori


Police Arrow militsiya


Stomach ache Arrow qorin og'rig'i


Are you okay? Arrow Tuzukmisiz?


Call a doctor! Arrow shifokorni chaqiring


Call the ambulance! Arrow tez tibbiy yordam xizmatini chaqiring


Call the police! Arrow militsiyani chaqiring


Calm down! Arrow Tinchlaning!


I feel sick Arrow ko'nglim ayniyapti


It hurts here Arrow Bu yer og'riyapti


It's urgent! Arrow Kechiktirib bo'lmaydigan masala! Bu juda shoshilinch!


Stop! Arrow To'xtang!


Thief! Arrow O'g'ri!


Animal Arrow Hayvon


Cat Arrow mushuk


Dog Arrow it, kuchuk


Horse Arrow ot


Do you have any animals? Arrow Sizni birorta hayvonongiz bormi


I have a dog Arrow Mening itim bor


Small Arrow kichkina


Big Arrow katta


Tall Arrow baland


Short Arrow qisqa


Cheap Arrow Arzon


Expensive Arrow qimmat


Good Arrow Yaxshi


Bad Arrow Yomon


Wrong Arrow noto'g'ri


Right (correct) Arrow to'g'ri


New Arrow yangi


Old (opposite of new) Arrow eski


Young Arrow yosh


Old (opposite of young) Arrow qari/keksa


Difficult Arrow og'ir


Easy Arrow oson


This is too expensive Arrow Bu juda qimmat


Am I right or wrong? Arrow Gapim to'g'rimi yoki noto'g'ri?


Here Arrow shu (bu) erda


There Arrow u erda


Quickly Arrow Tez


Really Arrow haqiqatdan ham


Slowly Arrow Sekin


Always Arrow har doyim


Never Arrow hech qachon


Sometimes Arrow vaqt-ma-vaqt, ba'zan/ vaqti-vaqti bilan


Next week Arrow kelasi haftasida


Now Arrow hozir


Soon Arrow yaqin orada


Today Arrow bugun


Tomorrow Arrow ertaga


Tonight Arrow bugun tunda


Yesterday Arrow kecha


Do you like it here? Arrow Bu er sizga yoqdimi?


See you later! Arrow Uchrashguncha!


Thank you very much! Arrow Katta rahmat!


Woman Arrow ayol


Women Arrow ayollar


Man Arrow erkak


Men Arrow erkaklar


Boy Arrow o'g'il bola


Boys Arrow o'g'il bolalar


Girl Arrow qiz bola


Girls Arrow qizlar


Country Arrow mamlakat


Countries Arrow Mamlakatlar


We speak two languages Arrow Biz ikki tilda so'zlashamiz


Cat Arrow mushuk


Dog Arrow it, kuchuk


Woman Arrow ayol


Women Arrow ayollar


Mother Arrow ona


Sister Arrow opa/singil


I have a dog Arrow Mening itim bor


I speak Italian Arrow Men Italiyan tilida gapira olaman


A French teacher is here Arrow Bir fransuz tili o'qituvchisi shu erda


The French teacher is here Arrow O'sha fransuz tili o'qituvchisi shu erda


Some languages are hard Arrow Ba'zi tillar qiyin


Many languages are easy Arrow Ko'p tillar oson


The student speaks Korean Arrow Ana u talaba Koreys tilida gaplashadi


A student speaks Korean Arrow Talaba Koreys tilida gaplashadi


Some students speak Korean Arrow Ba'zi talabalar Koreys tilida gaplashishadi


In front of Arrow … qarshisida


Behind Arrow orqada


Before Arrow oldin


After Arrow keyin


Inside Arrow ichida


With Arrow bilan


Without Arrow …siz, be…


Outside Arrow tashqarida


On top of Arrow … tepasida


Under Arrow tagida, pastida


And Arrow va


Between Arrow o'rtasida


But Arrow lekin, ammo


For Arrow uchun


From Arrow …dan


In Arrow ichida


Near Arrow Yaqin


Or Arrow Yoki


Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Siz bilan Italyancha so'zlashishni mashq qilsam bo'ladimi?


I speak French but with an accent Arrow Men Fransuvcha gaplashaman, lekin aksentim bor


Boy Arrow o'g'il bola


Girl Arrow qiz bola


Man Arrow erkak


Woman Arrow ayol


Father Arrow ota


Mother Arrow ona


Brother Arrow aka/uka


Sister Arrow opa/singil


Cat (Masc.) Arrow Mushuk


Cat (Fem.) Arrow Mushuk


He is tall Arrow U baland


She is tall Arrow U (ayol) baland


He is a short man Arrow U pakana odam


She is a short woman Arrow U baland bo'yli ayol


One Arrow bir


Two Arrow ikki


Three Arrow uch


Four Arrow to'rt


Five Arrow besh


Six Arrow olti


Seven Arrow yetti


Eight Arrow sakkiz


Nine Arrow to'qqiz


Ten Arrow o'n


I Arrow men


You Arrow sen


He Arrow u (erkak)


She Arrow u (ayol)


We Arrow biz


You (plural) Arrow Sizlar


They Arrow ular


I love you Arrow Men sizni sevaman


Me Arrow menga


You Arrow senga


Him Arrow unga


Her Arrow unga


Us Arrow bizga


You (plural) Arrow Sizlar


Them Arrow ularga


Give me your phone number Arrow Telefon raqamingizni bering


I can give you my email Arrow Sizga emailimni berishim mumkin


My Arrow mening


Your Arrow sening


His Arrow uning


Her Arrow uning


Our Arrow bizning


Your (plural) Arrow Sizlar


Their Arrow ularning


His email is … Arrow Uning emaili ...


My phone number is … Arrow Mening telefon raqamim ...


How? Arrow Qanday?/Qanday qilib?


What? Arrow Nima?


When? Arrow Qachon?


Where? Arrow Qaerda?


Who? Arrow Kim?


Why? Arrow Nimaga?/nima uchun?


Can I help you? Arrow Sizga yordamim kerakmi?


Can you help me? Arrow Menga yordam bera olasizmi?


Do you speak English? Arrow Inglizcha gapirasizmi?


How much is this? Arrow Bu necha pul?


What is your name? Arrow Ismingiz nima?


What time is it? Arrow Soat necha bo'ldi?


When can we meet? Arrow Qachon uchrashsak bo'ladi?


Where do you live? Arrow Qaerda yashaysiz?


Who is knocking at the door? Arrow Kim eshikni taqqillatyapti?


Why is it expensive? Arrow bu nega qimmat?


No Arrow Yo'q


Nothing Arrow Hech narsa


Not yet Arrow Hali yo'q


No one Arrow Hech kim


No longer Arrow Endi yo'q


Never Arrow hech qachon


Cannot Arrow Qilib bo'lmaydi


Should not Arrow Bo'lmasligi kerak


Don't worry! Arrow Ovora bo'lmang!/Havotir olmang


I cannot remember the word Arrow O'sha so'z esimda yo'q


I do not speak Japanese Arrow Biz yaponcha gapirmaymiz


I don't know! Arrow Bilmayman


I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow Men hali Italyanchada bemalol so'zlasholmayman


No one here speaks Greek Arrow Bu erda hech kim Grekcha so'zlashmaydi


No problem! Arrow Muammo yoq, gap yo'q


To drive Arrow Moshinada yurmoq


To drive Arrow Mashina haydamoq


To give Arrow Bermoq


To have Arrow Ega bo'lmoq


To know Arrow Bilmoq


To understand Arrow Tushunmoq


To work Arrow Ishlamoq


To write Arrow Yozmoq


He understands me Arrow U meni tushunadi


He understood me Arrow U meni tushundi


He will understand me Arrow U meni tushunadi


I see you Arrow Sizni ko'ryapman


He reads a book Arrow U kitob o'qiydi


He understands me Arrow U meni tushunadi


She has a cat Arrow Uning mushugi bor


She knows my friend Arrow U mening do'stimni biladi


We want to learn Arrow Biz o'rganishni istaymiz


We think Spanish is easy Arrow Biz Ispan tilini oson deb o'ylaymiz


They drive a car Arrow Ular mashina haydashadi


They smile Arrow Ular kulishadi


I saw you Arrow Men sizni ko'rdim


I wrote with a pen Arrow Men ruchkada yozdim


You loved apples Arrow Siz olmalarni xush ko'rdingiz


You gave money Arrow Siz pul berdingiz


You played tennis Arrow Siz tennis o'ynadingiz


He understood me Arrow U meni tushundi


She had a cat Arrow Unda mushuk bor edi


She knew my friend Arrow U mening do'stimni bilardi


We wanted to learn Arrow Biz o'rganishni istardik


They smiled Arrow Ular kulishdi


I will see you Arrow Sizni ko'raman


I will write with a pen Arrow Ruchkada yozaman


He will read a book Arrow U kitob o'qiydi


He will understand me Arrow U meni tushunadi


We will think about you Arrow Biz siz haqingizda o'ylaymiz


Go! Arrow Yur!


Stop! Arrow To'xtang!


Don't Go! Arrow Borma!


Stay! Arrow Tur!


Come here! Arrow Bu erga kel!


Be quiet! Arrow Jim bo'ling!


Go straight Arrow To'g'riga yuring


Wait! Arrow Kutib turing!


Let's go! Arrow Qani ketdik!


Sit down! Arrow O'tiring!


Good Arrow yahshi


Better Arrow yaxshiroq


Best Arrow eng yaxshi


Bad Arrow yomon


Worse Arrow yomonroq


Worst Arrow eng yomon


Taller Arrow balandroq


Shorter Arrow kaltaroq


Younger Arrow yoshroq


Older Arrow kattaroq


As tall as Arrow ...dek baland


Taller than Arrow ...dan balandroq


Shorter than Arrow ...dan kichikroq


More beautiful Arrow Chiroyliroq


Less beautiful Arrow Chroysizroq


Most beautiful Arrow Eng chiroyli


Happy Arrow Baxtliman


Happier Arrow Baxtliroq


Happiest Arrow Eng Baxtli


You are happy Arrow Siz baxtlisiz


You are as happy as Maya Arrow Siz Mayadek baxtlisiz


You are happier than Maya Arrow Siz Mayadan ko'ra baxtliroqsiz


You are the happiest Arrow Siz eng baxtlisiz


Hi! Arrow Salom!


Good morning! Arrow Xayrli tong


Good afternoon! Arrow Xayrli kun


Good evening! Arrow Xayrli kech!


How are you? (polite) Arrow Yaxshimisiz?


How are you? (friendly) Arrow Ahvollar qalay?


What's up? (colloquial) Arrow Nima yangiliklar?


I'm fine, thank you! Arrow Men yahshiman, rahmat!


And you? (polite) Arrow O'zingiz yaxshimisiz?


And you? (friendly) Arrow O'zingchi?


Good Arrow Yaxshi


Do you speak English? Arrow Inglizcha gapirasizmi?


Just a little Arrow Ozgina


What's your name? Arrow Ismingiz nima?


My name is (John Doe) Arrow Ismim ...


Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow Janob ... /Xonim...


Nice to meet you! Arrow Ko'rishgandan xursandman!


You're very kind! Arrow Juda mehribonsiz!


Where are you from? Arrow Qaerliksiz?


I'm from the U.S Arrow Men AQSHdanman


I'm American Arrow Men Amerikalikman


Where do you live? Arrow Qaerda yashaysiz?


I live in the U.S Arrow Men AQSHda yashayman


Do you like it here? Arrow Bu er sizga yoqdimi?


How old are you? Arrow Necha yoshdasiz?


I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow Men (yigirman, o'ttiz ...) yoshdaman


Are you married? Arrow Uylanganmisiz? (man) Turmushga chiqqanmisiz? (woman)


Do you have children? Arrow Bolalaringiz bormi?


I have to go Arrow Ketishim kerak


I will be right back! Arrow Hozir tezda qaytaman


Nice to meet you! Arrow Ko'rishgandan xursandman!


Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Siz bilan Italyancha so'zlashishni mashq qilsam bo'ladimi?


My French is bad Arrow Men fransuzcha yomon gapiraman


I need to practice my French Arrow Men fransuzchadan mashq qilishim kerak


Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow Sayir qilishni hohlaysizmi?


Can I have your phone number? Arrow telefon raqamingizni bera olasizmi?


Can I have your email? Arrow Emailingizni bera olasizmi?


Are you married? Arrow Uylanganmisiz? (man) Turmushga chiqqanmisiz? (woman)


I'm single Arrow Uylanmaganman (men) Turmush chiqmaganman (woman)


Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow Ertaga kechqurun vaqtingiz bormi?


I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow Sizni kechki ovqatga taklif qilmoqchiman


Where do you live? Arrow Qaerda yashaysiz?


When can we meet? Arrow Qachon uchrashsak bo'ladi?


Do you like it? Arrow Sizga yoqdimi?


I really like it! Arrow Menga juda yoqdi


I love you Arrow Men sizni sevaman


Would you marry me? Arrow Menga turmushga chiqing?/Turmush quraylik!


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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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