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If you want to practice what you have learned in Russian, then this is your chance. This exam is short but fun. You will be able to see your score after you finish taking the test.
Which one of the following means (hospital)? врач [vrach] медикаменты [myedikamyenti] аптека [aptyeka] больница [bolʲnitza] полиция [politziya]Which one of the following means (pencil)? книги [knigi] словарь [slovarʲ] страница [stranitza] карандаш [karandash] стол [stol]Which one of the following means (shoes)? ремень [ryemyenʲ] рубашка [roobashka] обувь [oboovʲ] брюки [bryoki] шляпа [shlyapa]Which one of the following means (rainy)? холодный [kholodniy] горячий [goryachiy] снежный [snyeʐniy] солнечный [solnyechniy] дождливый [doʐdliviy]The word (кухня [kookhnya]) means which of the following: kitchen bedroom house toilet bedThe word (быстро [bistro]) means which of the following: always never quickly slowly rarelyThe word (рот [rot]) means which of the following: ear eye nose mouth faceThe word (семь [syemʲ]) means which of the following: five seven nine three fourHow would you write (why?) каким образом? [kakim obrazom?] что? [chto?] кто? [kto?] почему? [pochyemoo?] когда? [kogda?]