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Japanese Numbers

Welcome to the sixth Japanese lesson about numbers. This time we will learn about cardinal and ordinal numbers, followed by grammar rules, then animal names, finally a conversation in Japanese to help you practice your daily phrases. Click on the sound icon to hear the words.

Cardinal and Ordinal - Japanese - Pronunciation
one[ichi] Audio
first 最初の [saisho no] Audio
two[ni] Audio
second 2番目の [ni banme no] Audio
three[san] Audio
third 3番目の [san banme no] Audio
four[yon] Audio
fourth 4番目の [yon banme no] Audio
five[go] Audio
fifth 5番目の [go banme no] Audio
six[roku] Audio
sixth 6番目の [roku banme no] Audio
seven[nana] Audio
seventh 7番目の [nana banme no] Audio
eight[hachi] Audio
eighth 8番目の [hati banme no] Audio
nine[kyuu] Audio
ninth 9番目の [kyuu banme no] Audio
ten[juu] Audio
tenth 10番目の [juu banme no] Audio
eleven 十一 [juu ichi] Audio
eleventh 11番目の [juu ichi banme no] Audio
twelve 十二 [juu ni] Audio
twelfth 12番目の [juu ni banme no] Audio
thirteen 十三 [juu san] Audio
thirteenth 13番目の [juu san banme no] Audio
fourteen 十四 [juu yon] Audio
once 1回 [ik kai] Audio
fifteen 十五 [juu go] Audio
twice 2回 [ni kai] Audio
sixteen 十六 [juu roku] Audio
Monday 月曜日 [getsuyoubi] Audio
seventeen 十七 [juu nana] Audio
Tuesday 火曜日 [kayoubi] Audio
eighteen 十八 [juu hachi] Audio
Wednesday 水曜日 [suiyoubi] Audio
nineteen 十九 [juu kyuu] Audio
Thursday 木曜日 [mokuyoubi] Audio
twenty 二十 [ni juu] Audio
Friday 金曜日 [kinyoubi] Audio
seventy one 七十一 [nana juu ichi] Audio
Saturday 土曜日 [doyoubi] Audio
one hundred[hyaku] Audio
Sunday 日曜日 [nichiyoubi] Audio

Numbers Grammar Rules

Japanese cardinal numbers refer to the counting numbers, because they show quantity. For example: I speak two languages. Ordinal numbers on the other hand tell the order of things and their rank: my first language is Japanese. The examples below use numbers in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.

Grammar + Rules - Japanese + Pronunciation
I have three dogs
[number + noun] 私は犬を3匹飼っています。 Audio [watashi wa inu o san biki kat te i masu]
my daughter has two cats
[number + noun] 私の娘は猫を2匹飼っています。 Audio [watashi no musume wa neko o ni hiki kat te i masu]
she speaks seven languages
[verb + number] 彼女は7つの言語を話せます。 Audio [kanojo wa nana tsu no gengo o hanase masu]
my brother has one son
[number + singular noun] 私の兄弟には息子が一人います。 Audio [watashi no kyoudai ni wa musuko ga hitori i masu]
this is my second lesson
[ordinal number + noun] これは私の2回目のレッスンです。 Audio [kore wa watashi no ni kai me no ressun desu]
did you read the third book?
[ordinal number + noun] あなたは3冊目の本を読みましたか? Audio [anata wa san satsu me no hon o yomi mashi ta ka?]

We're not done yet! The following is a list of animals.

cow Audio[ushi]
goat Audio ヤギ [yagi]
donkey Audio ロバ [roba]
horse Audio[uma]
dog Audio[inu]
cat Audio[neko]
mouse Audio ネズミ [nezumi]
bird Audio[tori]

Conversation in Japanese

Now we finally reach the last part, the practice of the daily conversations. These phrases are used to get to know new people, and break the ice.

English - Japanese - Pronunciation
Where are you from? どこの出身ですか? [doko no shusshin desu ka?] Audio
I'm from the U.S 米国から来ました。 [beikoku kara ki mashi ta] Audio
I'm American 私はアメリカ人です。 [watashi wa amerika jin desu] Audio
Where do you live? お住まいはどちらですか? [o sumai wa dochira desu ka?] Audio
I live in the U.S 米国に住んでいます。 [beikoku ni sun de i masu] Audio
What do you do for a living? お仕事は何ですか? [o shigoto wa nan desu ka?] Audio
I'm a student 私は学生です。 [watashi wa gakusei desu] Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about numbers in Japanese? I hope so, if you have any problem with this lesson contact me with questions you have homepage. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. William B. Sprague

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