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Cantonese Vocabulary

Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Cantonese vocabulary. We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Cantonese. For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components. The sound is also provided.

shirt Audio 恤衫 [seot1 saam1]
sweater Audio 汗衫 [hon4 saam1]
jacket Audio 外套 [ngoi6 tou3]
coat Audio 外套 [ngoi6 tou3]
socks Audio 襪子 [maat6 zi2]
shoes Audio[haai4]
trousers Audio[fu3]
pyjamas Audio 睡衣 [seoi6 ji1]
belt Audio 皮帶 [pei4 daai2]
underwear Audio 內衣 [naap6 ji1]
hat Audio[mou6]
skirt Audio 裙子 [kwan4 zi2]

The following words are related to languages and countries.

Language - Cantonese - Pronunciation - Country - Cantonese - Pronunciation
Arabic 阿拉伯語 [aa2 laa1 baa3 jyu5] Audio
Morocco 摩洛哥 [mo1 lok3 go1] Audio
Chinese 中文 [zung1 man4] Audio
China 中國 [zung1 gwok3] Audio
English 英文 [jing1 man4] Audio
England 英國 [jing1 gwok3] Audio
French 法文 [faat3 man4] Audio
France 法國 [faat3 gwok3] Audio
German 徳文 [dak1 man4] Audio
Germany 徳國 [dak1 gwok3] Audio
Greek 希臘語 [hei1 laap6 jyu5] Audio
Greece 希臘 [hei1 laap6] Audio
Portuguese 葡萄牙文 [pou4 tou4 ngaa4 man4] Audio
Portugal 葡萄牙 [pou4 tou4 ngaa4] Audio
Hindi 印度語 [jan3 dok6 jyu5] Audio
India 印度 [jan3 dok6] Audio
Italian 意大利文 [ji3 daai6 lei6 man4] Audio
Italy 意大利 [ji3 daai6 lei6] Audio
Japanese 日文 [jat6 man4] Audio
Japan 日本 [jat6 bun2] Audio
Russian 俄語 [ngo4 jyu5] Audio
Russia 俄國 [ngo4 gwok3] Audio
Spanish 西班牙文 [sai1 baan1 ngaa4 man4] Audio
Spain 西班牙 [sai1 baan1 ngaa4] Audio
Swedish 瑞典文 [seoi6 din2 man4] Audio
Sweden 瑞典 [seoi6 din2] Audio

The following vocabulary is related to travel and survival.

Travel - Cantonese - Pronunciation
airport 機場 [gei1 coeng4] Audio
doctor 醫生 [ji1 saang1] Audio
airplane 飛機 [fei1 gei1] Audio
medicines 機器 [gei1 hei3] Audio
train 火車 [fo2 ce1] Audio
pharmacy 藥房 [joek6 fong2] Audio
taxi 的士 [di1 si6] Audio
hospital 醫院 [ji1 jyun2] Audio
bus 巴士 [baa1 si6] Audio
ambulance 救護車 [gau3 wu6 ce1] Audio
car 汽車 [hei3 ce1] Audio
poison 毒藥 [duk6 joek6] Audio
ticket 門票 [mun4 biu1] Audio
help me 幫我 [bong1 ngo5] Audio
hotel 酒店 [zau2 dim3] Audio
danger 危險 [ngai4 him2] Audio
reservation 訂位 [deng6 wai2] Audio
accident 意外 [ji3 ngoi6] Audio
passport 旅行證件 [leoi5 haang4 zing3 gin6] Audio
police 警察 [ging2 caat3] Audio
luggage 行李 [haang4 lei5] Audio
headache 頭痛 [tau4 tung3] Audio
tourism 旅遊 [leoi5 jau4] Audio
stomach ache 胃痛 [wai6 tung3] Audio

The following list of words is related to a class environment and the components of a house.

Class - Cantonese - Pronunciation
books [] Audio
toilet 廁所 [cak1 so2] Audio
pen[bat1] Audio
bed 臥室 [ngo6 sat1] Audio
dictionary 字典 [zi6 din2] Audio
bedroom 睡房 [seoi6 fong2] Audio
library 圖書館 [tou4 syu1 gun2] Audio
furniture 傢俬 [gaa1 si1] Audio
desk[coek3] Audio
house[nguk1] Audio
student 學生 [hok6 saang1] Audio
kitchen 廚房 [ceoi4 fong2] Audio
teacher 老師 [lou5 si1] Audio
plate[dip6] Audio
chair 椅子 [ji1 zi2] Audio
refrigerator 雪櫃 [syut3 gwai6] Audio
paper[zi2] Audio
room 房間 [fong2 gaan1] Audio
page[jip6] Audio
table[coek3] Audio
pencil 鉛筆 [jyun4 bat1] Audio
window[coeng1] Audio
question 問題 [man6 tai4] Audio
television 電視 [din6 si6] Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about the Cantonese vocabulary? I hope so. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You have to work for it, however. Richard Bach

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