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Cantonese Plural

Welcome to the fourth Cantonese lesson about the plural. This time we will learn about the singular form and what it looks like in the plural, followed by grammar rules, finally a list of emergency phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.

book Audio 書本 [syu1 bun2]
books Audio 書本 [syu1 bun2]
car Audio 汽車 [hei3 ce1]
cars Audio 汽車 [hei3 ce1]
tree Audio[syu6]
trees Audio[syu6]
flower Audio 花卉 [faa1 wai2]
flowers Audio 花卉 [faa1 wai2]

Plural Grammar Rules

The plural is the form which refers to more than one object or person. For example: I speak two languages the plural here is [languages] because it refers to more than one [language]. The examples below use plurals in different ways and places to demonstrate how they look when converted from their singular form.

Grammar + Rules - Cantonese + Pronunciation
I speak one language
[singular form] 我會講一種語言 Audio [ngo5 kui2 gong2 jat1 zung2 jyu5 jin4]
we speak three languages
[plural noun] 我們會講三種語言 Audio [ngo5 mun4 kui2 gong2 saam1 zung2 jyu5 jin4]
he visits many countries
[adverb + plural noun] 他遊覽很多國家 Audio [taa1 jau4 laam5 han2 do1 gwok3 gaa1]
they are happy now
[plural pronoun] 他們現在很開心 Audio [taa1 mun4 jin6 zoi6 han2 hoi1 sam1]
she has five red shoes
[adjective + plural noun] 她有五對鞋子 Audio [ji1 jau5 ng5 deoi3 haai4 zi2]
I want a sandwich without onions
[preposition + plural noun] 我想要一件沒有洋蔥的三文治 Audio [ngo5 soeng2 jiu1 jat1 gin6 mut6 jau5 joeng4 cung1 di1 saam1 man4 ci4]

The following is a list of examples showing both the singular and plural form. This demonstrates how the plural is used with humans, objects and animals.

woman Audio 女人 [jyu5 jan4]
women Audio 女士們 [jyu5 si6 mun4]
man Audio 男人 [naam4 jan4]
men Audio 男士們 [naam4 si6 mun4]
house Audio 屋 (房屋) [nguk1 fong2 nguk1]
houses Audio 房屋 [fong2 nguk1]
country Audio 茶杯 [caa4 bui1]
countries Audio 茶杯 [caa4 bui1]
cow Audio[ngau4]
cows Audio[ngau4]
horse Audio[maa5]
horses Audio[maa5]

Emergency Phrases

Now it's time to practice your Cantonese by looking at these phrases which are related to emergencies. Be prepared when traveling abroad, just in case you need help or by offering help to someone else. I recommend writing these expressions down on a notebook before traveling.

English - Cantonese - Pronunciation
Help 救命啊! [gau3 meng6 aa1] Audio
Call the ambulance 叫十字車! [giu3 sap6 zi6 ce1] Audio
I need a doctor 我需要醫生 [ngo5 seoi1 jiu1 ji1 saang1] Audio
Where is the closest pharmacy? 最近的藥房在哪裡? [zeoi3 gan6 di1 joek6 fong2 zoi6 naa1 lei5] Audio
Are you okay? 你無事吧? [nei5 mou4 si6 baa1] Audio
I am sick 我覺得唔舒服 [ngo5 gaau3 dak1 m4 syu1 fuk6] Audio
Call the police 叫警察! [giu3 ging2 caat3] Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about the plural in Cantonese? I hope so, if you have any problem with this lesson contact me with questions you have homepage. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows. Aristotle

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