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Cantonese Phrases

Welcome to our seventh lesson about popular Cantonese phrases. This page will include greetings, questions, emergency and survival expressions, asking for direction, language practice, introducing yourself, holiday wishes, and finally some travel phrases.

Holiday Wishes - Cantonese - Pronunciation
Happy birthday 生日快樂! [saang1 jat6 faai3 lok6] Audio
Happy new year 新年快樂! [san1 nin4 faai3 lok6] Audio
Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂! [sing3 daan3 faai3 lok6] Audio
Good luck 祝你好運! [zuk1 nei5 hou2 wan6] Audio
Congratulations 恭喜! [gung1 hei2] Audio

Travel Phrases - Cantonese - Pronunciation
I have a reservation (hotel) 我訂了房間(一個房間) [ngo5 deng6 liu5 fong2 gaan1 jat1 go3 fong2 gaan1] Audio
Do you have rooms available? 你有房嗎? [nei5 jau5 fong2 maa1] Audio
I would like a non-smoking room 我要非吸煙房間 [ngo5 jiu1 fei1 kap1 jin1 fong2 gaan1] Audio
What is the charge per night? 房租每晚是多少? [fong2 zou1 mui5 maan5 si6 do1 siu2] Audio
Is this seat taken? 這個座位有人嗎? [ze2 go3 zo6 wai2 jau5 jan4 maa1] Audio
I'm vegetarian 我是食齋的 [ngo5 si6 ji6 zaai1 di1] Audio
Waiter 仕應 / 女仕應! [si6 jing1 jyu5 si6 jing1] Audio
How much is this? 這個多少錢? [ze2 go3 do1 siu2 cin2] Audio
This is very expensive 這太昂貴 [ze2 taai3 ngong4 gwai3] Audio

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about the phrases in Cantonese. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. The next lesson is below.

Inspirational Quote: Every artist was first an amateur. R. W. Emerson

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