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Romanian Vocabulary

Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Romanian vocabulary. We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Romanian. For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components.

shirt Audio cămaşă
sweater Audio pulover
jacket Audio sacou
coat Audio haină
socks Audio şosete
shoes Audio pantofi
trousers Audio pantaloni
pyjamas Audio pijama
belt Audio curea
underwear Audio lenjerie de corp
hat Audio pălărie
skirt Audio fustă

The following words are related to languages and countries.

Language - Romanian - Country - Romanian
Arabic arabă Audio
Morocco Maroc Audio
Chinese chineză Audio
China china Audio
English engleză Audio
England Anglia Audio
French franceză Audio
France Franţa Audio
German germană Audio
Germany Germania Audio
Greek greacă Audio
Greece Grecia Audio
Portuguese portughez Audio
Portugal Portugalia Audio
Hindi hindusă Audio
India India Audio
Italian italiană Audio
Italy Italia Audio
Japanese japoneză Audio
Japan Japonia Audio
Russian rusă Audio
Russia Rusia Audio
Spanish spaniolă Audio
Spain Spania Audio
Swedish suedeză Audio
Sweden Suedia Audio

The following vocabulary is related to travel and survival.

Travel - Romanian
airport aeroport Audio
doctor medic Audio
airplane avion Audio
medicines medicamente Audio
train tren Audio
pharmacy farmacie Audio
taxi taxi Audio
hospital spital Audio
bus autobuz Audio
ambulance ambulanţă Audio
car maşină Audio
poison otravă Audio
ticket bilet Audio
help me ajută-mă Audio
hotel hotel Audio
danger pericol Audio
reservation rezervare Audio
accident accident Audio
passport paşaport Audio
police poliţie Audio
luggage bagaje Audio
headache durere de cap Audio
tourism turism Audio
stomach ache durere de stomac Audio

The following list of words is related to a class environment and the components of a house.

Class - Romanian
books cărţi Audio
toilet toaletă Audio
pen stilou Audio
bed pat Audio
dictionary dicţionar Audio
bedroom dormitor Audio
library bibliotecă Audio
furniture mobilier Audio
desk birou Audio
house casă Audio
student student Audio
kitchen bucătărie Audio
teacher profesor Audio
plate farfurie Audio
chair scaun Audio
refrigerator frigider Audio
paper hârtie Audio
room cameră Audio
page pagină Audio
table tabel Audio
pencil creion Audio
window fereastră Audio
question întrebare Audio
television televiziune Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about the Romanian vocabulary? I hope so. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You have to work for it, however. Richard Bach

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