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Romanian Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Romanian list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow cafea

Milk Arrow lapte

Breakfast Arrow mic dejun

Lunch Arrow prânz

Dinner Arrow cină

Bread Arrow pâine

Cheese Arrow brânză

Chicken Arrow pui

Eggs Arrow oua

Fish Arrow peÅŸte

Food Arrow alimente

Fruit Arrow fructe

Meat Arrow carne

Sandwich Arrow sandwich

Sugar Arrow zahăr

Tea Arrow ceai

Tomatoes Arrow roÅŸii

Vegetables Arrow legume

Water Arrow apa

Belt Arrow curea

Clothes Arrow haine

Coat Arrow haină

Dress Arrow rochie

Glasses Arrow ochelari

Gloves Arrow manusi

Hat Arrow pălărie

Jacket Arrow sacou

Pants (Trousers) Arrow pantaloni

Ring Arrow inel

Shirt Arrow cămaşă

Shoes Arrow pantofi

Socks Arrow ÅŸosete

Suit Arrow costum

Sweater Arrow pulover

Tie Arrow cravata

Umbrella Arrow umbrelă

Underwear Arrow lenjerie de corp

Wallet Arrow portofel

Watch Arrow ceas

Do you like my dress? Arrow Iti place rochia mea?

Book Arrow carte

Books Arrow cărţi

Chair Arrow scaun

Desk Arrow birou

Dictionary Arrow dicţionar

Languages Arrow Limbi

Library Arrow bibliotecă

Laptop Arrow laptop

Page Arrow pagină

Paper Arrow hârtie

Pen Arrow stilou

Question Arrow întrebare

School Arrow Scoala

Student Arrow student

Teacher Arrow profesor

University Arrow universitate

I have a question Arrow Am o intrebare

What's the name of that book? Arrow Cum se numeste acea carte?

Arm Arrow braţ

Back Arrow spate

Ear Arrow ureche

Eye Arrow ochi

Face Arrow faţă

Feet Arrow picioare

Fingers Arrow degete

Hair Arrow păr

Hand Arrow mână

Head Arrow cap

Heart Arrow inimă

Leg Arrow picior

Mouth Arrow gură

Neck Arrow gât

Nose Arrow nas

Teeth Arrow dinţi

She has beautiful eyes Arrow Ea are ochi frumosi

Airplane Arrow avion

Airport Arrow aeroport

Bus Arrow autobuz

Bus station Arrow Statie de autobuz

Car Arrow maşină

Flight Arrow Zbor

Help Desk Arrow Birou de informatii

Hotel Arrow hotel

Passport Arrow paÅŸaport

Taxi Arrow taxi

Ticket Arrow bilet

Tourism Arrow Turism

Train (noun) Arrow tren

Train station Arrow Gara

By train Arrow Cu trenul

By car Arrow Cu masina

By bus Arrow Cu autobusul

By taxi Arrow Cu taxi

By airplane Arrow Cu avionul

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Acceptati carti de credit?

How much will it cost? Arrow Cat va costa?

I have a reservation Arrow Am o rezervare

I'd like to rent a car Arrow Doresc sa inchiriez o masina

I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow Sunt aici pentru afaceri/in vacanta.

Is this seat taken? Arrow E ocupat locul acesta?

Good luck! Arrow Noroc!

Happy birthday! Arrow La multi ani!

Happy new year! Arrow La multi ani!

Merry Christmas! Arrow Craciun fericit!

Baby Arrow bebelus

Boy Arrow băiat

Brother Arrow frate

Child (female) Arrow fetita

Child (male) Arrow baietel

Cousin (female) Arrow verisoara

Cousin (male) Arrow verisor

Daughter Arrow fiică

Father Arrow tată

Girl Arrow fată

Grandfather Arrow bunic

Grandmother Arrow bunică

Husband Arrow soţ

Man Arrow bărbat

Mother Arrow mamă

People Arrow oameni

Sister Arrow soră

Son Arrow fiu

Wife Arrow soţie

Woman Arrow femeie

How old is your sister? Arrow Ce varsta are sora ta?

What's your brother called? Arrow Cum il cheama pe fratele tau?

Actor Arrow actor

Actress Arrow actrita

Artist Arrow artist

Businessman Arrow om de afaceri

Doctor Arrow medic

Nurse Arrow asistenta

Policeman Arrow poliţist

Singer Arrow cantaret

Student Arrow student

Teacher Arrow profesor

Translator Arrow translator

He is a policeman Arrow El este un politist

I'm an artist Arrow Sunt un artist

I'm looking for a job Arrow Imi caut de lucru

Days Arrow Zile

Monday Arrow luni

Tuesday Arrow marţi

Wednesday Arrow miercuri

Thursday Arrow joi

Friday Arrow vineri

Saturday Arrow sâmbătă

Sunday Arrow duminică

January Arrow ianuarie

February Arrow februarie

March Arrow martie

April Arrow aprilie

May Arrow mai

June Arrow iunie

July Arrow iulie

August Arrow august

September Arrow septembrie

October Arrow octombrie

November Arrow noiembrie

December Arrow decembrie

Autumn Arrow toamnă

Winter Arrow iarnă

Spring Arrow primăvară

Summer Arrow vară

Time Arrow timp

Hour Arrow oră

Minute Arrow minut

Second Arrow al doilea

I was born in July Arrow M-am nascut in iulie

I will visit you in August Arrow Te vizitez in august

Cold Arrow rece

Hot Arrow fierbinte

Rain Arrow ploaie

Snow Arrow zăpadă

Spring Arrow primăvară

Summer Arrow vară

Sun Arrow soare

Sunny Arrow însorit

Warm Arrow cald

Wind Arrow Vant

Windy Arrow vântos

Winter Arrow iarnă

It is raining Arrow Ploua

It is sunny Arrow Este insorit

It is windy Arrow Este vantos

It's cold Arrow Este frig

It's hot Arrow Este fierbinte

Bed Arrow pat

Bedroom Arrow dormitor

Computer Arrow calculator

Door Arrow usa

Furniture Arrow mobilier

House Arrow casă

Kitchen Arrow bucătărie

Refrigerator Arrow frigider

Room Arrow cameră

Television Arrow televiziune

Toilet Arrow toaletă

Window Arrow fereastră

Can you open the window? Arrow Poti sa deschizi fereastra?

I need to use the computer Arrow Trebuie sa folosesc calculatorul

Arabic Arrow arabă

Moroccan Arrow marocan

Morocco Arrow Maroc

Chinese (language) Arrow chineză

Chinese (nationality) Arrow chinez

China Arrow china

English Arrow engleză

British Arrow britanic

Britain Arrow Marea Britanie

American Arrow american

America Arrow America

French (language) Arrow franceză

French (nationality) Arrow francez

France Arrow Franţa

Italian (language) Arrow italiană

Italian (nationality) Arrow italian

Italy Arrow Italia

Japanese (language) Arrow japoneză

Japanese (nationality) Arrow japonez

Japan Arrow Japonia

Russian (language) Arrow rusă

Russian (nationality) Arrow rus

Russia Arrow Rusia

Spanish (language) Arrow spaniolă

Spanish (nationality) Arrow spaniol

Spain Arrow Spania

I don't speak Korean Arrow Nu vorbesc correana

I speak Italian Arrow Vorbesc italiana

I want to go to Germany Arrow Vreau sa merg in Germania

I was born in Italy Arrow Eu m-am nascut in Italia

Black Arrow negru

Blue Arrow albastru

Brown Arrow maro

Colors Arrow culori

Green Arrow verde

Orange Arrow portocaliu

Red Arrow roÅŸu

White Arrow alb

Yellow Arrow galben

I have black hair Arrow Eu am parul negru

Your cat is white Arrow Pisica ta este alba

Far Arrow Departe

Here Arrow aici

Left Arrow Stanga

Right Arrow Dreapta

Near Arrow lângă

Straight Arrow Inainte

There Arrow acolo

Can I help you? Arrow Te pot ajuta?

Can you help me? Arrow Ma poti ajuta?

Can you show me? Arrow Imi puteti arata?

Come with me! Arrow Vino cu mine!

I'm lost Arrow Sunt pierdut

I'm not from here Arrow Nu sunt de aici

Turn left Arrow Intoarce spre stanga

Turn right Arrow Intoarce spre dreapta

Can you take less? Arrow Acceptati mai putin?

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Acceptati carti de credit?

How much is this? Arrow Cat costa asta?

I'm just looking Arrow Doar ma uit

Only cash please! Arrow Doar bani pesin, va rog!

This is very expensive Arrow Aceasta este foarte scumpa

I'm vegetarian Arrow Eu sunt vegetarian

It is very delicious! Arrow E foarte delicios!

May we have the check please? Arrow Putem primi nota, va rog?

The bill please! Arrow Nota va rog!

Waiter / waitress! Arrow Chelner!

What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow Ce recomandati?

What's the name of this dish? Arrow Cum se numeste acest fel de mancare?

Menu Arrow meniu

Spoon Arrow lingură

No problem! Arrow Nici o problema!

Accident Arrow accident

Ambulance Arrow ambulanţă

Doctor Arrow medic

Headache Arrow durere de cap

Heart attack Arrow Atac de cord

Help me Arrow ajută-mă

Hospital Arrow spital

Medicines Arrow medicamente

Pharmacy Arrow farmacie

Poison Arrow otravă

Police Arrow poliţie

Stomach ache Arrow durere de stomac

Are you okay? Arrow eÅŸti bine?

Call a doctor! Arrow Suna un medic!

Call the ambulance! Arrow sună ambulanţa!

Call the police! Arrow sună la poliţie!

Calm down! Arrow Linisteste-te!

I feel sick Arrow Ma simt rau

It hurts here Arrow Ma doare acolo

It's urgent! Arrow E urgent!

Stop! Arrow Stop!

Thief! Arrow Hotul!

Animal Arrow animal

Cat Arrow pisică

Dog Arrow câine

Horse Arrow cal

Do you have any animals? Arrow Ai animale?

I have a dog Arrow Eu am un caine

Small Arrow mic

Big Arrow mare

Tall Arrow inalt

Short Arrow scurt

Cheap Arrow ieftin

Expensive Arrow scump

Good Arrow Bine

Bad Arrow Rau

Wrong Arrow greÅŸit

Right (correct) Arrow corect

New Arrow nou

Old (opposite of new) Arrow vechi

Young Arrow tânăr

Old (opposite of young) Arrow batran

Difficult Arrow dificil

Easy Arrow uÅŸor

This is too expensive Arrow Asta e prea scump

Am I right or wrong? Arrow Am dreptate sau gresesc?

Here Arrow aici

There Arrow acolo

Quickly Arrow Repede

Really Arrow într-adevăr

Slowly Arrow Incetisor

Always Arrow mereu

Never Arrow niciodată

Sometimes Arrow uneori

Next week Arrow săptămâna viitoare

Now Arrow acum

Soon Arrow în curând

Today Arrow astăzi

Tomorrow Arrow mâine

Tonight Arrow în seara aceasta

Yesterday Arrow ieri

Do you like it here? Arrow Va place acolo?

See you later! Arrow Pe mai tarziu!

Thank you very much! Arrow Multumesc frumos!

Woman Arrow femeie

Women Arrow femei

Man Arrow bărbat

Men Arrow bărbaţi

Boy Arrow băiat

Boys Arrow baieti

Girl Arrow fată

Girls Arrow fete

Country Arrow ţară

Countries Arrow Tari

We speak two languages Arrow Noi vorbim doua limbi

Cat Arrow pisică

Dog Arrow câine

Woman Arrow femeie

Women Arrow femei

Mother Arrow mamă

Sister Arrow soră

I have a dog Arrow Eu am un caine

I speak Italian Arrow Vorbesc italiana

A French teacher is here Arrow Aici este un profesor de franceza

The French teacher is here Arrow Aici este profesorul de franceza

Some languages are hard Arrow Unele limbi sunt grele

Many languages are easy Arrow Multe limbi sunt usoare

The student speaks Korean Arrow Studentul vorbeste coreeana

A student speaks Korean Arrow Un student vorbeste coreeana

Some students speak Korean Arrow Unii studenti vorbesc coreeana

In front of Arrow în faţa

Behind Arrow în spatele

Before Arrow înainte

After Arrow după

Inside Arrow în interiorul

With Arrow cu

Without Arrow fără

Outside Arrow în exteriorul

On top of Arrow pe partea de sus a

Under Arrow sub

And Arrow ÅŸi

Between Arrow între

But Arrow dar

For Arrow pentru

From Arrow de la

In Arrow în

Near Arrow Langa

Or Arrow sau

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Pot sa exersez intaliana cu tine?

I speak French but with an accent Arrow Vorbesc franceza, dar cu un accent

Boy Arrow băiat

Girl Arrow fată

Man Arrow bărbat

Woman Arrow femeie

Father Arrow tată

Mother Arrow mamă

Brother Arrow frate

Sister Arrow soră

Cat (Masc.) Arrow motan

Cat (Fem.) Arrow pisica

He is tall Arrow El este inalt

She is tall Arrow Ea este inalta

He is a short man Arrow El este un barbat scund

She is a short woman Arrow Ea este o femeie scunda

One Arrow unu

Two Arrow doi

Three Arrow trei

Four Arrow patru

Five Arrow cinci

Six Arrow ÅŸase

Seven Arrow ÅŸapte

Eight Arrow opt

Nine Arrow nouă

Ten Arrow zece

I Arrow eu

You Arrow tu

He Arrow el

She Arrow ea

We Arrow noi

You (plural) Arrow voi

They Arrow ei/ele

I love you Arrow Te iubesc

Me Arrow pe mine /mie/îmi/-mi

You Arrow pe tine/ţie/îţi/-ţi

Him Arrow pe el/lui/îi/i-

Her Arrow pe ea/ei/îi/i-

Us Arrow pe noi/ne/nouă/-ne

You (plural) Arrow pe voi/va/voua/v-

Them Arrow pe ei/ pe ele/le/l-

Give me your phone number Arrow Da-mi numarul tau de telefon

I can give you my email Arrow Iti pot da adresa mea de email

My Arrow meu/mea

Your Arrow tău/ta

His Arrow lui

Her Arrow ei

Our Arrow nostru/noastră/noştri/noastre

Your (plural) Arrow vostru/voastra/vostri/voastre

Their Arrow lor

His email is … Arrow Adresa lui de email este...

My phone number is … Arrow Numarul meu de telefon este...

How? Arrow Cum?

What? Arrow Ce?

When? Arrow Unde?

Where? Arrow Unde?

Who? Arrow Cine?

Why? Arrow De ce?

Can I help you? Arrow Te pot ajuta?

Can you help me? Arrow Ma poti ajuta?

Do you speak English? Arrow Vorbiti engleza?

How much is this? Arrow Cat costa asta?

What is your name? Arrow Cum va numiti?

What time is it? Arrow Cat este ceasul?

When can we meet? Arrow Cand ne putem intalni?

Where do you live? Arrow Unde locuiti?

Who is knocking at the door? Arrow Cine bate la usa?

Why is it expensive? Arrow De ce este scump ?

No Arrow nu

Nothing Arrow nimic

Not yet Arrow nu inca

No one Arrow nici unul/nici una

No longer Arrow

Never Arrow niciodată

Cannot Arrow nu pot

Should not Arrow nu ar trebui

Don't worry! Arrow Nu te ingrijora!

I cannot remember the word Arrow Nu imi amintesc cuvantul

I do not speak Japanese Arrow Eu nu vorbesc japoneza

I don't know! Arrow Nu stiu!

I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow Inca nu vorbesc fluent italiana

No one here speaks Greek Arrow Nimeni altcineva aici nu vorbeste greaca

No problem! Arrow Nici o problema!

To drive Arrow Cu masina

To drive Arrow a conduce

To give Arrow a da

To have Arrow a avea

To know Arrow a sti

To understand Arrow a intelege

To work Arrow a lucra

To write Arrow a scrie

He understands me Arrow El ma intelege

He understood me Arrow El ma intelegea

He will understand me Arrow El ma va intelege

I see you Arrow Eu te vad

He reads a book Arrow El citeste o carte

He understands me Arrow El ma intelege

She has a cat Arrow Ea are o pisica

She knows my friend Arrow Ea il cunoaste pe prietenul meu

We want to learn Arrow Noi vrem sa invatam

We think Spanish is easy Arrow Noi credem ca spaniola este usoara

They drive a car Arrow Ei conduc o masina

They smile Arrow Ei zambesc

I saw you Arrow Eu te-am vazut pe tine

I wrote with a pen Arrow Eu am scris cu un stilou

You loved apples Arrow Tu iubeai merele

You gave money Arrow Tu dadeai bani

You played tennis Arrow Tu jucai tenis

He understood me Arrow El ma intelegea

She had a cat Arrow Ea avea o pisica

She knew my friend Arrow Ea il cunostea pe prietenul meu

We wanted to learn Arrow Noi vroiam sa invatam

They smiled Arrow Ei zambeau

I will see you Arrow Eu te voi vedea

I will write with a pen Arrow Eu voi scrie cu un stilou

He will read a book Arrow El va citi o carte

He will understand me Arrow El ma va intelege

We will think about you Arrow Noi ne vom gandi la tine

Go! Arrow Du-te!

Stop! Arrow Stop!

Don't Go! Arrow Nu te duce!

Stay! Arrow Stai!

Come here! Arrow Vino aici!

Be quiet! Arrow Taci!

Go straight Arrow Mergi drept inainte

Wait! Arrow Asteapta!

Let's go! Arrow Sa mergem!

Sit down! Arrow Stai jos!

Good Arrow bun

Better Arrow mai bun

Best Arrow cel mai bun

Bad Arrow rău

Worse Arrow mai rau

Worst Arrow cel mai rau

Taller Arrow mai inalt

Shorter Arrow mai scund

Younger Arrow mai tanar

Older Arrow mai batran

As tall as Arrow la fel de inalt ca si

Taller than Arrow mai inalt decat

Shorter than Arrow mai scund decat

More beautiful Arrow mai frumos

Less beautiful Arrow mai putin frumos

Most beautiful Arrow cel mai frumos

Happy Arrow Fericit

Happier Arrow mai fericit

Happiest Arrow cel mai fericit

You are happy Arrow Tu esti fericit

You are as happy as Maya Arrow Tu esti la fel de fericit ca si Maya

You are happier than Maya Arrow Tu esti mai fericit decat Maya

You are the happiest Arrow Tu esti cel mai fericit

Hi! Arrow Salut!

Good morning! Arrow Buna dimineata!

Good afternoon! Arrow Buna ziua!

Good evening! Arrow Buna seara!

How are you? (polite) Arrow Cum sunteti?

How are you? (friendly) Arrow Cum esti?

What's up? (colloquial) Arrow Ce mai faci?

I'm fine, thank you! Arrow Sunt bine, multumesc!

And you? (polite) Arrow Si dumneavoastra?

And you? (friendly) Arrow Si tu?

Good Arrow Bine

Do you speak English? Arrow Vorbiti engleza?

Just a little Arrow Doar putin

What's your name? Arrow Cum va numiti?

My name is (John Doe) Arrow Ma numesc (John Doe)

Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow Dl.../Dna.../Dra...

Nice to meet you! Arrow Ma bucur sa va cunosc!

You're very kind! Arrow

Where are you from? Arrow De unde sunteti?

I'm from the U.S Arrow Eu sunt din Statele Unite

I'm American Arrow Eu sunt american

Where do you live? Arrow Unde locuiti?

I live in the U.S Arrow Eu locuiesc in Statele Unite

Do you like it here? Arrow Va place acolo?

How old are you? Arrow Ce varsta aveti?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow Am (douazeci, treizeci...) de ani

Are you married? Arrow Sunteti casatorit?

Do you have children? Arrow Aveti copii?

I have to go Arrow Trebuie sa plec

I will be right back! Arrow Revin repede!

Nice to meet you! Arrow Ma bucur sa va cunosc!

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Pot sa exersez intaliana cu tine?

My French is bad Arrow Franceza mea este slaba

I need to practice my French Arrow Trebuie sa imi exersez franceza

Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow Doriti sa mergeti la o plimbare?

Can I have your phone number? Arrow Imi puteti da numarul dumneavoastra de telefon?

Can I have your email? Arrow Imi puteti da adresa dumneavoastra de email?

Are you married? Arrow Sunteti casatorit?

I'm single Arrow Sunt necasatorit

Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow Sunteti liber maine seara?

I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow Mi-ar placea sa va invit la cina

Where do you live? Arrow Unde locuiti?

When can we meet? Arrow Cand ne putem intalni?

Do you like it? Arrow Va place?

I really like it! Arrow Imi place intr-adevar!

I love you Arrow Te iubesc

Would you marry me? Arrow Vrei sa fii sotia mea?

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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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