Welcome to the fifth Hindi lesson about gender. This time we will view a list of people, feminine and masculine, followed by grammar rules, finally a list of expressions in Hindi to help you practice your daily phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.
man आदमी [aadmi]
woman महिला [mhilaa]
husband पति [pti]
wife पत्नी [ptni]
boy लड़का [ldekaa]
girl लड़की [ldeki]
father पिता [pitaa]
mother मां [maan]
Gender Grammar Rules
In general, gender is used to distinguish between male and female, sometimes referred to as masculine and feminine. For example: my son and daughter are students the noun [son] is masculine, while [daughter] is feminine. The following examples use gender in different ways and places to demonstrate their behavior.
Grammar + Rules - Hindi + Pronunciation
my son is a student [masculine + noun] मेरा बेटा एक छात्र है | [meraa betaa ek chaatr hai |]
her daughter is a student [feminine + noun] उसकी बेटी के एक छात्रा है | [uski beti ke ek chaatraa hai |]
he has a tall brother [adjective + masculine] उसका एक लंबा भाई है | [uskaa ek lnbaa bhaai hai |]
she has a tall sister [adjective + feminine] उसकी एक लम्बी बहन है | [uski ek lmbi bhn hai |]
his brothers are young [plural masculine + adjective] उसके भाई युवा हैं | [uske bhaai yuvaa hain |]
his sisters are young [plural feminine + adjective] उसकी बहनें जवान हैं | [uski bhnen jvaan hain |]
The list below will probably provide more clarification. These are family members (males and females). I think it would be wise to memorize them as part of your important vocabulary list.
son पुत्र, बेटा [putr, betaa]
daughter पुत्री [putri]
brother भाई [bhaai]
sister बहन [bhn]
grandfather दादा [daadaa]
grandmother दादी [daadi]
child बच्चा [bkkaa]
children बच्चे [bkke]
Expressions in Hindi
Now it's time to practice expressions used in daily conversations. If you're a beginner in learning Hindi, then the phrases below are something you would want to know.
English - Hindi - Pronunciation
What do you mean? तुम्हें क्या मतलब है? [tumhen kyaa mtlb hai?]
I don't understand मैं नहीं समझा | (m)/समझी | (f) [main nhin smjhaa | (m)/smjhi | (f)]
I don't know मुझे नहीं मालूम | [mujhe nhin maalum |]
What is that called in Hindi? उसे हिन्दी में क्या कहते हैं? [use hindi men kyaa khte hain?]
What is this? यह क्या है? [yh kyaa hai?]
What does that word mean in English? इस शब्द का हिन्दी में अर्थ क्या है? [is shbd kaa hindi men arth kyaa hai?]
Sorry (if you made a mistake) माफ कीजिये!! [maaf kijiye!!]
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Inspirational Quote: High achievement always takes place in a framework of high expectation. Jack Kinder