Today I will teach you the Georgian alphabet. If you follow everything provided in this page, you will be able to read, write and pronounce the Georgian letters quickly and easily. I'm providing the sound so that you can hear the pronunciation of the characters. Georgian contains 26 letters (consonants and vowels). Below you will find the letters, the pronunciation and sound.
ა | [a] like ask |
ბ | [b] like ball |
გ | [g] like gold |
დ | [d] like day |
ე | [e] like egg |
ვ | [v] like vast |
ზ | [z] like zoo |
თ | [t'] like tall |
ი | [i] like ink |
კ | [k'] like king |
ლ | [l] like love |
მ | [m] like me |
ნ | [n] like now |
ო | [o] like of |
პ | [p] like plain |
ჟ | [zh] like vision |
რ | [r] like ring |
ს | [s] like smile |
ტ | [t] like team |
უ | [u] like urge |
ფ | [p'] like pen |
ქ | [k'] like kit |
ღ | [gh] like Ghana |
ყ | [q] like queue |
შ | [sh] like shiny |
ჩ | [ch'] like charm |
ც | [ts'] like cats |
ძ | [dz] like kids |
წ | [ts] like cats |
ჭ | [ch] like chat |
ხ | [kh] like Bach |
ჯ | [j] like joke |
ჰ | [h] like hot |
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Inspirational Quote: All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney |