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Ukrainian Phrases

Welcome to our seventh lesson about popular Ukrainian phrases. This page will include greetings, questions, emergency and survival expressions, asking for direction, language practice, introducing yourself, holiday wishes, and finally some travel phrases.

Holiday Wishes - Ukrainian - Pronunciation
Happy birthday з днем народження! [z dnyem narodʐyennya!] Audio
Happy new year з новим роком! [z novim rokom!] Audio
Merry Christmas з різдвом христовим! [z rіzdvom khristovim!] Audio
Good luck нехай щастить! [nyekhay shtastitʲ!] Audio
Congratulations вітаю! [vіtayo!] Audio

Travel Phrases - Ukrainian - Pronunciation
I have a reservation (hotel) у мене заброньовано номер [oo myenye zabronʲovano nomyer] Audio
Do you have rooms available? у вас є вільні номери? [oo vas ye vіlʲnі nomyeri?] Audio
I would like a non-smoking room мені потрібен номер для некурців [myenі potrіbyen nomyer dlya nyekoortzіv] Audio
What is the charge per night? яка ціна за ніч? [yaka tzіna za nіch?] Audio
Is this seat taken? це місце зайняте? [tzye mіstzye zaynyatye?] Audio
I'm vegetarian я вегетаріанець [ya vyeguyetarіanyetzʲ] Audio
Waiter офіціант! [ofіtzіant!] Audio
How much is this? скільки це коштує? [skіlʲki tzye koshtooye?] Audio
This is very expensive це дуже дорого [tzye dooʐye doroguo] Audio

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about the phrases in Ukrainian. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. The next lesson is below.

Inspirational Quote: Every artist was first an amateur. R. W. Emerson

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