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Polish Vocabulary

Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Polish vocabulary. We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Polish. For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components.

shirt Audio koszula
sweater Audio bluza
jacket Audio kurtka
coat Audio płaszcz
socks Audio skarpety
shoes Audio obuwie
trousers Audio spodnie
pyjamas Audio piżama
belt Audio pasek
underwear Audio bielizna
hat Audio kapelusz
skirt Audio spódnica

The following words are related to languages and countries.

Language - Polish - Country - Polish
Arabic arabski Audio
Morocco maroko Audio
Chinese chiński Audio
China chiny Audio
English angielski Audio
England anglia Audio
French francuski Audio
France francja Audio
German niemiecki Audio
Germany niemcy Audio
Greek grecki Audio
Greece grecja Audio
Portuguese portugalski Audio
Portugal portugalia Audio
Hindi hindi Audio
India indie Audio
Italian włoski Audio
Italy włochy Audio
Japanese japoński Audio
Japan japonia Audio
Russian rosyjski Audio
Russia rosja Audio
Spanish hiszpański Audio
Spain hiszpania Audio
Swedish szwedzki Audio
Sweden szwecja Audio

The following vocabulary is related to travel and survival.

Travel - Polish
airport lotnisko Audio
doctor lekarz Audio
airplane samolot Audio
medicines leki Audio
train pociąg Audio
pharmacy apteka Audio
taxi taxi Audio
hospital szpital Audio
bus autobus Audio
ambulance ambulans Audio
car samochód Audio
poison trucizna Audio
ticket bilet Audio
help me pomóż mi Audio
hotel hotel Audio
danger niebezpieczeństwo Audio
reservation rezerwacja Audio
accident wypadek Audio
passport paszport Audio
police policja Audio
luggage bagaż Audio
headache ból głowy Audio
tourism turystyka Audio
stomach ache ból brzucha Audio

The following list of words is related to a class environment and the components of a house.

Class - Polish
books książki Audio
toilet toaleta Audio
pen pióro/ długopis Audio
bed łóżko Audio
dictionary słownik Audio
bedroom sypialnia Audio
library biblioteka Audio
furniture meble Audio
desk biurko Audio
house dom Audio
student student Audio
kitchen kuchnia Audio
teacher nauczyciel Audio
plate talerz Audio
chair krzesło Audio
refrigerator lodówka Audio
paper papier Audio
room pokój Audio
page strona Audio
table stół Audio
pencil ołówek Audio
window okno Audio
question pytanie Audio
television telewizja Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about the Polish vocabulary? I hope so. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You have to work for it, however. Richard Bach

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