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Javanese Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Javanese list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow kopi

Milk Arrow susu

Breakfast Arrow sarapan

Lunch Arrow mangan awan

Dinner Arrow mangan bengi

Bread Arrow roti

Cheese Arrow keju

Chicken Arrow pitik

Eggs Arrow Ndog

Fish Arrow iwak banyu

Food Arrow panganan

Fruit Arrow buah/woh

Meat Arrow daging

Sandwich Arrow sandwich

Sugar Arrow gula

Tea Arrow Teh

Tomatoes Arrow tomat

Vegetables Arrow Sayuran

Water Arrow banyu

Belt Arrow sabuk

Clothes Arrow klambi

Coat Arrow Jubah

Dress Arrow rok

Glasses Arrow Kaca tingal

Gloves Arrow Sarung tangan

Hat Arrow topi

Jacket Arrow jaket

Pants (Trousers) Arrow kathok dowo

Ring Arrow Ali-ali

Shirt Arrow kaos

Shoes Arrow sepatu

Socks Arrow kaos kaki

Suit Arrow Jas

Sweater Arrow sweater

Tie Arrow Dasi

Umbrella Arrow payung

Underwear Arrow klambi njero

Wallet Arrow dompet

Watch Arrow Jam

Do you like my dress? Arrow Gaun ku apik ora?

Book Arrow buku

Books Arrow buku

Chair Arrow kursi

Desk Arrow meja

Dictionary Arrow kamus

Languages Arrow

Library Arrow perpustakaan

Laptop Arrow Laptop

Page Arrow kaca

Paper Arrow kertas

Pen Arrow polpen

Question Arrow pitakonan

School Arrow Sekolahan

Student Arrow murid

Teacher Arrow guru

University Arrow universitas

I have a question Arrow Aku pengen takon

What's the name of that book? Arrow Buku kuwi judul e apa?

Arm Arrow tangan

Back Arrow punggung

Ear Arrow kuping

Eye Arrow mripat

Face Arrow rai

Feet Arrow sikil

Fingers Arrow driji-driji

Hair Arrow rambut

Hand Arrow tangan

Head Arrow sirah

Heart Arrow ati

Leg Arrow sikil

Mouth Arrow cangkem

Neck Arrow gulu

Nose Arrow irung

Teeth Arrow untu

She has beautiful eyes Arrow mripat e mbak e apik

Airplane Arrow pesawat

Airport Arrow bandara

Bus Arrow bus

Bus station Arrow Terminal

Car Arrow montor

Flight Arrow Penerbangan

Help Desk Arrow Pusat informasi

Hotel Arrow hotel

Passport Arrow paspor

Taxi Arrow taksi

Ticket Arrow tiket

Tourism Arrow Pariwisata

Train (noun) Arrow sepur

Train station Arrow Setasiun

By train Arrow

By car Arrow

By bus Arrow

By taxi Arrow

By airplane Arrow

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Bisa nganggo kartu kredit?

How much will it cost? Arrow Piro le bayar?

I have a reservation Arrow Aku uwis pesen panggonan

I'd like to rent a car Arrow Aku arep nyewa mobil

I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow Aku neng kene karna kerjaan/ lagi liburan

Is this seat taken? Arrow Kursi iki wis ana sing nganggoni?

Good luck! Arrow

Happy birthday! Arrow

Happy new year! Arrow

Merry Christmas! Arrow

Baby Arrow Bayi

Boy Arrow anak lanang

Brother Arrow sedulur lanang

Child (female) Arrow Gendhuk

Child (male) Arrow Thole

Cousin (female) Arrow Sepupu wadon

Cousin (male) Arrow Sepupu lanang

Daughter Arrow anak wadon

Father Arrow bapak

Girl Arrow anak wadon

Grandfather Arrow simbah kakung

Grandmother Arrow simbah putri

Husband Arrow bojo lanang

Man Arrow wong lanang

Mother Arrow ibu

People Arrow Uwong

Sister Arrow sedulur wadon

Son Arrow anak lanang

Wife Arrow bojo wadon

Woman Arrow wong wadon

How old is your sister? Arrow Piro umur mbak mu?

What's your brother called? Arrow Sopo jeneng kamas mu?

Actor Arrow

Actress Arrow

Artist Arrow Seniman

Businessman Arrow Wirausahawan

Doctor Arrow dokter

Nurse Arrow Suster

Policeman Arrow Pulisi

Singer Arrow Penyanyi

Student Arrow murid

Teacher Arrow guru

Translator Arrow Penerjemah

He is a policeman Arrow Wong kuwi (lanang) kuwi pak Pulisi

I'm an artist Arrow Aku ki seniman

I'm looking for a job Arrow Aku lagi golet pegawean

Days Arrow Arane dina

Monday Arrow Senin

Tuesday Arrow Selasa

Wednesday Arrow Rebo

Thursday Arrow Kemis

Friday Arrow Jemuah

Saturday Arrow Setu

Sunday Arrow Minggu

January Arrow Januari

February Arrow Februari

March Arrow Maret

April Arrow April

May Arrow Mei

June Arrow Juni

July Arrow Juli

August Arrow Agustus

September Arrow September

October Arrow Oktober

November Arrow November

December Arrow Desember

Autumn Arrow Mangsa gugur

Winter Arrow Mangsa adem

Spring Arrow Mangsa woh

Summer Arrow Mangsa kemaro

Time Arrow Wektu

Hour Arrow Jam

Minute Arrow Menit

Second Arrow nomer loro

I was born in July Arrow Aku lair wulan Juli

I will visit you in August Arrow Aku arep nekani koe wulan Agustus.

Cold Arrow adem

Hot Arrow panas

Rain Arrow Udan

Snow Arrow Salju

Spring Arrow Mangsa woh

Summer Arrow Kemaro

Sun Arrow Srengenge, Bagaskara, Surya

Sunny Arrow panas kenthar-kenthar

Warm Arrow anget

Wind Arrow Angin, barat

Windy Arrow angin

Winter Arrow Mangsa adhem

It is raining Arrow Udan

It is sunny Arrow Terang

It is windy Arrow Angin

It's cold Arrow Adem

It's hot Arrow Sumuk

Bed Arrow ranjang

Bedroom Arrow kamar turu

Computer Arrow Komputer

Door Arrow Lawang

Furniture Arrow perabotan omah

House Arrow omah

Kitchen Arrow pawon

Refrigerator Arrow kulkas

Room Arrow ruangan

Television Arrow tivi

Toilet Arrow wc

Window Arrow jendela

Can you open the window? Arrow Bisa tulung bukakna jendela ne?

I need to use the computer Arrow Aku pengen komputeran

Arabic Arrow Arab

Moroccan Arrow wong Maroko

Morocco Arrow Maroko

Chinese (language) Arrow Cina

Chinese (nationality) Arrow wong Cino

China Arrow Cina

English Arrow Inggris

British Arrow Wong Inggris

Britain Arrow Inggris

American Arrow Wong Amerika

America Arrow Amerika

French (language) Arrow Prancis

French (nationality) Arrow Wong Prancis

France Arrow Prancis

Italian (language) Arrow Italia

Italian (nationality) Arrow Wong Italia

Italy Arrow Italia

Japanese (language) Arrow Jepang

Japanese (nationality) Arrow Wong Jepang

Japan Arrow Jepang

Russian (language) Arrow Rusia

Russian (nationality) Arrow Wong Rusia

Russia Arrow Rusia

Spanish (language) Arrow Spanyol

Spanish (nationality) Arrow Wong Spanyol

Spain Arrow Spanyol

I don't speak Korean Arrow Aku ora bisa bahasa Korea

I speak Italian Arrow Aku isa ngomong bahasa Itali

I want to go to Germany Arrow Aku pengen meng Amerika

I was born in Italy Arrow Aku teka sekang Itali

Black Arrow ireng

Blue Arrow biru

Brown Arrow coklat

Colors Arrow Werno-werno

Green Arrow ijo

Orange Arrow kuning telo

Red Arrow abang

White Arrow putih

Yellow Arrow kuning

I have black hair Arrow Aku duwe rambut ireng

Your cat is white Arrow Kucingmu putih

Far Arrow Adhoh

Here Arrow ning kene

Left Arrow Kiwa

Right Arrow Tengen

Near Arrow cedhek

Straight Arrow Lurus

There Arrow ning kono

Can I help you? Arrow Arep tek rewangi?

Can you help me? Arrow Tulungi aku

Can you show me? Arrow Isa ngeterke ora?

Come with me! Arrow Ayo, milu aku!

I'm lost Arrow Aku kesasar

I'm not from here Arrow Aku dudu wong kene

Turn left Arrow Belok kiwa

Turn right Arrow Belok tengen

Can you take less? Arrow Bisa kurang ora?

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Bisa nganggo kartu kredit?

How much is this? Arrow Iki regane pira?

I'm just looking Arrow Aku mung ndeleng-ndeleng

Only cash please! Arrow Cash bae

This is very expensive Arrow Iki larang banget

I'm vegetarian Arrow Aku vegetarian

It is very delicious! Arrow Iki enak tenan!

May we have the check please? Arrow Nuwun sewu, check ipun?

The bill please! Arrow

Waiter / waitress! Arrow Mas/ mbak!

What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow Ana usulan panganan?

What's the name of this dish? Arrow Panganan iki jeneng e apa?

Menu Arrow Menu

Spoon Arrow cendhok

No problem! Arrow Ora masalah!

Accident Arrow kecelakaan

Ambulance Arrow ambulans

Doctor Arrow dokter

Headache Arrow ngelu

Heart attack Arrow Jantungen

Help me Arrow bantu aku

Hospital Arrow rumah sakit

Medicines Arrow obat

Pharmacy Arrow apotek

Poison Arrow racun

Police Arrow polisi

Stomach ache Arrow lara weteng

Are you okay? Arrow Kowe ora papa?

Call a doctor! Arrow Telpon rumah sakit!

Call the ambulance! Arrow Telpon ambulan

Call the police! Arrow Tepon polisi

Calm down! Arrow Sing aso!

I feel sick Arrow AKu pengen muntah

It hurts here Arrow Lara ne neng kene

It's urgent! Arrow Penting!

Stop! Arrow Mandheg!

Thief! Arrow Maling!

Animal Arrow Kewan

Cat Arrow kucing

Dog Arrow asu

Horse Arrow jaran

Do you have any animals? Arrow kowe dhuwe kewan?

I have a dog Arrow Aku dhuwe kirik

Small Arrow cilik

Big Arrow gedhe

Tall Arrow dhuwur

Short Arrow cendak/cekak

Cheap Arrow Murah

Expensive Arrow larang

Good Arrow sae

Bad Arrow elek

Wrong Arrow salah

Right (correct) Arrow bener

New Arrow berita

Old (opposite of new) Arrow

Young Arrow nom

Old (opposite of young) Arrow

Difficult Arrow angel

Easy Arrow gampang

This is too expensive Arrow Kelarangen

Am I right or wrong? Arrow aku salah opo bener?

Here Arrow ning kene

There Arrow ning kono

Quickly Arrow Cepet

Really Arrow bener-bener

Slowly Arrow Alon-alon

Always Arrow mesti

Never Arrow ora tau/ora pernah

Sometimes Arrow kadang-kadang

Next week Arrow minggu ngarep

Now Arrow saiki

Soon Arrow

Today Arrow dina ini

Tomorrow Arrow sesuk

Tonight Arrow mbengi iki

Yesterday Arrow wingi

Do you like it here? Arrow Seneng ora neng kene?

See you later! Arrow Wis ya!

Thank you very much! Arrow matur nuwun sing akeh

Woman Arrow wong wadon

Women Arrow wong wadon

Man Arrow wong lanang

Men Arrow wong lanang

Boy Arrow anak lanang

Boys Arrow

Girl Arrow anak wadon

Girls Arrow

Country Arrow

Countries Arrow negoro-negoro

We speak two languages Arrow

Cat Arrow kucing

Dog Arrow asu

Woman Arrow wong wadon

Women Arrow wong wadon

Mother Arrow ibu

Sister Arrow sedulur wadon

I have a dog Arrow Aku dhuwe kirik

I speak Italian Arrow Aku isa ngomong bahasa Itali

A French teacher is here Arrow

The French teacher is here Arrow

Some languages are hard Arrow

Many languages are easy Arrow

The student speaks Korean Arrow

A student speaks Korean Arrow

Some students speak Korean Arrow

In front of Arrow ing ngarepe

Behind Arrow ing sisihe

Before Arrow sak durunge

After Arrow sak uwise

Inside Arrow ing jerone

With Arrow kanthi

Without Arrow tanpa

Outside Arrow ing jabane

On top of Arrow

Under Arrow ing ngisor

And Arrow lan

Between Arrow antarane

But Arrow ananging

For Arrow kanggo

From Arrow saka

In Arrow ing

Near Arrow Cerak

Or Arrow

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow

I speak French but with an accent Arrow

Boy Arrow anak lanang

Girl Arrow anak wadon

Man Arrow wong lanang

Woman Arrow wong wadon

Father Arrow bapak

Mother Arrow ibu

Brother Arrow sedulur lanang

Sister Arrow sedulur wadon

Cat (Masc.) Arrow

Cat (Fem.) Arrow

He is tall Arrow

She is tall Arrow

He is a short man Arrow

She is a short woman Arrow

One Arrow siji

Two Arrow loro

Three Arrow telu

Four Arrow papat

Five Arrow lima

Six Arrow enem

Seven Arrow pitu

Eight Arrow wolu

Nine Arrow sanga

Ten Arrow sepuluh

I Arrow aku

You Arrow kowe/awakmu

He Arrow dheweke

She Arrow dheweke

We Arrow kita

You (plural) Arrow

They Arrow dheweke

I love you Arrow Aku tresna karo koe

Me Arrow aku

You Arrow kowe

Him Arrow dheweke

Her Arrow dheweke

Us Arrow kita

You (plural) Arrow

Them Arrow dheweke

Give me your phone number Arrow

I can give you my email Arrow

My Arrow ku (mobilku)

Your Arrow mu

His Arrow gone dheweke

Her Arrow gone dheweke

Our Arrow gone dewe

Your (plural) Arrow

Their Arrow gone dheweke

His email is … Arrow

My phone number is … Arrow

How? Arrow Kepriwe?

What? Arrow Apa?

When? Arrow Kapan?

Where? Arrow Neng endi?

Who? Arrow Sapa?

Why? Arrow Kenangapa?

Can I help you? Arrow Arep tek rewangi?

Can you help me? Arrow Tulungi aku

Do you speak English? Arrow Koe isa ngomong Inggris?

How much is this? Arrow Iki regane pira?

What is your name? Arrow

What time is it? Arrow Siki jam pira?

When can we meet? Arrow

Where do you live? Arrow Koe umah e neng endi?

Who is knocking at the door? Arrow

Why is it expensive? Arrow

No Arrow

Nothing Arrow

Not yet Arrow

No one Arrow

No longer Arrow

Never Arrow ora tau/ora pernah

Cannot Arrow

Should not Arrow

Don't worry! Arrow Ora usah kuwatir!

I cannot remember the word Arrow

I do not speak Japanese Arrow

I don't know! Arrow Aku ora ngerti!

I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow

No one here speaks Greek Arrow

No problem! Arrow Ora masalah!

To drive Arrow Nyetir

To drive Arrow

To give Arrow

To have Arrow

To know Arrow

To understand Arrow

To work Arrow

To write Arrow

He understands me Arrow

He understood me Arrow

He will understand me Arrow

I see you Arrow

He reads a book Arrow

He understands me Arrow

She has a cat Arrow

She knows my friend Arrow

We want to learn Arrow

We think Spanish is easy Arrow

They drive a car Arrow

They smile Arrow

I saw you Arrow

I wrote with a pen Arrow

You loved apples Arrow

You gave money Arrow

You played tennis Arrow

He understood me Arrow

She had a cat Arrow

She knew my friend Arrow

We wanted to learn Arrow

They smiled Arrow

I will see you Arrow

I will write with a pen Arrow

He will read a book Arrow dheweke arep moco buku

He will understand me Arrow

We will think about you Arrow

Go! Arrow

Stop! Arrow Mandheg!

Don't Go! Arrow

Stay! Arrow

Come here! Arrow

Be quiet! Arrow

Go straight Arrow Lurus bae

Wait! Arrow

Let's go! Arrow

Sit down! Arrow

Good Arrow apik

Better Arrow luwih apik

Best Arrow paling apik

Bad Arrow elek

Worse Arrow luwih elek

Worst Arrow paling elek

Taller Arrow luwih duwur

Shorter Arrow luwih cendek

Younger Arrow luwih enom

Older Arrow luwih tua

As tall as Arrow pada duwure

Taller than Arrow luwih dhuwur tinimbang

Shorter than Arrow luwih cendek tinimbang

More beautiful Arrow luwih ayu

Less beautiful Arrow kurang ayu

Most beautiful Arrow paling ayu

Happy Arrow seneng

Happier Arrow luwih seneng

Happiest Arrow paling seneng

You are happy Arrow Kowe seneng

You are as happy as Maya Arrow Kowe pada senenge karo Maya

You are happier than Maya Arrow Kowe luwih seneng tinimbang Maya

You are the happiest Arrow Kowe sing paling seneng

Hi! Arrow Woi!

Good morning! Arrow sugeng enjang

Good afternoon! Arrow sugeng siang

Good evening! Arrow sugeng dalu

How are you? (polite) Arrow Pripun pawartose?

How are you? (friendly) Arrow Piye kabare?

What's up? (colloquial) Arrow Ana apa?

I'm fine, thank you! Arrow Kulo sae, matur nembah nuwun.

And you? (polite) Arrow Panjenengan pripun?

And you? (friendly) Arrow Kowe piye?

Good Arrow sae

Do you speak English? Arrow Koe isa ngomong Inggris?

Just a little Arrow Mung sithik

What's your name? Arrow Jeneng mu sapa?

My name is (John Doe) Arrow jeneng ku (John Doe)

Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow Pak.../ Bu.../ Mba...

Nice to meet you! Arrow

You're very kind! Arrow Eman banget e koe!

Where are you from? Arrow Koe asal e sekang endi?

I'm from the U.S Arrow Aku sekang Amerika

I'm American Arrow Aku wong Amerika

Where do you live? Arrow Koe umah e neng endi?

I live in the U.S Arrow Aku urip neng Amaerika

Do you like it here? Arrow Seneng ora neng kene?

How old are you? Arrow Umur mu pira?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow Aku (rongpuluh, teling puluh...) taun

Are you married? Arrow Koe wis duwe bojo?

Do you have children? Arrow Koe wis duwe anak?

I have to go Arrow Aku arep lungo

I will be right back! Arrow Engko aku balik meneh

Nice to meet you! Arrow

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow

My French is bad Arrow Aku ora pinter bahasa Prancis

I need to practice my French Arrow Aku kudu latian bahasa Prancis

Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow Koe pengen mlaku-mlaku

Can I have your phone number? Arrow Njaluk nomer hapene ulih?

Can I have your email? Arrow Njaluk alamat e-mail mu ulih?

Are you married? Arrow Koe wis duwe bojo?

I'm single Arrow Aku isih dhewek

Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow Koe ana wektu ra ngesuk sore?

I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow Aku pengen maem bareng karo koe

Where do you live? Arrow Koe umah e neng endi?

When can we meet? Arrow

Do you like it? Arrow Seneng ora?

I really like it! Arrow Aku seneng banget!

I love you Arrow Aku tresna karo koe

Would you marry me? Arrow Gelem ora mbojo karo aku?

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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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