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Galician Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Galician list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow café

Milk Arrow leite

Breakfast Arrow almorzo

Lunch Arrow xantar

Dinner Arrow cea

Bread Arrow pan

Cheese Arrow queixo

Chicken Arrow polo

Eggs Arrow ovos

Fish Arrow peixe

Food Arrow comida

Fruit Arrow froita

Meat Arrow carne

Sandwich Arrow bocadillos

Sugar Arrow azucre

Tea Arrow

Tomatoes Arrow tomates

Vegetables Arrow Verduras e hortalizas

Water Arrow auga

Belt Arrow cinta

Clothes Arrow roupa

Coat Arrow abrigo

Dress Arrow vestido

Glasses Arrow Lentes

Gloves Arrow luvas/guantes

Hat Arrow chapeu

Jacket Arrow chaqueta

Pants (Trousers) Arrow pantalóns

Ring Arrow anel

Shirt Arrow camisa

Shoes Arrow zapatos

Socks Arrow medias

Suit Arrow traxe

Sweater Arrow xersei

Tie Arrow gravata

Umbrella Arrow paraugas

Underwear Arrow roupa interior

Wallet Arrow carteira

Watch Arrow reloxo de pulso

Do you like my dress? Arrow Gústache o meu vestido?

Book Arrow libro

Books Arrow libros

Chair Arrow cadeira

Desk Arrow escritorio

Dictionary Arrow dicionario

Languages Arrow Idiomas

Library Arrow biblioteca

Laptop Arrow ordenador portatil

Page Arrow páxina

Paper Arrow papel

Pen Arrow pluma

Question Arrow pregunta

School Arrow escola

Student Arrow estudante

Teacher Arrow profesor

University Arrow universidade

I have a question Arrow teño unha pregunta

What's the name of that book? Arrow cál é o nome de ese libro?

Arm Arrow brazo

Back Arrow costas

Ear Arrow orella

Eye Arrow ollo

Face Arrow faciana

Feet Arrow pés

Fingers Arrow dedos

Hair Arrow cabelo

Hand Arrow man

Head Arrow cabeza

Heart Arrow corazón

Leg Arrow perna

Mouth Arrow boca

Neck Arrow pescozo

Nose Arrow nariz

Teeth Arrow dentes

She has beautiful eyes Arrow Ela ten os ollos bonitos

Airplane Arrow avión

Airport Arrow aeroporto

Bus Arrow autobuses

Bus station Arrow estación de autobuses

Car Arrow coche

Flight Arrow voo

Help Desk Arrow oficina de información

Hotel Arrow hotel

Passport Arrow pasaporte

Taxi Arrow taxi

Ticket Arrow billete

Tourism Arrow turismo

Train (noun) Arrow tren

Train station Arrow estación de tren

By train Arrow en tren

By car Arrow en coche

By bus Arrow en autobús

By taxi Arrow en taxi

By airplane Arrow en avión

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow acepta/aceptades(Plural form) tarxetas de crédito?

How much will it cost? Arrow canto costará?

I have a reservation Arrow teño unha reserva

I'd like to rent a car Arrow gustaríame alquilar un coche

I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow estou de vacacións

Is this seat taken? Arrow está este asento ocupado?

Good luck! Arrow boa sorte!

Happy birthday! Arrow feliz cumpleanos!

Happy new year! Arrow feliz aninovo!

Merry Christmas! Arrow bó nadal!

Baby Arrow bebé

Boy Arrow rapaz

Brother Arrow irmán

Child (female) Arrow nena

Child (male) Arrow neno

Cousin (female) Arrow prima/curmá

Cousin (male) Arrow primo/curmán

Daughter Arrow filla

Father Arrow pai

Girl Arrow rapaza

Grandfather Arrow avó

Grandmother Arrow avoa

Husband Arrow marido

Man Arrow home

Mother Arrow nai

People Arrow persoas

Sister Arrow irmá

Son Arrow fillo

Wife Arrow dona/muller

Woman Arrow muller

How old is your sister? Arrow Cantos anos ten a túa irmá?

What's your brother called? Arrow Como se chama o teu irmán?

Actor Arrow actor

Actress Arrow actriz

Artist Arrow artista

Businessman Arrow Empresario

Doctor Arrow médico

Nurse Arrow enfermeiro/a

Policeman Arrow policial

Singer Arrow cantante

Student Arrow estudante

Teacher Arrow profesor

Translator Arrow traductor

He is a policeman Arrow El é policía

I'm an artist Arrow Son un artista

I'm looking for a job Arrow Estou buscando un traballo

Days Arrow Días

Monday Arrow luns

Tuesday Arrow martes

Wednesday Arrow mércores

Thursday Arrow xoves

Friday Arrow venres

Saturday Arrow sábado

Sunday Arrow domingo

January Arrow xaneiro

February Arrow febreiro

March Arrow marzo

April Arrow abril

May Arrow maio

June Arrow xuño

July Arrow xullo

August Arrow agosto

September Arrow setembro

October Arrow outubro

November Arrow novembro

December Arrow decembro

Autumn Arrow outono

Winter Arrow inverno

Spring Arrow primavera

Summer Arrow verán

Time Arrow tempo

Hour Arrow hora

Minute Arrow minuto

Second Arrow segundo

I was born in July Arrow Nacín en xullo

I will visit you in August Arrow Heite visitar en agosto

Cold Arrow frío

Hot Arrow quente

Rain Arrow choiva

Snow Arrow neve

Spring Arrow primavera

Summer Arrow verán

Sun Arrow sol

Sunny Arrow soleado

Warm Arrow quente

Wind Arrow vento

Windy Arrow ventoso

Winter Arrow inverno

It is raining Arrow chove

It is sunny Arrow fai sol

It is windy Arrow fai vento

It's cold Arrow fai frío

It's hot Arrow fai calor

Bed Arrow cama

Bedroom Arrow cuarto

Computer Arrow ordenador

Door Arrow porta

Furniture Arrow mobiliario

House Arrow casa

Kitchen Arrow cociña

Refrigerator Arrow neveira

Room Arrow cuarto

Television Arrow televisión

Toilet Arrow aseo

Window Arrow xanela

Can you open the window? Arrow podes abrir a ventá? (informal)/pode abrir a ventá? (polite)

I need to use the computer Arrow necesito usar o ordenador

Arabic Arrow árabe

Moroccan Arrow marroquí

Morocco Arrow marrocos

Chinese (language) Arrow chinés

Chinese (nationality) Arrow chinés

China Arrow china

English Arrow inglés

British Arrow británico (el)/británica (ela)

Britain Arrow gran bretaña

American Arrow americano(el)/ americana (ela)

America Arrow américa

French (language) Arrow francés

French (nationality) Arrow francés (el)/francesa (ela)

France Arrow francia

Italian (language) Arrow italiano

Italian (nationality) Arrow italiano (el)/italiana (ela)

Italy Arrow italia

Japanese (language) Arrow xaponés

Japanese (nationality) Arrow xaponés (el)/ xaponesa (ela)

Japan Arrow xapón

Russian (language) Arrow ruso

Russian (nationality) Arrow ruso (el)/rusa (ela)

Russia Arrow rusia

Spanish (language) Arrow español

Spanish (nationality) Arrow español (el)/ española (ela)

Spain Arrow españa

I don't speak Korean Arrow non falo Coreano

I speak Italian Arrow falo Italiano

I want to go to Germany Arrow quero ir a Alemaña

I was born in Italy Arrow nacín en Italia

Black Arrow negro

Blue Arrow azul

Brown Arrow castaño

Colors Arrow Cores

Green Arrow verde

Orange Arrow laranxa

Red Arrow vermello

White Arrow branco

Yellow Arrow amarelo

I have black hair Arrow Teño o pelo negro

Your cat is white Arrow O teu gato é branco

Far Arrow lonxe

Here Arrow aquí

Left Arrow esquerda

Right Arrow dereita

Near Arrow preto

Straight Arrow recto

There Arrow alí

Can I help you? Arrow podo axudarte? (informal)/podo axudarlle? (polite)

Can you help me? Arrow podes axudarme?(informal)/ pode xudarme?(polite)

Can you show me? Arrow pode mostrame? (polite)/ podes mostrarme? (informal)

Come with me! Arrow ven (informal)/ veña (polite)comigo

I'm lost Arrow estou perdido

I'm not from here Arrow non son de aquí

Turn left Arrow xira (informal)/xire (polite) á esquerda

Turn right Arrow xira (informal)/ xire (polite) á dereita

Can you take less? Arrow podes coller menos?

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow acepta/aceptades(Plural form) tarxetas de crédito?

How much is this? Arrow canto é isto?/ canto costa isto?

I'm just looking Arrow só estou mirando/botando unha ollada

Only cash please! Arrow só diñeiro en efectivo por favor

This is very expensive Arrow isto é moi caro

I'm vegetarian Arrow son vexetariano

It is very delicious! Arrow estaba moi delicioso!

May we have the check please? Arrow podemos levar o ticket por favor?

The bill please! Arrow a conta por favor!

Waiter / waitress! Arrow camareiro (el)/camareira (ela)!

What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow qué recomenda (polite)(para xantar)?

What's the name of this dish? Arrow cál é o nome de este prato?

Menu Arrow menú

Spoon Arrow culler

No problem! Arrow non hai problema

Accident Arrow accidente

Ambulance Arrow ambulancia

Doctor Arrow médico

Headache Arrow dor de cabeza

Heart attack Arrow ataque ao corazón

Help me Arrow axúdeme (polite)/axúdame (informal)

Hospital Arrow hospital

Medicines Arrow medicamentos

Pharmacy Arrow farmacia

Poison Arrow veleno

Police Arrow policía

Stomach ache Arrow dor de estómago

Are you okay? Arrow está ben?

Call a doctor! Arrow chame a un doctor! (polite)/ chama a un doctor!(informal)

Call the ambulance! Arrow chame unha ambulancia (polite)/chama unha ambulancia (informal)

Call the police! Arrow chame á policía (polite)/chama á policía (informal)

Calm down! Arrow cálmate! (informal)/ cálmese! (polite)

I feel sick Arrow sintome mal/enfermo

It hurts here Arrow doeme aquí

It's urgent! Arrow é urxente!

Stop! Arrow para!

Thief! Arrow un ladrón!

Animal Arrow animal

Cat Arrow gato

Dog Arrow can

Horse Arrow cabalo

Do you have any animals? Arrow tes tí algún animal?

I have a dog Arrow eu teño un can

Small Arrow pequeno

Big Arrow grande

Tall Arrow alto

Short Arrow curto

Cheap Arrow barato

Expensive Arrow caro

Good Arrow Ben

Bad Arrow Mal

Wrong Arrow mal

Right (correct) Arrow corrixir

New Arrow novo

Old (opposite of new) Arrow antigo

Young Arrow novo

Old (opposite of young) Arrow vello

Difficult Arrow difícil

Easy Arrow doado

This is too expensive Arrow isto é demasiado caro

Am I right or wrong? Arrow teño razón ou non?

Here Arrow aquí

There Arrow alí

Quickly Arrow deprisa

Really Arrow realmente

Slowly Arrow despazo

Always Arrow sempre

Never Arrow nunca

Sometimes Arrow ás veces

Next week Arrow a próxima semana

Now Arrow agora

Soon Arrow logo

Today Arrow hoxe

Tomorrow Arrow mañá

Tonight Arrow esta noite

Yesterday Arrow onte

Do you like it here? Arrow gustache aquí? (informal)/gustalle aquí? (polite)

See you later! Arrow Ata / Deica logo!

Thank you very much! Arrow Moitas grazas!

Woman Arrow muller

Women Arrow mulleres

Man Arrow home

Men Arrow homes

Boy Arrow neno

Boys Arrow rapaces

Girl Arrow nena

Girls Arrow rapazas

Country Arrow país

Countries Arrow paises

We speak two languages Arrow falamos dous idiomas

Cat Arrow gato

Dog Arrow can

Woman Arrow muller

Women Arrow mulleres

Mother Arrow nai

Sister Arrow irmá

I have a dog Arrow eu teño un can

I speak Italian Arrow falo Italiano

A French teacher is here Arrow un profesor (M)/ unha profesora (F)de Francés está aquí

The French teacher is here Arrow o profesor (M)/ a profesora (F) de Francés está aquí

Some languages are hard Arrow algúns idiomas son difíciles

Many languages are easy Arrow moitos idiomas son fáciles

The student speaks Korean Arrow o (M)/ a (F) estudante fala Coreano

A student speaks Korean Arrow un (M)/ unha (F) estudante fala Coreano

Some students speak Korean Arrow algúns (M)/ algunhas (F) estudantes falan Coreano

In front of Arrow diante de

Behind Arrow atrás

Before Arrow antes

After Arrow despois

Inside Arrow dentro

With Arrow con

Without Arrow sen

Outside Arrow fóra

On top of Arrow enriba de

Under Arrow abaixo

And Arrow e

Between Arrow entre

But Arrow pero

For Arrow para

From Arrow de

In Arrow en

Near Arrow preto

Or Arrow ou

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow podo practicar Italiano contigo? (informal)/ podo practicar Italiano con vostede? (polite)

I speak French but with an accent Arrow falo Francés pero con acento

Boy Arrow neno

Girl Arrow rapaza

Man Arrow home

Woman Arrow muller

Father Arrow pai

Mother Arrow nai

Brother Arrow irmán

Sister Arrow irmá

Cat (Masc.) Arrow gato

Cat (Fem.) Arrow gata

He is tall Arrow el é alto

She is tall Arrow ela é alta-

He is a short man Arrow el é un home pequeno

She is a short woman Arrow ela é unha muller pequena

One Arrow un

Two Arrow dous

Three Arrow tres

Four Arrow catro

Five Arrow cinco

Six Arrow seis

Seven Arrow sete

Eight Arrow oito

Nine Arrow nove

Ten Arrow dez

I Arrow eu

You Arrow ti (informal)/ vostede (polite)

He Arrow el

She Arrow ela

We Arrow nós

You (plural) Arrow vós (informal)/vostedes (polite)

They Arrow eles (M)/elas (F)

I love you Arrow ámote (formal)- ámoo/ámoa (polite M-F)

Me Arrow me

You Arrow te/che

Him Arrow lle/a el

Her Arrow lle/a ela

Us Arrow nos

You (plural) Arrow vos

Them Arrow os

Give me your phone number Arrow dame o teu número de teléfono (informal)/ déme o seu número de teléfono (polite)

I can give you my email Arrow podo darche (informal)/darlle (polite) o meu email

My Arrow meu

Your Arrow teu

His Arrow seu

Her Arrow súa

Our Arrow noso

Your (plural) Arrow voso

Their Arrow seus

His email is … Arrow o seu email é...

My phone number is … Arrow o meu número de teléfono é...

How? Arrow cómo?

What? Arrow qué?

When? Arrow cando?

Where? Arrow ónde?

Who? Arrow quén?

Why? Arrow por qué?

Can I help you? Arrow podo axudarte? (informal)/podo axudarlle? (polite)

Can you help me? Arrow podes axudarme?(informal)/ pode xudarme?(polite)

Do you speak English? Arrow falas Inglés?(informal)/fala Inglés?(polite)

How much is this? Arrow canto é isto?/ canto costa isto?

What is your name? Arrow cál é o teu nome?/ cómo te chamas? (informal)-Cal é o seu nome?/ cómo se chama? (polite)?

What time is it? Arrow qué hora é?

When can we meet? Arrow cándo podemos quedar?

Where do you live? Arrow ónde vives? (informal)/ ónde vive? (polite)

Who is knocking at the door? Arrow quén está chamando á porta?

Why is it expensive? Arrow por qué é caro?

No Arrow non

Nothing Arrow nada

Not yet Arrow non ainda

No one Arrow ninguén

No longer Arrow xa non

Never Arrow nunca

Cannot Arrow non podes

Should not Arrow non deberías/non debería

Don't worry! Arrow Non te preocupes

I cannot remember the word Arrow non podo lembrar a palabra

I do not speak Japanese Arrow non falo Xaponés

I don't know! Arrow non sei

I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow non teño fluidez co Italiano ainda

No one here speaks Greek Arrow ninguén fala Grego aquí

No problem! Arrow non hai problema

To drive Arrow conducir

To drive Arrow conducir

To give Arrow dar

To have Arrow ter

To know Arrow saber

To understand Arrow entender

To work Arrow traballar

To write Arrow escribir

He understands me Arrow el enténdeme

He understood me Arrow el entendeume

He will understand me Arrow el entenderame

I see you Arrow véxote (informal)/ véxoo (polite)

He reads a book Arrow el lé un libro

He understands me Arrow el enténdeme

She has a cat Arrow el ten un gato (M)/unha gata (F)

She knows my friend Arrow ela coñece ao meu amigo

We want to learn Arrow queremos aprender

We think Spanish is easy Arrow pensamos que o Español é sinxelo

They drive a car Arrow conducen un coche

They smile Arrow sorrín

I saw you Arrow vinte

I wrote with a pen Arrow escribín cun bolígrafo

You loved apples Arrow a tí gustáronche as mazás (informal)/a vostede gustáronlle as mazás (polite)

You gave money Arrow ti diches diñeiro (informal)/vostede deu diñeiro (polite)

You played tennis Arrow ti xogaches ao tenis (informal)/vostede xogou ao tenis (polite)

He understood me Arrow el entendeume

She had a cat Arrow ela tivo un gato

She knew my friend Arrow ela coñeceu ao meu amigo

We wanted to learn Arrow quixemos aprender

They smiled Arrow sorriron

I will see you Arrow vereite (a ti,informal)/vereino (a vostede, polite)

I will write with a pen Arrow escribirei cun bolígrafo

He will read a book Arrow el lerá un libro

He will understand me Arrow el entenderame

We will think about you Arrow pensaremos en tí (informal)/ en vostede (polite)

Go! Arrow vamos!

Stop! Arrow para!

Don't Go! Arrow non vaias! (informal)/ non vaia (polite)

Stay! Arrow queda! (informal)/ quede! (polite)

Come here! Arrow ven aquí! (informal)/ veña aquí (polite)

Be quiet! Arrow estate quieto! (informal)/ estea quieto! (polite)

Go straight Arrow segue (informal)/siga(polite) todo recto

Wait! Arrow espera! (informal)/espere! (polite)

Let's go! Arrow imos!

Sit down! Arrow séntate! (informal)/séntese (polite)

Good Arrow bo

Better Arrow mellor

Best Arrow o/a mellor

Bad Arrow malo

Worse Arrow peor

Worst Arrow o/a peor

Taller Arrow máis alto/a

Shorter Arrow máis pequeno/a

Younger Arrow máis xoven

Older Arrow máis vello/a

As tall as Arrow tan alto/a como

Taller than Arrow máis alto/a que

Shorter than Arrow máis pequeno/a que

More beautiful Arrow máis bonito/a

Less beautiful Arrow menos bonito/a

Most beautiful Arrow o mais bonito/ a máis bonita

Happy Arrow Contento

Happier Arrow máis feliz- máis ledo/leda

Happiest Arrow o/a máis feliz- o máis ledo/a máis leda

You are happy Arrow tí es (informal)/vostede é (polite) feliz/ ledo

You are as happy as Maya Arrow tí es (informal)/vostede é (polite) tan feliz como Maya

You are happier than Maya Arrow tí es (informal)/vostede é (polite) máis feliz ca Maya

You are the happiest Arrow Tí es o máis feliz (informal)/ vostede é o máis feliz (polite)

Hi! Arrow Ola!

Good morning! Arrow Bos días!

Good afternoon! Arrow Boas tardes!

Good evening! Arrow Boas noites!

How are you? (polite) Arrow Como lle vai?

How are you? (friendly) Arrow Que tal?

What's up? (colloquial) Arrow Que hai?

I'm fine, thank you! Arrow Ben, grazas!

And you? (polite) Arrow E vostede?

And you? (friendly) Arrow E ti?

Good Arrow Ben

Do you speak English? Arrow falas Inglés?(informal)/fala Inglés?(polite)

Just a little Arrow só un pouco

What's your name? Arrow cál é o teu nome? (informal)/ cál é o seu nome? (polite)

My name is (John Doe) Arrow o meu nome é (John Doe)

Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow señor/ señora/ señorita

Nice to meet you! Arrow encantado de coñecerte! (informal)/ encantado de coñecelo/a (polite for masculine and feminine respe

You're very kind! Arrow és moi amable! (informal)/ é moi amable (polite)

Where are you from? Arrow de ónde es? (informal)/ de onde é? (polite)

I'm from the U.S Arrow son dos Estados Unidos

I'm American Arrow son Americano

Where do you live? Arrow ónde vives? (informal)/ ónde vive? (polite)

I live in the U.S Arrow vivo nos Estados Unidos

Do you like it here? Arrow gustache aquí? (informal)/gustalle aquí? (polite)

How old are you? Arrow cantos anos tés?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow teño (vinte/ trinta...) anos

Are you married? Arrow estás casado/a? (informal M-F)-está casado/a? (polite M-F)

Do you have children? Arrow tes fillos? (informal)/ ten fillos? (polite)

I have to go Arrow teñome que ir

I will be right back! Arrow voltarei!

Nice to meet you! Arrow encantado de coñecerte! (informal)/ encantado de coñecelo/a (polite for masculine and feminine respe

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow podo practicar Italiano contigo? (informal)/ podo practicar Italiano con vostede? (polite)

My French is bad Arrow O meu Francés é malo

I need to practice my French Arrow necesito practicar o meu Francés

Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow gustaríache (informal)/gustaríalle (polite) dar un paseo?

Can I have your phone number? Arrow podo pedirche o teu número de teléfono? (informal)/podo pedirlle o seu número de teléfono? (polite)

Can I have your email? Arrow podo pedirche o teu email? (informal)/podo pedirlle o seu email? (polite)

Are you married? Arrow estás (informal)/está (polite) casado/casada?

I'm single Arrow estou solteiro/solteira

Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow estás (informal)/está (polite) libre mañá á noite?

I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow gustaríame invitarte (informal)-invitalo/invitala (polite M-F) a cear

Where do you live? Arrow ónde vives? (informal)/ ónde vive? (polite)

When can we meet? Arrow cándo podemos quedar?

Do you like it? Arrow gústache? (informal)/ gustalle? (polite)

I really like it! Arrow realmente gústame

I love you Arrow ámote (formal)- ámoo/ámoa (polite M-F)

Would you marry me? Arrow queres (informal)/quere (polite) casar comigo?

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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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