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Egyptian Vocabulary

Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Egyptian vocabulary. We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Egyptian. For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components. The sound is also provided.

shirt Audio قـَميص [amees]
sweater Audio سويتر [sweater]
jacket Audio جاكت [jaket]
coat Audio بالطو [baltu]
socks Audio شراب [sherab]
shoes Audio جـَزمة [gazma]
trousers Audio بنطلون [bantalun]
pyjamas Audio بيجاما [pijama]
belt Audio حِزام [hezam]
underwear Audio ملابس داخلية [malabes dakhlia]
hat Audio طـَقيَّة [ta'ia]
skirt Audio جوب [gub]

The following words are related to languages and countries.

Language - Egyptian - Pronunciation - Country - Egyptian - Pronunciation
Arabic عربي [arabi] Audio
Morocco المغرب [elmaghrib] Audio
Chinese صيني [seeni] Audio
China الصين [esseen] Audio
English انجليزي [inglizi] Audio
England انجلترا [inglaterra] Audio
French فرنساوي [faransawi] Audio
France فرنسا [faransa] Audio
German ألماني [almani] Audio
Germany المانيا [almania] Audio
Greek يوناني [yunani] Audio
Greece اليونان [elyunan] Audio
Portuguese بُرتُغالي [burtughali] Audio
Portugal البُرتُغال [elburtughal] Audio
Hindi هندي [hindi] Audio
India الهند [elhind] Audio
Italian إيطالي [itali] Audio
Italy إيطاليا [italia] Audio
Japanese ياباني [yabani] Audio
Japan اليابان [elyaban] Audio
Russian روسي [rusi] Audio
Russia روسيا [rusia] Audio
Spanish أسباني [espani] Audio
Spain أسبانيا [espania] Audio
Swedish سويدي [sweedi] Audio
Sweden السويد [sweed] Audio

The following vocabulary is related to travel and survival.

Travel - Egyptian - Pronunciation
airport مَطار [matar] Audio
doctor دكتور [duktur] Audio
airplane طَيَّارة [tayara] Audio
medicines أدوِية [adwia] Audio
train قَطر [atr] Audio
pharmacy صَيدَلية [saydlia] Audio
taxi تاكسي [taxi] Audio
hospital مُستشفَى [mustashfa] Audio
bus أوتوبيس [otobees] Audio
ambulance إسعاف [es'af] Audio
car عَربية [arabia] Audio
poison سِم [sem] Audio
ticket تَذكَرة [tazkara] Audio
help me ساعِدني [sa'edni] Audio
hotel فُندق [fundu'] Audio
danger خَطر [khatar] Audio
reservation حَجز [hagar] Audio
accident حادِثة [hadsa] Audio
passport باسبور [bassaport] Audio
police شُرطة [shurta] Audio
luggage الشُنَط [eshunat] Audio
headache صُداع [suda'] Audio
tourism سِياحَة [seyaha] Audio
stomach ache مَغَص [maghas] Audio

The following list of words is related to a class environment and the components of a house.

Class - Egyptian - Pronunciation
books كُتُب [kutub] Audio
toilet تواليت [twaleet] Audio
pen قلم جاف [alam gaf] Audio
bed سِرير [sereer] Audio
dictionary قاموس [amoos] Audio
bedroom أوضة نـُوم [udet noom] Audio
library مـَكتبة [maktaba] Audio
furniture عفش [afsh] Audio
desk مَكْتب [maktab] Audio
house بيت [beet] Audio
student طالِب [taleb] Audio
kitchen مَطْبَخ [matbakh] Audio
teacher مُدَرِّس [mudarres] Audio
plate طبق [taba'] Audio
chair كُرسي [kursi] Audio
refrigerator تلاجة [tallaga] Audio
paper ورق [wara'] Audio
room أوضة [uda] Audio
page صَفحَة [saf-ha] Audio
table تربيزة [tarabeeza] Audio
pencil قلم رصاص [alam rusas] Audio
window شِباك [shebbak] Audio
question سؤال [su'al] Audio
television تِلِفِزيون [telefezion] Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about the Egyptian vocabulary? I hope so. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You have to work for it, however. Richard Bach

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