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Afrikaans Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Afrikaans list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow koffie

Milk Arrow melk

Breakfast Arrow ontbyt

Lunch Arrow middagete

Dinner Arrow aandete

Bread Arrow brood

Cheese Arrow kaas

Chicken Arrow hoender

Eggs Arrow eiers

Fish Arrow vis

Food Arrow voedsel / kos

Fruit Arrow vrugte

Meat Arrow vleis

Sandwich Arrow toebroodjie

Sugar Arrow suiker

Tea Arrow tee

Tomatoes Arrow tamaties

Vegetables Arrow groente

Water Arrow water

Belt Arrow gordel

Clothes Arrow klere

Coat Arrow jas

Dress Arrow rok

Glasses Arrow bril

Gloves Arrow handskoene

Hat Arrow hoed

Jacket Arrow baadjie

Pants (Trousers) Arrow broek

Ring Arrow ring

Shirt Arrow hemp

Shoes Arrow skoene

Socks Arrow kouse

Suit Arrow pak

Sweater Arrow trui

Tie Arrow das

Umbrella Arrow sambreel

Underwear Arrow onderklere

Wallet Arrow beursie

Watch Arrow horlosie

Do you like my dress? Arrow Hou jy van my rok?

Book Arrow boek

Books Arrow boeke

Chair Arrow stoel

Desk Arrow lessenaar

Dictionary Arrow woordeboek

Languages Arrow Tale

Library Arrow biblioteek

Laptop Arrow skootrekenaar

Page Arrow bladsy

Paper Arrow papier

Pen Arrow pen

Question Arrow vraag

School Arrow Skool

Student Arrow student

Teacher Arrow onderwyser

University Arrow universiteit

I have a question Arrow Ek het ’n vraag

What's the name of that book? Arrow Wat is die naam van daardie boek?

Arm Arrow arm

Back Arrow rug

Ear Arrow oor

Eye Arrow oog

Face Arrow gesig

Feet Arrow voete

Fingers Arrow vingers

Hair Arrow hare

Hand Arrow hand

Head Arrow kop

Heart Arrow hart

Leg Arrow been

Mouth Arrow mond

Neck Arrow nek

Nose Arrow neus

Teeth Arrow tande

She has beautiful eyes Arrow Sy het pragtige oë

Airplane Arrow vliegtuig

Airport Arrow lughawe

Bus Arrow bus

Bus station Arrow bushalte

Car Arrow motor / kar

Flight Arrow vlug

Help Desk Arrow inligtingstoonbank / inligtingskantoor

Hotel Arrow hotel

Passport Arrow paspoort

Taxi Arrow huurmotor or taxi

Ticket Arrow kaartjie

Tourism Arrow toerisme

Train (noun) Arrow trein

Train station Arrow (trein)stasie

By train Arrow met die trein

By car Arrow met die motor

By bus Arrow met die bus

By taxi Arrow in 'n huurmotor/taxi

By airplane Arrow met die vliegtuig

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Aanvaar julle kredietkaarte?

How much will it cost? Arrow Hoeveel (Wat) sal dit kos?

I have a reservation Arrow Ek het 'n bespreking

I'd like to rent a car Arrow Ek wil 'n motor huur

I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow Ek is hier vir sake / met vakansie

Is this seat taken? Arrow Kan ek hier sit?

Good luck! Arrow Voorspoed!

Happy birthday! Arrow Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag

Happy new year! Arrow Voorspoedige nuwe jaar

Merry Christmas! Arrow Geseënde Kersfees

Baby Arrow baba

Boy Arrow seun

Brother Arrow broer

Child (female) Arrow kind (vroulik)

Child (male) Arrow kind (manlik)

Cousin (female) Arrow niggie (vroulik)

Cousin (male) Arrow nefie (manlik)

Daughter Arrow dogter

Father Arrow vader

Girl Arrow meisie

Grandfather Arrow oupa

Grandmother Arrow ouma

Husband Arrow man

Man Arrow man

Mother Arrow ma/moeder

People Arrow mense

Sister Arrow suster

Son Arrow seun

Wife Arrow vrou

Woman Arrow vrou

How old is your sister? Arrow Hoe oud is jou suster?

What's your brother called? Arrow Wat is jou broer se naam?

Actor Arrow akteur

Actress Arrow aktrise

Artist Arrow kunstenaar

Businessman Arrow sakeman

Doctor Arrow dokter

Nurse Arrow verpleegster

Policeman Arrow polisieman

Singer Arrow sanger

Student Arrow student

Teacher Arrow onderwyser

Translator Arrow vertaler

He is a policeman Arrow Hy is ’n polisieman

I'm an artist Arrow Ek is 'n kunstenaar

I'm looking for a job Arrow Ek soek werk

Days Arrow Dae

Monday Arrow Maandag

Tuesday Arrow Dinsdag

Wednesday Arrow Woensdag

Thursday Arrow Donderdag

Friday Arrow Vrydag

Saturday Arrow Saterdag

Sunday Arrow Sondag

January Arrow Januarie

February Arrow Februarie

March Arrow Maart

April Arrow April

May Arrow Mei

June Arrow Junie

July Arrow Julie

August Arrow Augustus

September Arrow September

October Arrow Oktober

November Arrow November

December Arrow Desember

Autumn Arrow herfs

Winter Arrow winter

Spring Arrow lente

Summer Arrow somer

Time Arrow tyd

Hour Arrow uur

Minute Arrow minuut

Second Arrow tweede

I was born in July Arrow Ek is in Julie gebore

I will visit you in August Arrow Ek sal in Augustus vir jou kom kuier

Cold Arrow koud

Hot Arrow warm

Rain Arrow reën

Snow Arrow sneeu

Spring Arrow lente

Summer Arrow somer

Sun Arrow son

Sunny Arrow sonnig

Warm Arrow warm

Wind Arrow wind

Windy Arrow winderig

Winter Arrow winter

It is raining Arrow dit reën

It is sunny Arrow die son skyn

It is windy Arrow dis winderig

It's cold Arrow Dit is koud

It's hot Arrow Dit is warm

Bed Arrow bed

Bedroom Arrow slaapkamer

Computer Arrow rekenaar

Door Arrow deur

Furniture Arrow meubels

House Arrow huis

Kitchen Arrow kombuis

Refrigerator Arrow yskas

Room Arrow kamer

Television Arrow televisie

Toilet Arrow toilet

Window Arrow venster

Can you open the window? Arrow Kan jy die venster oopmaak?

I need to use the computer Arrow Ek moet die rekenaar gebruik

Arabic Arrow Arabies

Moroccan Arrow Marokkaans

Morocco Arrow Marokko

Chinese (language) Arrow Chinees

Chinese (nationality) Arrow Chinees

China Arrow China

English Arrow Engels

British Arrow Brits

Britain Arrow Brittanje

American Arrow Amerikaans

America Arrow Amerika

French (language) Arrow Frans

French (nationality) Arrow Frans

France Arrow Frankryk

Italian (language) Arrow Italiaans

Italian (nationality) Arrow Italiaans

Italy Arrow Italië

Japanese (language) Arrow Japannees

Japanese (nationality) Arrow Japans/Japanees

Japan Arrow Japan

Russian (language) Arrow Russies

Russian (nationality) Arrow Russies

Russia Arrow Rusland

Spanish (language) Arrow Spaans

Spanish (nationality) Arrow Spaans

Spain Arrow Spanje

I don't speak Korean Arrow Ek kan nie Koreaans praat nie

I speak Italian Arrow Ek praat Italiaans

I want to go to Germany Arrow Ek wil Duitsland toe gaan

I was born in Italy Arrow Ek is in Italië gebore

Black Arrow swart

Blue Arrow blou

Brown Arrow bruin

Colors Arrow kleure

Green Arrow groen

Orange Arrow oranje

Red Arrow rooi

White Arrow wit

Yellow Arrow geel

I have black hair Arrow Ek het swart hare

Your cat is white Arrow Jou kat is wit

Far Arrow ver

Here Arrow hier

Left Arrow links

Right Arrow regs

Near Arrow naby

Straight Arrow reguit

There Arrow daar

Can I help you? Arrow Kan ek u help? 'U' here is the formal form of address. Could also use 'jou'

Can you help me? Arrow Kan u mey help?

Can you show me? Arrow Kan u my wys?

Come with me! Arrow Kom saam (met my)

I'm lost Arrow Ek het verdwaal

I'm not from here Arrow Ek is nie van hier nie

Turn left Arrow Draai links

Turn right Arrow Draai regs

Can you take less? Arrow Sal jy minder aanvaar?

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Aanvaar julle kredietkaarte?

How much is this? Arrow Hoeveel kos dit?

I'm just looking Arrow Ek kyk net

Only cash please! Arrow Net kontant, asseblief

This is very expensive Arrow Dit is baie duur

I'm vegetarian Arrow Ek is ’n vegetariër

It is very delicious! Arrow Dit smaak uitstekend!

May we have the check please? Arrow Kan ek asseblief die rekening kry?

The bill please! Arrow Rekening asseblief!

Waiter / waitress! Arrow Kelner!

What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow Wat sou jy aanbeveel?

What's the name of this dish? Arrow Wat is hierdie dis se naam? /Wat noem mens hierdie dis?

Menu Arrow spyskaart

Spoon Arrow lepel

No problem! Arrow Als reg / Geen probleem

Accident Arrow ongeluk

Ambulance Arrow ambulans

Doctor Arrow dokter

Headache Arrow hoofpyn

Heart attack Arrow Hartaanval

Help me Arrow help my

Hospital Arrow hospitaal

Medicines Arrow medisyne

Pharmacy Arrow apteek

Poison Arrow gif

Police Arrow polisie

Stomach ache Arrow maagpyn

Are you okay? Arrow Is jy okei?

Call a doctor! Arrow Bel ’n dokter!

Call the ambulance! Arrow Bel die ambulans!

Call the police! Arrow Bel die polisie!

Calm down! Arrow Kalmeer!

I feel sick Arrow Ek voel siek

It hurts here Arrow Dis hier seer

It's urgent! Arrow Dit is dringend

Stop! Arrow Stop

Thief! Arrow Dief

Animal Arrow dier

Cat Arrow kat

Dog Arrow hond

Horse Arrow perd

Do you have any animals? Arrow Het jy/julle enige diere?

I have a dog Arrow Ek het ’n hond

Small Arrow klein

Big Arrow groot

Tall Arrow lank

Short Arrow kort

Cheap Arrow goedkoop

Expensive Arrow duur

Good Arrow Goed

Bad Arrow Sleg

Wrong Arrow verkeerd

Right (correct) Arrow korrek / reg

New Arrow nuut

Old (opposite of new) Arrow oud

Young Arrow jonk

Old (opposite of young) Arrow oud

Difficult Arrow moeilik

Easy Arrow maklik

This is too expensive Arrow Dis te duur

Am I right or wrong? Arrow Is ek reg of verkeerd

Here Arrow hier

There Arrow daar

Quickly Arrow gou / vinnig

Really Arrow werklik / regtig

Slowly Arrow stadig

Always Arrow altyd

Never Arrow nooit

Sometimes Arrow soms

Next week Arrow volgende week

Now Arrow nou

Soon Arrow binnekort

Today Arrow vandag

Tomorrow Arrow môre

Tonight Arrow vanaand

Yesterday Arrow gister

Do you like it here? Arrow Hou jy daarvan hier?/Is dit vir jou lekker hier?

See you later! Arrow Sien jou later!

Thank you very much! Arrow Baie dankie!

Woman Arrow vrou

Women Arrow vroue/vrouens

Man Arrow man

Men Arrow mans

Boy Arrow seun

Boys Arrow seuns

Girl Arrow meisie

Girls Arrow meisies

Country Arrow land

Countries Arrow Lande

We speak two languages Arrow Ons praat twee tale

Cat Arrow kat

Dog Arrow hond

Woman Arrow vrou

Women Arrow vroue/vrouens

Mother Arrow moeder

Sister Arrow suster

I have a dog Arrow Ek het ’n hond

I speak Italian Arrow Ek praat Italiaans

A French teacher is here Arrow ’n Franse onderwyser(es) is hier

The French teacher is here Arrow Die Franse onderwyser(es) is hier

Some languages are hard Arrow Sommige tale is moeilik

Many languages are easy Arrow Baie tale is maklik

The student speaks Korean Arrow Die student praat Koreaans

A student speaks Korean Arrow ’n Student praat Koreaans

Some students speak Korean Arrow Sommige studente praat Koreaans

In front of Arrow voor

Behind Arrow agter

Before Arrow voor / voordat

After Arrow ná

Inside Arrow binne

With Arrow met

Without Arrow sonder

Outside Arrow buite

On top of Arrow bo-op

Under Arrow onder

And Arrow en

Between Arrow tussen

But Arrow maar

For Arrow vir

From Arrow van / vanaf

In Arrow In

Near Arrow naby

Or Arrow of

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Kan ek Italiaans (saam) met jou oefen?

I speak French but with an accent Arrow Ek praat Frans, maar met ’n aksent

Boy Arrow seun

Girl Arrow meisie

Man Arrow man

Woman Arrow vrou

Father Arrow pa/vader

Mother Arrow ma/moeder

Brother Arrow broer

Sister Arrow suster

Cat (Masc.) Arrow Mannetjieskat

Cat (Fem.) Arrow Wyfiekat

He is tall Arrow Hy is lank

She is tall Arrow Sy is lank

He is a short man Arrow Hy is ’n kort man

She is a short woman Arrow Sy is 'n kort vrou

One Arrow een

Two Arrow twee

Three Arrow drie

Four Arrow vier

Five Arrow vyf

Six Arrow ses

Seven Arrow sewe

Eight Arrow agt

Nine Arrow nege

Ten Arrow tien

I Arrow Ek

You Arrow jy

He Arrow hy

She Arrow sy

We Arrow ons

You (plural) Arrow julle

They Arrow hulle

I love you Arrow Ek is lief vir jou

Me Arrow my

You Arrow jou

Him Arrow hom

Her Arrow haar

Us Arrow ons

You (plural) Arrow julle

Them Arrow hulle

Give me your phone number Arrow Gee my jou telefoonnommer

I can give you my email Arrow Ek kan jou my e-pos gee

My Arrow my

Your Arrow jou

His Arrow sy

Her Arrow haar

Our Arrow ons

Your (plural) Arrow julle

Their Arrow hul/hulle

His email is … Arrow Sy e-pos is

My phone number is … Arrow My telefoonnommer is

How? Arrow Hoe

What? Arrow Wat?

When? Arrow Wanneer

Where? Arrow Waar

Who? Arrow Wie

Why? Arrow Hoekom

Can I help you? Arrow Kan ek u help? 'U' here is the formal form of address. Could also use 'jou'

Can you help me? Arrow Kan u mey help?

Do you speak English? Arrow Praat jy Engels

How much is this? Arrow Hoeveel kos dit?

What is your name? Arrow Wat is jou naam?

What time is it? Arrow Hoe laat is dit

When can we meet? Arrow Wanneer kan ons ontmoet?

Where do you live? Arrow Waar woon jy?

Who is knocking at the door? Arrow Wie klop aan die deur?

Why is it expensive? Arrow Hoekom is dit duur?

No Arrow Nee

Nothing Arrow Niks

Not yet Arrow Nog nie

No one Arrow Niemand

No longer Arrow nie meer nie

Never Arrow nooit

Cannot Arrow kan nie

Should not Arrow moenie / moet nie /behoort nie

Don't worry! Arrow Moenie jou bekommer nie

I cannot remember the word Arrow Ek kan nie die woord onthou nie

I do not speak Japanese Arrow Ek praat nie Japannees nie

I don't know! Arrow Ek weet nie!

I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow Ek is nog nie vlot in Italiaans nie

No one here speaks Greek Arrow Niemand hier praat Grieks nie

No problem! Arrow Als reg / Geen probleem

To drive Arrow ry

To drive Arrow Om te bestuur

To give Arrow om te gee

To have Arrow Om te hê

To know Arrow Om te weet/te ken

To understand Arrow Om te verstaan

To work Arrow Om te werk

To write Arrow om te skryf

He understands me Arrow Hy verstaan my

He understood me Arrow Hy het my verstaan

He will understand me Arrow Hy sal my verstaan

I see you Arrow Ek sien jou

He reads a book Arrow Hy lees ’n boek

He understands me Arrow Hy verstaan my

She has a cat Arrow Sy het ’n kat

She knows my friend Arrow Sy ken my vriend

We want to learn Arrow Ons wil leer

We think Spanish is easy Arrow Ons dink Spaans is maklik

They drive a car Arrow Hulle bestuur ’n motor

They smile Arrow Hulle glimlag

I saw you Arrow Ek het jou gesien

I wrote with a pen Arrow Ek het met 'n pen geskryf

You loved apples Arrow Jy het van appels gehou

You gave money Arrow Jy het geld gegee

You played tennis Arrow Jy het tennis gespeel

He understood me Arrow Hy het my verstaan

She had a cat Arrow Sy het 'n kat gehad

She knew my friend Arrow Sy het my vriend geken

We wanted to learn Arrow Ons wou leer

They smiled Arrow Hulle het 'n motor bestuur

I will see you Arrow Ek sal jou sien

I will write with a pen Arrow Ek sal met 'n pen skryf

He will read a book Arrow Hy sal 'n boek lees

He will understand me Arrow Hy sal my verstaan

We will think about you Arrow Ons sal aan jou dink

Go! Arrow Gaan!

Stop! Arrow Stop

Don't Go! Arrow Moenie gaan nie!

Stay! Arrow Bly!

Come here! Arrow Kom hier!

Be quiet! Arrow Bly stil!

Go straight Arrow Gaan reguit (aan)

Wait! Arrow Wag!

Let's go! Arrow Kom ons gaan! (waai)

Sit down! Arrow Sit!

Good Arrow goed

Better Arrow beter

Best Arrow beste

Bad Arrow sleg

Worse Arrow slegter

Worst Arrow slegste

Taller Arrow langer

Shorter Arrow korter

Younger Arrow jonger

Older Arrow ouer

As tall as Arrow so lank soos

Taller than Arrow langer as

Shorter than Arrow Korter as

More beautiful Arrow Mooier

Less beautiful Arrow minder mooi

Most beautiful Arrow Mooiste

Happy Arrow Bly

Happier Arrow gelukkiger

Happiest Arrow gelukkigste

You are happy Arrow jy is gelukkig

You are as happy as Maya Arrow Jy is so gelukkig soos

You are happier than Maya Arrow Jy is gelukkiger as Maya

You are the happiest Arrow jy is die gelukkigste

Hi! Arrow Haai!

Good morning! Arrow Goeiemôre!

Good afternoon! Arrow Goeiemiddag!

Good evening! Arrow Goeienaand!

How are you? (polite) Arrow Hoe gaan dit met jou?

How are you? (friendly) Arrow Hoe gaan dit?

What's up? (colloquial) Arrow Wat doen jy?

I'm fine, thank you! Arrow Dit gaan goed, dankie!

And you? (polite) Arrow En met jou?

And you? (friendly) Arrow En jy?

Good Arrow Goed

Do you speak English? Arrow Praat jy Engels

Just a little Arrow Net ’n bietjie

What's your name? Arrow Wat is jou naam?

My name is (John Doe) Arrow My naam is

Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow Mnr, Mev, Mej

Nice to meet you! Arrow Bly te kenne!

You're very kind! Arrow Jy is baie dierbaar!

Where are you from? Arrow Waar kom jy vandaan?

I'm from the U.S Arrow Ek is van Amerika

I'm American Arrow Ek’s ’n Amerikaner

Where do you live? Arrow Waar woon jy?

I live in the U.S Arrow Ek woon in Amerika

Do you like it here? Arrow Hou jy daarvan hier?/Is dit vir jou lekker hier?

How old are you? Arrow Hoe oud is jy?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow Ek’s (twintig/dertig) jaar oud

Are you married? Arrow Is jy getroud?

Do you have children? Arrow Het jy kinders?

I have to go Arrow Ek moet gaan

I will be right back! Arrow Ek is nou terug

Nice to meet you! Arrow Bly te kenne!

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Kan ek Italiaans (saam) met jou oefen?

My French is bad Arrow My Frans is swak

I need to practice my French Arrow Ek moet my Frans oefen

Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow Wil jy gaan stap

Can I have your phone number? Arrow Kan ek jou telefoonnommer kry

Can I have your email? Arrow Kan ek jou e-posadres kry?

Are you married? Arrow Is jy getroud

I'm single Arrow Ek is enkellopend

Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow Is jy môre-aand beskikbaar?

I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow Ek wil jou graag nooi vir aand ete

Where do you live? Arrow Waar woon jy?

When can we meet? Arrow Wanneer kan ons ontmoet?

Do you like it? Arrow Hou jy daarvan

I really like it! Arrow Ek hou baie daarvan

I love you Arrow Ek is lief vir jou

Would you marry me? Arrow Sal jy met my trou

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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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