Welcome to our Spanish list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.
Coffee |
Milk |
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Dinner |
Bread |
Cheese |
Chicken |
Eggs |
Fish |
Food |
Fruit |
Meat |
Sandwich |
Sugar |
Tea |
Tomatoes |
Vegetables |
Water |
Belt |
Clothes |
Coat |
Dress |
Glasses |
Gloves |
Hat |
Jacket |
Pants (Trousers) |
Ring |
Shirt |
Shoes |
Socks |
Suit |
Sweater |
Tie |
Umbrella |
Underwear |
Wallet |
Watch |
Do you like my dress? |
Book |
Books |
Chair |
Desk |
Dictionary |
Languages |
Library |
Laptop |
Page |
Paper |
Pen |
Question |
School |
Student |
Teacher |
University |
I have a question |
What's the name of that book? |
Arm |
Back |
Ear |
Eye |
Face |
Feet |
Fingers |
Hair |
Hand |
Head |
Heart |
Leg |
Mouth |
Neck |
Nose |
Teeth |
She has beautiful eyes |
Airplane |
Airport |
Bus |
Bus station |
Car |
Flight |
Help Desk |
Hotel |
Passport |
Taxi |
Ticket |
Tourism |
Train (noun) |
Train station |
By train |
By car |
By bus |
By taxi |
By airplane |
Do you accept credit cards? |
How much will it cost? |
I have a reservation |
I'd like to rent a car |
I'm here on business /on vacation. |
Is this seat taken? |
Good luck! |
Happy birthday! |
Happy new year! |
Merry Christmas! |
Baby |
Boy |
Brother |
Child (female) |
Child (male) |
Cousin (female) |
Cousin (male) |
Daughter |
Father |
Girl |
Grandfather |
Grandmother |
Husband |
Man |
Mother |
People |
Sister |
Son |
Wife |
Woman |
How old is your sister? |
What's your brother called? |
Actor |
Actress |
Artist |
Businessman |
Doctor |
Nurse |
Policeman |
Singer |
Student |
Teacher |
Translator |
He is a policeman |
I'm an artist |
I'm looking for a job |
Days |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Autumn |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Time |
Hour |
Minute |
Second |
I was born in July |
I will visit you in August |
Cold |
Hot |
Rain |
Snow |
Spring |
Summer |
Sun |
Sunny |
Warm |
Wind |
Windy |
Winter |
It is raining |
It is sunny |
It is windy |
It's cold |
It's hot |
Bed |
Bedroom |
Computer |
Door |
Furniture |
House |
Kitchen |
Refrigerator |
Room |
Television |
Toilet |
Window |
Can you open the window? |
I need to use the computer |
Arabic |
Moroccan |
Morocco |
Chinese (language) |
Chinese (nationality) |
China |
English |
British |
Britain |
American |
America |
French (language) |
French (nationality) |
France |
Italian (language) |
Italian (nationality) |
Italy |
Japanese (language) |
Japanese (nationality) |
Japan |
Russian (language) |
Russian (nationality) |
Russia |
Spanish (language) |
Spanish (nationality) |
Spain |
I don't speak Korean |
I speak Italian |
I want to go to Germany |
I was born in Italy |
Black |
Blue |
Brown |
Colors |
Green |
Orange |
Red |
White |
Yellow |
I have black hair |
Your cat is white |
Far |
Here |
Left |
Right |
Near |
Straight |
There |
Can I help you? |
Can you help me? |
Can you show me? |
Come with me! |
I'm lost |
I'm not from here |
Turn left |
Turn right |
Can you take less? |
Do you accept credit cards? |
How much is this? |
I'm just looking |
Only cash please! |
This is very expensive |
I'm vegetarian |
It is very delicious! |
May we have the check please? |
The bill please! |
Waiter / waitress! |
What do you recommend? (to eat) |
What's the name of this dish? |
Menu |
Spoon |
No problem! |
Accident |
Ambulance |
Doctor |
Headache |
Heart attack |
Help me |
Hospital |
Medicines |
Pharmacy |
Poison |
Police |
Stomach ache |
Are you okay? |
Call a doctor! |
Call the ambulance! |
Call the police! |
Calm down! |
I feel sick |
It hurts here |
It's urgent! |
Stop! |
Thief! |
Animal |
Cat |
Dog |
Horse |
Do you have any animals? |
I have a dog |
Small |
Big |
Tall |
Short |
Cheap |
Expensive |
Good |
Bad |
Wrong |
Right (correct) |
New |
Old (opposite of new) |
Young |
Old (opposite of young) |
Difficult |
Easy |
This is too expensive |
Am I right or wrong? |
Here |
There |
Quickly |
Really |
Slowly |
Always |
Never |
Sometimes |
Next week |
Now |
Soon |
Today |
Tomorrow |
Tonight |
Yesterday |
Do you like it here? |
See you later! |
Thank you very much! |
Woman |
Women |
Man |
Men |
Boy |
Boys |
Girl |
Girls |
Country |
Countries |
We speak two languages |
Cat |
Dog |
Woman |
Women |
Mother |
Sister |
I have a dog |
I speak Italian |
A French teacher is here |
The French teacher is here |
Some languages are hard |
Many languages are easy |
The student speaks Korean |
A student speaks Korean |
Some students speak Korean |
In front of |
Behind |
Before |
After |
Inside |
With |
Without |
Outside |
On top of |
Under |
And |
Between |
But |
For |
From |
In |
Near |
Or |
Can I practice Italian with you? |
I speak French but with an accent |
Boy |
Girl |
Man |
Woman |
Father |
Mother |
Brother |
Sister |
Cat (Masc.) |
Cat (Fem.) |
He is tall |
She is tall |
He is a short man |
She is a short woman |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight |
Nine |
Ten |
I |
You |
He |
She |
We |
You (plural) |
They |
I love you |
Me |
You |
Him |
Her |
Us |
You (plural) |
Them |
Give me your phone number |
I can give you my email |
My |
Your |
His |
Her |
Our |
Your (plural) |
Their |
His email is … |
My phone number is … |
How? |
What? |
When? |
Where? |
Who? |
Why? |
Can I help you? |
Can you help me? |
Do you speak English? |
How much is this? |
What is your name? |
What time is it? |
When can we meet? |
Where do you live? |
Who is knocking at the door? |
Why is it expensive? |
No |
Nothing |
Not yet |
No one |
No longer |
Never |
Cannot |
Should not |
Don't worry! |
I cannot remember the word |
I do not speak Japanese |
I don't know! |
I'm not fluent in Italian yet |
No one here speaks Greek |
No problem! |
To drive |
To drive |
To give |
To have |
To know |
To understand |
To work |
To write |
He understands me |
He understood me |
He will understand me |
I see you |
He reads a book |
He understands me |
She has a cat |
She knows my friend |
We want to learn |
We think Spanish is easy |
They drive a car |
They smile |
I saw you |
I wrote with a pen |
You loved apples |
You gave money |
You played tennis |
He understood me |
She had a cat |
She knew my friend |
We wanted to learn |
They smiled |
I will see you |
I will write with a pen |
He will read a book |
He will understand me |
We will think about you |
Go! |
Stop! |
Don't Go! |
Stay! |
Come here! |
Be quiet! |
Go straight |
Wait! |
Let's go! |
Sit down! |
Good |
Better |
Best |
Bad |
Worse |
Worst |
Taller |
Shorter |
Younger |
Older |
As tall as |
Taller than |
Shorter than |
More beautiful |
Less beautiful |
Most beautiful |
Happy |
Happier |
Happiest |
You are happy |
You are as happy as Maya |
You are happier than Maya |
You are the happiest |
Hi! |
Good morning! |
Good afternoon! |
Good evening! |
How are you? (polite) |
How are you? (friendly) |
What's up? (colloquial) |
I'm fine, thank you! |
And you? (polite) |
And you? (friendly) |
Good |
Do you speak English? |
Just a little |
What's your name? |
My name is (John Doe) |
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... |
Nice to meet you! |
You're very kind! |
Where are you from? |
I'm from the U.S |
I'm American |
Where do you live? |
I live in the U.S |
Do you like it here? |
How old are you? |
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old |
Are you married? |
Do you have children? |
I have to go |
I will be right back! |
Nice to meet you! |
Can I practice Italian with you? |
My French is bad |
I need to practice my French |
Would you like to go for a walk? |
Can I have your phone number? |
Can I have your email? |
Are you married? |
I'm single |
Are you free tomorrow evening? |
I would like to invite you for dinner |
Where do you live? |
When can we meet? |
Do you like it? |
I really like it! |
I love you |
Would you marry me? |
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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on. |