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Shona Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Shona list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow kofi

Milk Arrow mukaka

Breakfast Arrow kudya kwemangwanani

Lunch Arrow kudya kwemasikati

Dinner Arrow kudya kwemanheru

Bread Arrow chingwa

Cheese Arrow chizi

Chicken Arrow huku

Eggs Arrow Mazai

Fish Arrow hove

Food Arrow Zvekudya

Fruit Arrow michero

Meat Arrow nyama

Sandwich Arrow Sangweji

Sugar Arrow Tsvigiri

Tea Arrow Svutugadzike

Tomatoes Arrow matomati

Vegetables Arrow Miriwo

Water Arrow Mvura

Belt Arrow bande

Clothes Arrow Mbatya

Coat Arrow Jasi

Dress Arrow Mujivha

Glasses Arrow Magirazi

Gloves Arrow Magorovhosi

Hat Arrow heti

Jacket Arrow bhachi

Pants (Trousers) Arrow Mudhebhe

Ring Arrow Rin'i

Shirt Arrow Shati

Shoes Arrow Shangu

Socks Arrow masokisi

Suit Arrow Svutu

Sweater Arrow juzi

Tie Arrow Tayi

Umbrella Arrow Sumburera

Underwear Arrow nduwe

Wallet Arrow Chikwama

Watch Arrow Wachi

Do you like my dress? Arrow Unofarira mujivha wangu?

Book Arrow bhuku

Books Arrow mabhuku

Chair Arrow cheya

Desk Arrow dhesiki

Dictionary Arrow duramazwi

Languages Arrow Mitauro

Library Arrow raibhurari

Laptop Arrow Reputopu

Page Arrow peji

Paper Arrow pepa

Pen Arrow chinyoreso

Question Arrow mubvunzo

School Arrow Chikoro

Student Arrow mudzidzi

Teacher Arrow mudzidzisi

University Arrow Yunivesiti

I have a question Arrow Ndinemubvunzo

What's the name of that book? Arrow Bhuku iro rinozii?

Arm Arrow Ruoko

Back Arrow Musana

Ear Arrow nzeve

Eye Arrow ziso

Face Arrow chiso

Feet Arrow tsoka

Fingers Arrow minwe

Hair Arrow bvudzi

Hand Arrow ruoko

Head Arrow musoro

Heart Arrow mwoyo

Leg Arrow gumbo

Mouth Arrow muromo

Neck Arrow Mutsipa

Nose Arrow mhino

Teeth Arrow Mazino

She has beautiful eyes Arrow Ane maziso akanaka

Airplane Arrow ndege

Airport Arrow nhandare yendege

Bus Arrow bhazi

Bus station Arrow Chiteshi chemabhazi

Car Arrow motokari

Flight Arrow Kubhururuka

Help Desk Arrow Pekubatsirwa

Hotel Arrow hotera

Passport Arrow pasipoti

Taxi Arrow tekisi

Ticket Arrow tiketi

Tourism Arrow Zvekushanyira nzwimbo dzinoyevedza

Train (noun) Arrow chitima

Train station Arrow Chiteshi chezvitima

By train Arrow Nechitima

By car Arrow Nemotokari

By bus Arrow Nebhazi

By taxi Arrow Netekisi

By airplane Arrow Nendege

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Munotambira here kadhi rekutenga nechikereti

How much will it cost? Arrow Zvinoita marii?

I have a reservation Arrow Ndakabhuka

I'd like to rent a car Arrow Ndoda motokari yekushandisa ndichibhadhara

I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow Ndavinga bhizimisi/kuzorora

Is this seat taken? Arrow Pane aripo here pachigaro ichi

Good luck! Arrow Ndokushuvira yakanaka

Happy birthday! Arrow Makorokoto pazuva rekuzvarwa

Happy new year! Arrow Goredzwa rakanaka

Merry Christmas! Arrow Kisimusi yakanaka

Baby Arrow Mwana

Boy Arrow mukomana

Brother Arrow Mukoma

Child (female) Arrow Mwanasikana

Child (male) Arrow Mwanakomana

Cousin (female) Arrow Sisi

Cousin (male) Arrow Mukoma

Daughter Arrow mwanasikana

Father Arrow Baba

Girl Arrow musikana

Grandfather Arrow sekuru

Grandmother Arrow ambuya

Husband Arrow murume

Man Arrow murume

Mother Arrow amai

People Arrow Vanhu

Sister Arrow hanzvadzi

Son Arrow mwanakomana

Wife Arrow mukadzi

Woman Arrow Mukadzi

How old is your sister? Arrow Hanzvadzi yako inemakore mangani okuberekwa?

What's your brother called? Arrow Mukoma wako anonzani?

Actor Arrow Mutambi

Actress Arrow Mutambikadzi

Artist Arrow Munyori wemifananidzo

Businessman Arrow Muzvinabhizimisi

Doctor Arrow chiremba

Nurse Arrow Mukoti

Policeman Arrow Mupurisa

Singer Arrow Muimbi

Student Arrow mudzidzi

Teacher Arrow mudzidzisi

Translator Arrow Mushanduri

He is a policeman Arrow Mupurisa

I'm an artist Arrow Ndiri munyori wemifananidzo

I'm looking for a job Arrow Ndiri kutsvaga basa

Days Arrow Mazuva

Monday Arrow muvhuro

Tuesday Arrow chipiri

Wednesday Arrow chitatu

Thursday Arrow china

Friday Arrow chishanu

Saturday Arrow mugovera

Sunday Arrow svondo

January Arrow Ndira

February Arrow Kukadzi

March Arrow Kurume

April Arrow Kubvumbi

May Arrow Chivabvu

June Arrow Chikumi

July Arrow Chikunguru--

August Arrow Nyamavhuvhu

September Arrow Chikunguru

October Arrow Gunyana--

November Arrow Mbudzi

December Arrow Zvita

Autumn Arrow Matsutso

Winter Arrow Chando--

Spring Arrow Chirimo--

Summer Arrow Zhizha-

Time Arrow Nguva

Hour Arrow Awa

Minute Arrow Mineti

Second Arrow yepiri

I was born in July Arrow Ndakazvarwa muna nyamavhuvhu

I will visit you in August Arrow Ndichakushanyira muna Chikumi

Cold Arrow kutonhora

Hot Arrow kupisa

Rain Arrow Kunaya

Snow Arrow Mazaya echando

Spring Arrow Chirimo

Summer Arrow Zhizha

Sun Arrow Zuva

Sunny Arrow kune zuva

Warm Arrow kuri kudziya

Wind Arrow Mhepo

Windy Arrow kune mhepo

Winter Arrow Chando

It is raining Arrow Kuri kunaya here?

It is sunny Arrow Kune zuva here?

It is windy Arrow Kune mhepo here

It's cold Arrow Kuri kuronhora

It's hot Arrow Kuri kupisa

Bed Arrow mubhedha

Bedroom Arrow imba yokurara

Computer Arrow Kombiyuta

Door Arrow Gonhi

Furniture Arrow fanicha

House Arrow imba

Kitchen Arrow kicheni

Refrigerator Arrow firiji

Room Arrow imba

Television Arrow terevhizheni

Toilet Arrow chimbudzi

Window Arrow hwindo

Can you open the window? Arrow Ungavhure hwindo

I need to use the computer Arrow Ndoda kushandisa kombiyuta

Arabic Arrow chiarabhu

Moroccan Arrow Muchina

Morocco Arrow morocco

Chinese (language) Arrow chichina

Chinese (nationality) Arrow Mubrazil

China Arrow china

English Arrow chirungu

British Arrow Mubhiritishi

Britain Arrow Britain

American Arrow Muamerica

America Arrow America

French (language) Arrow chifrench

French (nationality) Arrow Mufrench

France Arrow france

Italian (language) Arrow chitariyana

Italian (nationality) Arrow Mutariyana

Italy Arrow italy

Japanese (language) Arrow chijapanese

Japanese (nationality) Arrow Mujapan

Japan Arrow japane

Russian (language) Arrow chirussia

Russian (nationality) Arrow Murussia

Russia Arrow russia

Spanish (language) Arrow chispanish

Spanish (nationality) Arrow Muspanish

Spain Arrow spain

I don't speak Korean Arrow Handitaure chiKorea

I speak Italian Arrow Ndotaura chitariyana

I want to go to Germany Arrow Ndinoda kuenda kuGerman

I was born in Italy Arrow Ndakazvarirwa kuitaly

Black Arrow nhema

Blue Arrow bhuruu

Brown Arrow bhurauni

Colors Arrow Mavara

Green Arrow girini

Orange Arrow Orenji

Red Arrow tsvuku

White Arrow chena

Yellow Arrow yero

I have black hair Arrow Ndine bvudzi dema

Your cat is white Arrow Kitsi yako ichena

Far Arrow Kure

Here Arrow Pano

Left Arrow Ruboshe

Right Arrow Rudyi

Near Arrow pedyo

Straight Arrow Rurama

There Arrow Apo

Can I help you? Arrow Ndingakubatsirai?

Can you help me? Arrow Mungandibatsirawo?

Can you show me? Arrow Nditaridzeiwo

Come with me! Arrow Nditeverei

I'm lost Arrow Ndarasika--

I'm not from here Arrow Handisi wekuno

Turn left Arrow Endai kuruboshe

Turn right Arrow Endai kurudyi

Can you take less? Arrow Munigona kudzikisa here?

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Munotambira here kadhi rekutenga nechikereti

How much is this? Arrow Chinoita marii?

I'm just looking Arrow Ndiri kungoona

Only cash please! Arrow Mari chete

This is very expensive Arrow Chiri kudhura

I'm vegetarian Arrow Ndodya miriwo chete

It is very delicious! Arrow Inonaka kwazvo

May we have the check please? Arrow Tipeiwo cheki ndapota

The bill please! Arrow Muengo ndapota

Waiter / waitress! Arrow Mupakuri

What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow Todyei

What's the name of this dish? Arrow Chikafu chinonzii?

Menu Arrow Pakanyorwa zzbidyiw zviripo

Spoon Arrow Chipunu

No problem! Arrow Hapana dambudziko

Accident Arrow tsaona

Ambulance Arrow amburenzi

Doctor Arrow chiremba

Headache Arrow kutemwa nomusoro

Heart attack Arrow Kubatwa nemoyo

Help me Arrow ndibatsirewo

Hospital Arrow chipatara

Medicines Arrow mishonga

Pharmacy Arrow famasi

Poison Arrow muchetura

Police Arrow mapurisa

Stomach ache Arrow kurwadziwa nomudumbu

Are you okay? Arrow hauna kukuvara here?

Call a doctor! Arrow Daidza chiremba

Call the ambulance! Arrow daidza amburenzi

Call the police! Arrow daidza mapurisa

Calm down! Arrow Dzikama

I feel sick Arrow Ndiri kurwara

It hurts here Arrow Zviri kureadza apa

It's urgent! Arrow Ndezvekukurumidzira

Stop! Arrow Mira!

Thief! Arrow Mbavha

Animal Arrow Mhuka

Cat Arrow katsi

Dog Arrow imbwa

Horse Arrow bhiza

Do you have any animals? Arrow Une mhuka here?

I have a dog Arrow Ndinebwa

Small Arrow Diki

Big Arrow Hombe

Tall Arrow Refu

Short Arrow Pfupi

Cheap Arrow Kuchipa

Expensive Arrow Kudhura

Good Arrow Zvakanaka

Bad Arrow Zvakaipa

Wrong Arrow Zvisizvo

Right (correct) Arrow Ndizvo

New Arrow Chitsva

Old (opposite of new) Arrow Chitsaru

Young Arrow Pwere

Old (opposite of young) Arrow Kuchipa

Difficult Arrow Kuoma

Easy Arrow Kureruka

This is too expensive Arrow Chiri kunyanya kudhura

Am I right or wrong? Arrow Ndagona here kana kuti ndatadza

Here Arrow Pano

There Arrow Apo

Quickly Arrow Nekukasika

Really Arrow Chokadi

Slowly Arrow Zvishoma nezvishoma

Always Arrow Nguva dzese

Never Arrow zvachose

Sometimes Arrow Dzimwe nguva

Next week Arrow Vhiki inouya

Now Arrow iye zvino

Soon Arrow Izvozvi

Today Arrow nhasi

Tomorrow Arrow mangwana

Tonight Arrow manheru anhasi

Yesterday Arrow nezuro

Do you like it here? Arrow Unokufarira here kuno?

See you later! Arrow Ndokuona gare-gare

Thank you very much! Arrow Mazvika zvikuru

Woman Arrow mukadzi

Women Arrow vakadzi

Man Arrow murume

Men Arrow varume

Boy Arrow mukomana

Boys Arrow Vakomana

Girl Arrow musikana

Girls Arrow Vasikana

Country Arrow Nyika

Countries Arrow Nyika

We speak two languages Arrow Tinotaura mitauromiviri

Cat Arrow katsi

Dog Arrow imbwa

Woman Arrow mukadzi

Women Arrow vakadzi

Mother Arrow Amai

Sister Arrow Sisi

I have a dog Arrow Ndinebwa

I speak Italian Arrow Ndotaura chitariyana

A French teacher is here Arrow Mudzidzisi wechifrench aripano

The French teacher is here Arrow Muchidzisi wechifrench aripano

Some languages are hard Arrow Mimwe mitauro yakaoma

Many languages are easy Arrow Mitauro yakawanda yakaoma

The student speaks Korean Arrow Mudzidzi anotaura chikorea

A student speaks Korean Arrow Mudzidzi anotaura chikorea

Some students speak Korean Arrow Vamwe vadzidzi vanotaura chikorea

In front of Arrow kumberi kwe

Behind Arrow kumashure

Before Arrow pamberi

After Arrow pashure

Inside Arrow mukati

With Arrow na

Without Arrow pasina

Outside Arrow panze

On top of Arrow Pamusoro pe

Under Arrow pasi

And Arrow uye

Between Arrow pakati

But Arrow asi

For Arrow nokuda

From Arrow kubva

In Arrow mu

Near Arrow Pedyo

Or Arrow Kana

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Ndungadzidzira chitariyana newe here

I speak French but with an accent Arrow Ndinotaura chifrench ndichitongedzera

Boy Arrow Mukomana

Girl Arrow Musikana

Man Arrow Murume

Woman Arrow mukadzi

Father Arrow baba

Mother Arrow amai

Brother Arrow hanzvadzi

Sister Arrow hanzvadzi

Cat (Masc.) Arrow Katsi

Cat (Fem.) Arrow Katsi

He is tall Arrow Akareba

She is tall Arrow Akareba

He is a short man Arrow Murume mupfupi

She is a short woman Arrow Mukadzi mupfupi

One Arrow potsi

Two Arrow piri

Three Arrow tatu

Four Arrow ina

Five Arrow shanu

Six Arrow nhanhatu

Seven Arrow nomwe

Eight Arrow sere

Nine Arrow pfumbamwe

Ten Arrow gumi

I Arrow ini

You Arrow iwe

He Arrow iye

She Arrow iye

We Arrow isu

You (plural) Arrow Imi

They Arrow ivo

I love you Arrow Ndinokuda

Me Arrow ini

You Arrow iwe

Him Arrow iye

Her Arrow iye

Us Arrow isu

You (plural) Arrow Imi

Them Arrow ivo

Give me your phone number Arrow Ndipe nhamba dzako dzenhare

I can give you my email Arrow Ndokupa email yangu

My Arrow changu

Your Arrow chako

His Arrow chake

Her Arrow chake

Our Arrow chedu

Your (plural) Arrow Imi

Their Arrow chavo

His email is … Arrow Email yake i

My phone number is … Arrow Nhamba dzangu dzenhare i

How? Arrow Sei

What? Arrow Chii?

When? Arrow Rinhi

Where? Arrow Kupi

Who? Arrow Ani

Why? Arrow Nei

Can I help you? Arrow Ndingakubatsirai?

Can you help me? Arrow Mungandibatsirawo?

Do you speak English? Arrow Unotaura chirungu here

How much is this? Arrow Chinoita marii?

What is your name? Arrow Zita rako ndiani?

What time is it? Arrow Inguvai

When can we meet? Arrow Tosangana rinhi?

Where do you live? Arrow Unogarepi

Who is knocking at the door? Arrow Ndiani ari kugogodza pagonhi

Why is it expensive? Arrow Nei chichidhura

No Arrow Kwete

Nothing Arrow Hapana

Not yet Arrow Hapasati

No one Arrow Kana mumwe

No longer Arrow Hapasisina

Never Arrow Kana

Cannot Arrow Hapakwanisi-

Should not Arrow Hapafaniri

Don't worry! Arrow Usanetseke

I cannot remember the word Arrow Handiyeuke shoko racho

I do not speak Japanese Arrow Handitaure chijapan

I don't know! Arrow Handizivi

I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow Handisati ndave kunyatsotaura chitariyana

No one here speaks Greek Arrow Hapana kana anotaura chigiriki pano

No problem! Arrow Hapana dambudziko

To drive Arrow Kutyaira

To drive Arrow Kutyaira

To give Arrow Kupa

To have Arrow Kuva

To know Arrow Kuziva

To understand Arrow Kunzwisisa

To work Arrow Kushanda

To write Arrow Kunyora

He understands me Arrow Anondinzwisisa

He understood me Arrow Ikandinzwisisa

He will understand me Arrow Achandinzwisisa

I see you Arrow Ndakuona

He reads a book Arrow Anoverenga bhuku

He understands me Arrow Anondinzwisisa

She has a cat Arrow Ane katsi

She knows my friend Arrow Anoziva shameari yangu

We want to learn Arrow Tinoda kudzidza

We think Spanish is easy Arrow Tinofunga kuti chispanish chiri nyore

They drive a car Arrow Vanityaira motokari

They smile Arrow Vanonyemwerera

I saw you Arrow Ndakakuona

I wrote with a pen Arrow Ndakanyora nechinyoreso

You loved apples Arrow Ndaida maapuri

You gave money Arrow Wakapa mari

You played tennis Arrow Waitamba tenesi

He understood me Arrow Ikandinzwisisa

She had a cat Arrow Aiva nekatsi

She knew my friend Arrow Aiziva shamwari yangu

We wanted to learn Arrow Taida kudzidza

They smiled Arrow Vakanyemwerera

I will see you Arrow Ndichakuona

I will write with a pen Arrow Ndchanyora nechinyoreso--

He will read a book Arrow Achaverenga bhuku

He will understand me Arrow Achandinzwisisa

We will think about you Arrow Tichafunga nezvazvo--

Go! Arrow Enda

Stop! Arrow Mira!

Don't Go! Arrow Usaende

Stay! Arrow Gara

Come here! Arrow Huya pano

Be quiet! Arrow Nyarara

Go straight Arrow Endai makarurama

Wait! Arrow Mira!

Let's go! Arrow Handei

Sit down! Arrow Gara pasi

Good Arrow Kunaka

Better Arrow Zvakanakisa

Best Arrow Zvakanakisisa

Bad Arrow Kuipa

Worse Arrow Zvakaipisa

Worst Arrow Zvakaipisisa

Taller Arrow Refu

Shorter Arrow Pfupi

Younger Arrow Mudiki

Older Arrow Mukuru

As tall as Arrow Kureba se

Taller than Arrow Kureba kupfuura

Shorter than Arrow Kupfupika pana

More beautiful Arrow Kunyanyonaka

Less beautiful Arrow Kunaka zvishom

Most beautiful Arrow Kunyanyisa kunaka

Happy Arrow Kufara

Happier Arrow Kufarisa

Happiest Arrow Kufarisisa

You are happy Arrow Uri kufara

You are as happy as Maya Arrow Uri kufara saMaya--

You are happier than Maya Arrow Uri kufaisa kupfuura maya

You are the happiest Arrow Uri kufarisisa

Hi! Arrow Mhoro

Good morning! Arrow Mangwanani

Good afternoon! Arrow Masikati

Good evening! Arrow Manheru

How are you? (polite) Arrow Makadini henyu?

How are you? (friendly) Arrow Wakadini hako?

What's up? (colloquial) Arrow Ndeipi?

I'm fine, thank you! Arrow Ndakasimba

And you? (polite) Arrow Ko imi?

And you? (friendly) Arrow Ko iwe?

Good Arrow Zvakanaka

Do you speak English? Arrow Unotaura chirungu here

Just a little Arrow Zvishoma

What's your name? Arrow Unonzani?

My name is (John Doe) Arrow Ndinonzi John Doe

Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow Va--Va--Muzvare

Nice to meet you! Arrow Ndafara kukuziva

You're very kind! Arrow Une mutsa

Where are you from? Arrow Unobvepi

I'm from the U.S Arrow Ndinobva ku US

I'm American Arrow Ndiri muamerica

Where do you live? Arrow Unogarepi

I live in the U.S Arrow Ndogara ku US-

Do you like it here? Arrow Unokufarira here kuno?

How old are you? Arrow Une makore manganiekuberekwa

I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow Ndine makore makumi matatu nemapfumbamwe

Are you married? Arrow Wakaroora here?

Do you have children? Arrow Une vana vangani

I have to go Arrow Ndakuenda

I will be right back! Arrow Ndichadzoka

Nice to meet you! Arrow Ndafara kukuziva

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Ndungadzidzira chitariyana newe here

My French is bad Arrow Handinyatsogoni French

I need to practice my French Arrow Ndichiri kuda kudzidzira French yangu

Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow Unoda kumbofamba famba here

Can I have your phone number? Arrow Ndipewo nhamba dzako dzenhare

Can I have your email? Arrow Ndipewo email yako

Are you married? Arrow Wakaroora here?

I'm single Arrow Handina kuroora

Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow Mangwana manheru unenge wakasununguka here?

I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow Ndiri kuda kkukykok kuzvekudya

Where do you live? Arrow Unogarepi

When can we meet? Arrow Tosangana rinhi?

Do you like it? Arrow Unoida

I really like it! Arrow Ndoida zvekuti

I love you Arrow Ndinokuda

Would you marry me? Arrow Torooranaka

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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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