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Serbian Verbs

Welcome to the 10th lesson about verbs in Serbian. We will first learn about the present tense, followed by the past tense, and future tense. We will also analyze some grammar rules, and finally practice how to ask for direction in Serbian.

Verbs are used to express an action (I swim) or a state of being (I am). The present tense in Serbian conveys a situation or event in the present time. Here are some examples:

Present Tense - Serbian - Pronunciation
I speak English говорим енглески [guovorim yengulyeski] Audio
you speak French говорите француски [guovoritye frantzooski] Audio
he speaks German говори немачки [guovori nyemachki] Audio
she speaks Italian говори италијански [guovori italiјanski] Audio
we speak Arabic говоримо арапски [guovorimo arapski] Audio
they speak Chinese говоре кинески [guovorye kinyeski] Audio

The past tense in Serbian conveys a situation or event in the past time. Here are some examples:

Past Tense - Serbian - Pronunciation
I visited France посетио сам француску [posyetio sam frantzooskoo] Audio
you visited Italy посетили сте италију [posyetili stye italiјoo] Audio
he visited Morocco посетио је мароко [posyetio јye maroko] Audio
she visited China посетила је кину [posyetila јye kinoo] Audio
we visited Mexico посетили смо мексико [posyetili smo myeksiko] Audio
they visited Kenya посетили су кенију [posyetili soo kyeniјoo] Audio

The future tense in Serbian conveys a situation or event which is anticipated to happen in the future. Here are some examples:

Future Tense - Serbian - Pronunciation
I will drink milk ја ћу пити млеко [јa ćoo piti mlyeko] Audio
you will drink coffee ти/ви ћеш/ћете да пијеш/пијете кафу [ti/vi ćyesh/ćyetye da piјyesh/piјyetye kafoo] Audio
he will drink tea он ће да пије чај [on ćye da piјye chaј] Audio
she will drink water она ће да пије воду [ona ćye da piјye vodoo] Audio
we will drink apple juice ми ћемо да пијемо сок од јабуке [mi ćyemo da piјyemo sok od јabookye] Audio
they will drink tea они ће да пију чај [oni ćye da piјoo chaј] Audio

Now let's take a break and refresh our vocabulary by learning the body parts.

ear Audio уво [oovo]
eye Audio око [oko]
mouth Audio уста [oosta]
nose Audio нос [nos]
hair Audio коса [kosa]
face Audio лице [litzye]
head Audio глава [gulava]
heart Audio срце [srtzye]
hand Audio шака [shaka]
fingers Audio прсти [prsti]
leg Audio нога [nogua]
feet Audio ноге [noguye]

Travel Phrases in Serbian

Imagine yourself in some Serbian speaking country. The following travel phrases are highly important and can help you avoid misunderstanding. Try to memorize them and practice!

English - Serbian - Pronunciation
Can you help me? можете ли ми помоћи? [moʐyetye li mi pomoći?] Audio
Can I help you? могу ли вам помоћи? [moguoo li vam pomoći?] Audio
Where is the airport? где је аеродром? [gudye јye ayerodrom?] Audio
Go straight иди право [idi pravo] Audio
Then онда [onda] Audio
Turn left скрени лево [skryeni lyevo] Audio
Turn right скрени десно [skryeni dyesno] Audio

I hope this lesson about the verbs in Serbian was not hard for you. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. To see the full menu, you can also click on the "Menu" icon on the left side.

Inspirational Quote: Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Goethe

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