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Learn Italian

I would like to welcome you to the Italian lessons. I'm here to help you learn Italian, by going step by step. All the lessons contain audio and are all offered for free. We will learn the alphabet together. We will also review some simple grammar rules, practice common phrases, and we will have fun memorizing many important vocabulary lists, and everything else that you see below.

You can either choose a random lesson below or start with me lesson by lesson.

Adjectives Nouns
Plural Gender
Numbers Phrases
Grammar Vocabulary
Verbs Exam
Audio Translation
500 Popular WordsAlphabet

You can either pick a lesson from the table above, or read more about this beautiful language.





Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta


65 million (total: 80 million including as a second language)

Official in:

Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, Croatia (Istria County), Slovenia (Slovenian Istria), European Union


Italian is the official language of Italy and San Marino, and one of the official languages of Switzerland, spoken in the cantons of Ticino and part of Graubünden (Grigioni in Italian).

Italian is widely taught in many schools around the world, but rarely as the first foreign language; in fact, Italian is considered the fourth- or fifth - most taught foreign language in the world.

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