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Icelandic Vocabulary

Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Icelandic vocabulary. We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Icelandic. For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components.

shirt Audio skyrta
sweater Audio peysa
jacket Audio jakki
coat Audio frakki
socks Audio sokkar
shoes Audio skór
trousers Audio buxur
pyjamas Audio náttföt
belt Audio belti
underwear Audio nærföt
hat Audio hattur
skirt Audio pils

The following words are related to languages and countries.

Language - Icelandic - Country - Icelandic
Arabic arabíska Audio
Morocco marokkó Audio
Chinese kínverska Audio
China kína Audio
English enska Audio
England england Audio
French franska Audio
France frakkland Audio
German þýska Audio
Germany þýskaland Audio
Greek gríska Audio
Greece grikkland Audio
Portuguese portúgalska Audio
Portugal portúgal Audio
Hindi hindú Audio
India indland Audio
Italian ítalska Audio
Italy ítalía Audio
Japanese japanska Audio
Japan japan Audio
Russian rússneska Audio
Russia rússland Audio
Spanish spænska Audio
Spain spánn Audio
Swedish sænska Audio
Sweden svíþjóð Audio

The following vocabulary is related to travel and survival.

Travel - Icelandic
airport flugvöllur Audio
doctor læknir Audio
airplane flugvél Audio
medicines lyf Audio
train lest Audio
pharmacy apótek Audio
taxi leigubíll Audio
hospital sjúkrahús Audio
bus strætó Audio
ambulance sjúkrabíll Audio
car bíll Audio
poison eitur Audio
ticket miði Audio
help me hjálpaðu mér Audio
hotel hótel Audio
danger hætta Audio
reservation pöntun Audio
accident slys Audio
passport vegabréf Audio
police lögregla Audio
luggage farangur Audio
headache höfuðverkur Audio
tourism ferðaþjónusta Audio
stomach ache magaverkur Audio

The following list of words is related to a class environment and the components of a house.

Class - Icelandic
books bækur Audio
toilet salerni Audio
pen penni Audio
bed rúm Audio
dictionary orðabók Audio
bedroom svefnherbergi Audio
library bókasafn Audio
furniture húsgögn Audio
desk skrifborð Audio
house hús Audio
student nemandi Audio
kitchen eldhús Audio
teacher kennari Audio
plate diskur Audio
chair stóll Audio
refrigerator ísskápur Audio
paper pappír Audio
room herbergi Audio
page síða Audio
table borð Audio
pencil blýantur Audio
window gluggi Audio
question spurning Audio
television sjónvarp Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about the Icelandic vocabulary? I hope so. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You have to work for it, however. Richard Bach

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