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Icelandic Verbs

Welcome to the 10th lesson about verbs in Icelandic. We will first learn about the present tense, followed by the past tense, and future tense. We will also analyze some grammar rules, and finally practice how to ask for direction in Icelandic.

Verbs are used to express an action (I swim) or a state of being (I am). The present tense in Icelandic conveys a situation or event in the present time. Here are some examples:

Present Tense - Icelandic
I speak English ég tala ensku Audio
you speak French þú talar frönsku Audio
he speaks German hann talar þýsku Audio
she speaks Italian hún talar ítölsku Audio
we speak Arabic við tölum arabísku Audio
they speak Chinese þeir tala kínversku Audio

The past tense in Icelandic conveys a situation or event in the past time. Here are some examples:

Past Tense - Icelandic
I visited France ég heimsótti frakkland Audio
you visited Italy þú heimsóttir ítalíu Audio
he visited Morocco hann heimsótti marokkó Audio
she visited China hún heimsótti kína Audio
we visited Mexico við heimsóttum mexíkó Audio
they visited Kenya þau heimsóttu kenía Audio

The future tense in Icelandic conveys a situation or event which is anticipated to happen in the future. Here are some examples:

Future Tense - Icelandic
I will drink milk ég mun drekka mjólk Audio
you will drink coffee þú munt drekka kaffi Audio
he will drink tea hann mun drekka te Audio
she will drink water hún mun drekka vatn Audio
we will drink apple juice við munum drekka eplasafa Audio
they will drink tea þeir munu drekka te Audio

Now let's take a break and refresh our vocabulary by learning the body parts.

ear Audio eyra
eye Audio auga
mouth Audio munnur
nose Audio nef
hair Audio hár
face Audio andlit
head Audio höfuð
heart Audio hjarta
hand Audio hönd
fingers Audio fingur
leg Audio fótur
feet Audio fætur

Travel Phrases in Icelandic

Imagine yourself in some Icelandic speaking country. The following travel phrases are highly important and can help you avoid misunderstanding. Try to memorize them and practice!

English - Icelandic
Can you help me? geturðu hjálpað mér? Audio
Can I help you? get ég hjálpað þér? Audio
Where is the airport? hvar er flugvöllurinn? Audio
Go straight farðu beint áfram Audio
Then svo Audio
Turn left beygðu til vinstri Audio
Turn right beygðu til hægri Audio

I hope this lesson about the verbs in Icelandic was not hard for you. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. To see the full menu, you can also click on the "Menu" icon on the left side.

Inspirational Quote: Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Goethe

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