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Burmese Nouns

Welcome to the third Burmese lesson about nouns. This time we will first learn about fruits and vegetables, followed by grammar rules, then food items, finally a conversation in Burmese to help you practice your daily phrases.

potatoes Audio ar lu myar
tomatoes Audio kha yan chin thee myar
onions Audio kyat thun ni myar
carrots Audio mon lar u ni myar
fruits Audio thit thee myar
apples Audio pan thee myar
bananas Audio nghat pyaw thee myar
oranges Audio lain maw thee myar

Nouns Grammar Rules

In general nouns refer to a person, an object, or abstract ideas. For example: a fast runner the noun is [runner] because it refers to a person. The examples below use nouns in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.

Grammar + Rules - Burmese
do you have milk?
[verb + noun] thint si hmar nwar noh shi ba tha lar Audio
I have milk and coffee
[preposition + noun] kyun note hmar near noh nei coffe shi ba de Audio
he has three apples
[number + plural noun] thu hmar pan thee thone lone shi de Audio
she only has one apple
[number + singular noun] thu ma hmar pan thee ta lone hti shi de Audio
we live in a small house
[adjective + noun] kyun note doh ain thay lay ta lone hti twin ne ba thie Audio
I like our breakfast
[pronoun + noun] kyun note doh ye nan nat sa ko kyun note kyaik ba thie Audio

The following are nouns of food items that you might be interested in learning and memorizing.

bread Audio paung mont
milk Audio nwar noh
butter Audio htaw but
cheese Audio cheese
coffee Audio coffee
sandwich Audio sandwich
meat Audio a thar
chicken Audio kyat
fish Audio ngar
breakfast Audio nan nat sa
lunch Audio nay le sa
dinner Audio nya sa

Conversation in Burmese

Now we finally reach the fun part, the practice of the daily conversations. These phrases are used to get to know new people, and break the ice.

English - Burmese
Do you speak (English/ Burmese)? thin ingalait/ bamar sagar pyaw ba tha lar Audio
Just a little ne ne ba be Audio
I like Burmese kyun note bamar sagarr ko kyaik ba de Audio
Can I practice with you? kkyun note thin ne le kyint loh ya ma lar Audio
How old are you? thint a thet be laut shi pyi le Audio
I'm thirty three years old kyun note a thet thone se shi ba pyi Audio
It was nice talking to you thin ne sagar pyaw ya da kaung ba de Audio

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about the nouns in Burmese. Please check out our main menu here for more lessons: homepage. Now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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