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Arabic Numbers

Welcome to the sixth Arabic lesson about numbers. This time we will learn about cardinal and ordinal numbers, followed by grammar rules, then animal names, finally a conversation in Arabic to help you practice your daily phrases. Click on the sound icon to hear the words.

Cardinal and Ordinal - Arabic - Pronunciation
one واحد [wahed] Audio
first أول [awal] Audio
two إثنان [ethnan] Audio
second ثاني [thani] Audio
three ثلاتة [thalatha] Audio
third ثالث [thaleth] Audio
four أربعة [arbaa] Audio
fourth رابع [rabee] Audio
five خمسة [khamsa] Audio
fifth خامس [khames] Audio
six ستة [setta] Audio
sixth سادس [sades] Audio
seven سبعة [sabaa] Audio
seventh سابع [sabee] Audio
eight ثمانية [thamania] Audio
eighth ثامن [thamen] Audio
nine تسعة [tesaa] Audio
ninth تاسع [tasee] Audio
ten عشرة [ashara] Audio
tenth عاشر [asher] Audio
eleven إحدا عشر [ehda ashar] Audio
eleventh حادي عشر [hadi ashar] Audio
twelve إتنا عشر [ethna ashar] Audio
twelfth ثاني عشر [thani ashar] Audio
thirteen ثلاثة عشر [thalatha ashar] Audio
thirteenth ثالث عشر [thaleth ashar] Audio
fourteen أربعة عشر [arbaa ashar] Audio
once مرة واحدة [marra waheda] Audio
fifteen خمسة عشر [khamsa ashar] Audio
twice مرتين [marratain] Audio
sixteen ستة عشر [setta ashar] Audio
Monday إثنين [ethnain] Audio
seventeen سبعة عشر [sabaa ashar] Audio
Tuesday ثلاثاء [thulathaa] Audio
eighteen ثمانية عشر [thamania ashar] Audio
Wednesday أربعاء [arbeaa] Audio
nineteen تسعة عشر [tesaa ashar] Audio
Thursday خميس [khamees] Audio
twenty عشرون [eshrun] Audio
Friday جمعة [jumua] Audio
seventy one واحد و سبعون [wahed wa sabuun] Audio
Saturday سبت [sabt] Audio
one hundred مائة [mea] Audio
Sunday أحد [ahad] Audio

Numbers Grammar Rules

Arabic cardinal numbers refer to the counting numbers, because they show quantity. For example: I speak two languages. Ordinal numbers on the other hand tell the order of things and their rank: my first language is Arabic. The examples below use numbers in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.

Grammar + Rules - Arabic + Pronunciation
I have three dogs
[number + noun] لدي ثلاثة كلاب Audio [ladai thalathat kelaab]
my daughter has two cats
[number + noun] إبنتي لديها قطتين Audio [ebnati ladaiha qettatain]
she speaks seven languages
[verb + number] هي تتكلم سبع لغات Audio [hiya tatakallam sabu lughaat]
my brother has one son
[number + singular noun] أخي له إبن واحد Audio [akhi lah ebn wahed]
this is my second lesson
[ordinal number + noun] هذا هو درسي الثاني Audio [hada huwa darsi athani]
did you read the third book?
[ordinal number + noun] هل قرأت الكتاب الثالث؟ Audio [hal qarata alkitaab athaleth?]

We're not done yet! The following is a list of animals.

cow Audio بقرة [baqara]
goat Audio معزة [maeza]
donkey Audio حمار [hemar]
horse Audio حصان [hesan]
dog Audio كلب [kalb]
cat Audio قط [qet]
mouse Audio فأر [faar]
bird Audio طائر [tair]

Conversation in Arabic

Now we finally reach the last part, the practice of the daily conversations. These phrases are used to get to know new people, and break the ice.

English - Arabic - Pronunciation
Where are you from? من أين أنت؟ [men ayn ant?] Audio
I'm from the U.S أنا من أمريكا [ana men amrika] Audio
I'm American أنا أمريكي [ana amriki] Audio
Where do you live? أين تعيش؟ [ayn taeesh?] Audio
I live in the U.S أعيش في أمريكا [aeesh fe amrika] Audio
What do you do for a living? ما هو عملك؟ [mahuwa amaluk?] Audio
I'm a student أنا طالب [ana taleb] Audio

Did you enjoy this lesson about numbers in Arabic? I hope so, if you have any problem with this lesson contact me with questions you have homepage. You can now check the next lesson below.

Inspirational Quote: Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. William B. Sprague

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